Chapter fifty three. Family meeting.

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The small park was a hidden jewel between the streets, it was a welcome break from the greys and blacks of the buildings around us. More so because Joon-Jae was by my side. It made my heart feel warm, although mum had caught us kissing, it was still good that she seemed so accepting, even if I was a bit embarrassed.

Lily walked up to us and gasped. "Is that who I think it is? Mum! Are you serious! Gran, do you see who that is! I can't believe it! Wait, how do I look, Urr don't look," she said, turning away and rummaging in her bag.

"What is it, Lily?" My mother asked.

"Is he real or a really handsome lookalike? Where is my mirror, give me a second. Oh, I look pretty good! Um hello, can I touch him?" Lily asked, looking at me.

Joon-Jae grinned, showing off his amazing dimples and offered his hand.

"Ooh, your hand is so soft, and strong, look how long your fingers are!" Lily continued, stroking his skin.

"Lily, you better let go of my fiance!" I said fiercely.

"Sorry, young lady, my wife is getting jealous. I'm sure it's not good for the baby," he said.

"Oh yes, the baby! When are you due, honey?" My mother asked as
Lily sniffed her own hand.

"What are you doing, Lily! That's just weird, don't make Joon-Jae think we are a bunch of crazies!

"For real, you are carrying Joon-Jae's baby and he touched my hand, I'm never washing it again!" Lily continued.

"Seriously, Lily, what's the big deal? He's not a celebrity or something, he's just Jennifer's fiancée, although I admit you are very handsome, sir!" My mother said apologetically, tutting at her granddaughter.

Lily looked at me and started laughing, I smiled too, while Joon-Jae squeezed my shoulder. "There's someone else you have to meet, Joon-Jae's first child! Let's get her so we can go to the restaurant. She's playing in there." I said, pulling myself off the bench, with Joon-Jae's help.

"You didn't tell me he had another child! Are you sure about this Jenny?" My mother asked.

"OMG! Is that Tan! Come here Tan, meet your new sister! Who's a good girl!" Lily said, petting Tan over the fence.

Joon-Jae whistled and Tan ran to the gate, there he clipped her lead onto her collar. Tan's tongue hung out as she panted, her long run about had tired her out. Joon-Jae dipped his hand into one of the bags, lifting out a bowl and a bottle of water so Tan could have a quick drink.

"You need to stop messing with me, Jennifer, what a sweet dog. Will she be allowed into the restaurant?" My mother said.

"I'm sure Tan is better behaved than Lily right now!" I replied, looking up at Joon-Jae.

"Don't worry, I checked with the restaurant when I booked. Lily, would you like to be in charge of Tan? I'll get the bags." Joon-Jae said as he picked up the bowl.

We walked to the restaurant, which wasn't far, although I struggled to keep up with everyone. Joon-Jae stuck by my side, helping me through the door when we arrived. At the back was a private room which led to a patio garden, filled with potted herbs, it was perfect for all of us. Tan sat outside on a mat and had her own bowl filled with various cuts of meat, while we ordered our food.

"Here, this one is for you and Lily, this is yours," Joon-Jae said as he handed out the gifts.

"Oh my! What a lovely bag!" My mother said, admiring a leather bag which probably cost as much as her house.

"This is gorgeous!" Lily said, as she shook the shiny silver bangle on her wrist. "I shall treasure this over my own life!"

"I'm sure it's not that precious! Your life is more important," I said.

"So, Joon-Jae. What do you do? Is your job steady? Can you support my daughter?" My mother asked.

Lily raised an eyebrow at me and I grinned back.

"It is refreshing to meet someone who doesn't know who I am, thank you. I'm an actor, a pretty famous one, more so in Korea. If you're worried about money, you don't need to be, even if I stopped working right now I would have plenty to support us for life," he said.

"Oh, is that why you laughed earlier, Lily? I'm sorry, I really don't know you, Mr Joon-Jae. So are you going to stay for a while or do you need to go back?" Mum asked.

"Well, it's going to be tough for a while. I will stay until the baby arrives but then I have a few shoots and two scenes of a film to complete before I can come and pick up Jenny. Don't worry, I will hire a professional housekeeper for her while I'm away so she won't have to do anything except care for our son. I wish I could cancel my schedule but they are tied to my contract."

"So, just to be clear, is Jenny your secret baby mother or will you make an honest woman out of her?" My mother said bluntly.

"Mum!" I said, scolding her.

"I will plan a wonderful wedding with her but due to our situation, that will have to wait. For now I have booked us at the registry office on Sunday. Sorry for the short notice, we don't have time for invitations, just bring your partners and we will be there. I want to be her husband, our baby needs a father too so I hope you can join us," Joon-Jae said.

"You are a good man, thank you, although I'm not happy that you took so long. Are you going to tell me when you're due or not, Jenny?" Mum said, turning to me.

"Actually, it's a bit more than a week so not long, also it's not Joon-Jae's fault, he only found out about my pregnancy a day before you. We lost touch for a bit, his agency were being a bit annoying. By the way, Joon-Jae, what's the plan with manager Do?

"Unfortunately, I will have to talk to him, I can't hide this anymore. I've discussed everything with my lawyer too and I can't lie to him. I only have two months left on my contract and I really don't want the news to go public before then. If manager Do is willing to leave the agency with me, we won't have a problem." He explained

"Didn't we have all these issues because of him? Can you trust Manager Do?" I asked.

"He may have caused us to be separated for all this time, but he was only doing what he was told. We have been working together for years and he has been a very good manager. In his eyes, he might have just thought he was protecting me from a scandal, not realising that it was already too late," He added.

"It must be difficult, being in the spotlight. Look the food is here, relax and eat up, I'll look after Jenny while you deal with your business. She won't be alone, well I'll visit when I'm not at work." Mum said, making me feel overwhelmed.

"I love you mum!" I said, reaching over the table to squeeze her arm.

"I'll help too, I'm free next week," Lily said.

"Where did I find such a great family!" I said, with tears in my eyes.

"Oh honey," Mum said.

Joon-Jae turned his chair so he could give me a hug while Lily and my mother grinned at my overly emotional reactions. Once I calmed down we ate the meal, which was delicious. I had sea bass, cooked this time and it was lovely, better yet it was accepted by my stomach. Although I didn't get morning sickness anymore, I couldn't handle some foods and as I approached my due date I could only eat lightly.

Lily played with Tan while Joon-Jae payed for the meal and we gathered outside the restaurant to wait for the limo. He would pick us up from here and give everyone a lift home. The day had been tiring for me so I slept in the car, leaning against Joon-Jae. When I stired, my mother and daughter had already been dropped off. Yawning, I sat straight and turned to Joon-Jae. He rubbed his shoulder and grinned, leaning towards me to kiss my forehead.

"So, what is gummy bear going to do to you next? He messes with your emotions, doesn't let you eat and makes you fall asleep. My poor Jenny! Let me help you into your house. Don't worry about tomorrow, let me meet Samantha at the registry office, you need to rest. I will send the limousine to pick you up, so I won't see you before then. I heard it was the custom so someone else will help you get ready," Joon-Jae said.

He dismissed the driver who drove away, leaving us at Mrs Silverstone's soon to be sold house. It felt strange to step into this empty house holding onto Joon-Jae, with its slightly neglected but elegant interior. This place didn't feel like home, but when Joon-Jae helped me upstairs it was almost perfect. He couldn't stay long but I felt reassured that he was able to lie next to me while I fell asleep. Tan lay at our feet, perfectly content, as if we had been a couple from the start.

The next day, I woke to see a note on my bedside table. Joon-Jae must have gone back to the hotel early in the morning. I wondered how he would break the news to manager Do, it worried me as I didn't quite trust the man. I prayed that nothing would go wrong, when we registered our marriage.


Her family is happy, her baby is ready to pop and she's about to marry her love, will everything go smoothly? See you in the next chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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