Chapter sixty six. What happened to Jenny?

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It was finally over, all the drama over my kidnapping and attempted murder, the gossip and threats, everything. But at least I had found that Micky had always been on my side and now we kept in contact. She was a good friend and had figured out something was wrong at our office some time before I had even started there, not just with Kelly. She kept to herself and did the work as it seemed to be the best choice at the time.

But every time she tried to get close to someone, they would either quit or get fired and some would disappear. She wasn't stupid but a job that paid that well, was difficult to give up on and she persevered. The thing that puzzled her the most was why she wasn't targeted herself, it was only when she dug deeper, discovering that her step father worked for the hidden part of the company that she understood.

When Joon-Jae started his appeal, it took around a week before the news filtered into the workplace gossip channels and Micky had been shocked to discover that I had been taken on the day of my visit to the office. She already had a good idea of what was going on and had put a lot of evidence together. As no love was lost between her and her step father, she had no problem digging deeper and revealing everything.

She joined forces with five others, including some that had benfitted from my match making and took it all to the police. She even got an award for her efforts. Although this didn't lead to my discovery, it did take out a massive crime organisation and removed the threat on my life. Sally was the one who had freed me, through email!

The detective hadn't been directly involved with those that targeted me but he had been accepting intel from them in exchange of looking the other way. This way he had caught many smaller organisations and crooks that were obstructing their business. He insisted that he never took bribes but I don't know whether that made much difference.

After my husband put out the news, the detective became agitated and distracted, although I didn't know why at the time. Sometimes he would leave his phone behind, giving me a chance to call someone. Unfortunately I found that there was no signal from my prison. I could tell that scheduled texts would be spotted easily so I got the idea of email. But how would anyone find me? I had to find out more information.

Everyone I knew wouldn't check their emails in time, my mother only used the computer under force and my girls would be busy at work or school, I also didn't want to put them in danger. I didn't want to contact Joon-Jae in case he was targeted, he could be put in danger too, so Sally was my only choice. She was out of reach from harm and constantly checked her email, giving her a better chance at seeing it before Detective Simons deleted the mail.

I didn't know how long I would have before the detective returned for his phone but I was very close to figuring out where I was. The bathroom was the only place where I couldn't be seen except for a very small blind spot by the front door. I now had the habit of saying what I was doing to avoid suspicion and found the phone under the table, out of view. I tucked it into my clothes and stretched as if I was just doing some exercise and went to the bathroom.

I always took Min-ho with me, even if he was sleeping, carrying him in his basket. It was in that relative safety that I had discovered the vent which led outside. It was much too narrow as a means to escape but a phone could fit and take a picture, I had long since learned the lock code for this phone so it was simple enough to tape the phone to the toilet brush and take some pictures all around the small gap above ground.

I sent these directly to Sally and deleted everything, I also used this method to try and call the police as there was a slight signal at the top of the vent, but as this phone belonged to a detective they didn't take it as from someone else, I even blocked the number but if I tried to answer, I would lose the signal.

When I had done everything I could and erased all the call history, I left the bathroom and placed the phone on the ledge by the door. Once detective Simons took his phone, I would start my escape. I had been working on stopping the door from locking and preparing warm clothes for us and hopefully the detective would be arrested or delayed long enough for us to escape.

As I planned, he took his phone and I blocked the latch. After ten minutes I opened the door, wedging it so it couldn't close. I wore both night shirts and Min-ho was wrapped in a sheet as I crept out, only to discover a locked hatch up a ladder. This was something I knew was a possibility and I had made the perfect tool for the job.

The room had been supplied with a simple cloth covered pop up wardrobe and I had managed to pull out some of the wire. If the door was padlocked, I would be stuck but if it was bolted the wire might help me escape. I formed the end into a simple hook and bent an angle into it, the wire was just thin enough to fit through the edge of the trapdoor.

After almost half an hour of fiddling with the bolt, I felt the satisfying clunk of the bolt being pulled back. At this point my darling boy decided that he needed me so I tied him to my body, converting the sheet into a sling. He settled down, looking around as I climbed up into a cluttered shed.

From there it was simple but also difficult. I was free but only torn clothes wrapped my feet and I had no money. I regretted letting the detective get the phone but I had to wait for him to come back to wedge the door, then I heard sirens. With everything that had happened I no longer trusted the police so I reacted instinctively and fled in a blind panic.

I got out of the fairly large garden through a side gate and started moving, even though I lacked space in the small room I wasn't unfit. In fact the ordeal had made me extremely healthy, my meals were perfect and I followed a strict exercise routine whenever my baby allowed. I was far away when I finally slowed down, with no idea where I was. I could have asked for help, knocked on doors or something but I had lost trust in the world.

All I wanted to do was get home and sleep in my own bed, nothing else mattered. My stomach rumbled and I almost regretted leaving the food behind but I didn't want to touch another meal in that place. I managed to get on a bus after begging for help, the driver took one look at my feet and asked nothing. Other passengers ignored me, avoiding my gaze in case I started talking to them or asking for money.

It took nearly two hours to get home but I had no key, I stared at the door feeling completely exhausted, unable to think. I felt dizzy and Min-ho squirmed in discomfort as I leant against the wall. I walked around the house remembering the tool box in the outside storage box, it was lucky that it was unlocked. I grabbed a crowbar and went back to the front door.

As Joon-Jae had realised, I was the one to break in and settle in to the house. The cupboards were mostly empty and the fridge was untouched but I found some food in the freezer which I quickly warmed up. Once we had both eaten, I ran a bubble bath and washed with my son, it felt amazing after only having showers for six months.

But I didn't stay in the bath long as Min-ho nearly got dunked into deep water and started to cry, I was falling asleep. I gathered our ragged clothing and flung them into the laundry basket, missing by a metre. I picked out some comfy pyjamas and found something for Min-ho, it seemed that Joon-Jae had been buying new clothes for him while we were missing. We were soon snuggled into bed and fast asleep.

At around midnight I woke up, feeling unsafe here, after the short rest and relief of being home, my fears rose to the surface again. So I contacted Sally for her address and informed her that I would be coming to visit, if I was out of the country, no-one could harm me or my family. So I packed up and left, not realising that everything was taken care of already.

But even with the ordeal I had gone through, I felt lucky. I was alive and well, so was my son and later I found that my family was safe too. Although the detective had held me captive, the man had never attempted anything else. He had even started to open up and talk to me as if he was in some fantasy world where I was his wife, he got confused about it sometimes. Later on when I explained everything to the police, I told them that the man was not in his right mind, he was sick.

Now I was finally on my way to Joon-Jae's home in Korea, I felt free but was this another kind of prison? It was larger but here I couldn't understand anyone and the culture was different. I suppose only time would tell but at least this time I chose it and I would be with the people I loved. Next all I had to worry about was meeting Joon-Jae's parents!


Jenny's been through a lot but she's sympathising with her kidnapper a bit too much, hopefully therapy will help. Don't forget to vote and comment, see you in the next chapter at Joon-Jae's home.

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