Chapter sixty. The big reveal.

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The police station was quiet, it was raining heavily outside and everyone was busy hiding from the downpour, even the criminals! I pushed my buggy into a corner and struggled with the rain cover, which shed a litre of water onto the lino floor as I pushed it back. Little Min-ho fussed in the seat, eager to be fed and I scooped him up. I was a pro at this now so my little guy was soon calm again. He looked around like an owl, eyes open wide as I held him upright.

What a handsome little boy I had, if Joon-Jae didn't come back soon he would be replaced in my heart! The passport was taking forever to arrive, there were strikes at the passport office so I couldn't go to him just yet. I regretted choosing the cheapest slow option but I didn't like overusing the card Joon-Jae had given me.

"Mrs Heo, come in please," Detective Simons said, opening the door.

I left the buggy in the reception area, just holding Min-ho and my handbag. We sat in the usual room but everything was different, the Detective kept looking at Min-ho like he was some kind of demon. Even if he hated kids he shouldn't be so threatening towards a baby. I instinctively turned my child away from him, using my body as a shield.

"Your baby looks a few months old, you must have been pregnant from the start of the investigation." He commented.

"Yes, I found out quite late into the pregnancy, I thought I was going through early menopause and then there was the poisoning! So anyway, here's the sim card. I put it in a sandwich bag," I explained, passing it to Detective Simons.

"We will process it as fast as we can, it will probably take around a week. If you could come back then we will have everything ready for you, we will call the company together if you still want to go in," he added.

"Alright, I will be back then, should I make an appointment?" I asked as an afterthought.

"Come back around the same time and I'll be here to see you. There may be a few others too. See you then, bye," he said in a dismissive tone.

I left feeling puzzled, the detective had been friendly in the past, to the point that I thought we were real friends but now he seemed professional with a hint of anger. Maybe because I hadn't been in contact, I felt he was completely different from the nice guy who was easy to talk to. I didn't have many friends so it hurt to lose another one.

Thinking about friends reminded me of Mark, I hadn't been in contact with him since he left six months ago. I had his number but hadn't called, throughout the time we spent together I had insisted the baby wasn't his and told him that we had no chance of being a couple. On the day he left I told him I would do a DNA test to prove it, once the baby was born.

He had even proposed but I told him we should just be friends, he seemed very upset at the rejection and I hoped he was over it by now. On the bus home I thought about calling Tae-ho, he might be a better option for a catch up. It wasn't like I was completely alone, I had a group of mums I met up with now but the loneliness hit me and I felt a bit sad. It seemed that everyone came into my life for short moments, there was nobody by my side in the long-term.

The next week I called my workplace from the police station as planned and discussed the plan with the detective. The sim card had turned out to contain quite a lot of evidence, I wasn't told everything but it was actually Kelly's old sim from a burner phone. She seemed to be the culprit, my friend had been the one to poison my cat and apparently several other people. I was the target, not Fig, he was just a bonus.

If I hadn't put on gloves to clean the litter tray out, if I hadn't tipped the treats out without touching them, if I hadn't smashed his bowl an hour later and thrown it away, I would have died just as suddenly. Simply washing it could have done it, this person was ruthless but why was she this way and why had she recorded everything.

She had planned my end long before Susan's, the reason Susan was gone was because of me, she had recorded the last message. There should have been a warning, I should have known something was up but I didn't know anything was inside that fob toy. I just didn't understand why I was a target, was she a serial killer?

It didn't make sense, if she wanted me dead, why was she happy that I was just gone. Although there was no evidence that she was behind the loss of my flat, the landlord had admitted to receiving an anonymous phone call from a woman. That was something else, what benefit would that give her?

A few days later, I walked into my old workplace in style, dressed in designer brands from head to toe, even little Min-ho had the full set. His clothes, blanket and baby bag all had the most visable logos. It wasn't something I usually did, the display of wealth usually made me uncomfortable, I wasn't a gold digger. In fact it had taken some time to not treat these objects like precious art work, leaving them displayed in my wardrobe.

The police had fitted me with a few devices and were ready in case I needed help, even the buggy was bugged! They had access to the whole buildings CCTV except for several offices at my workplace, which had been connected to a private system. I felt slight fear but also a sense of relief, hopefully all this mess would soon be over.

"Hi Jeff!" I said to the security guard.

Another person popped up next to him, there were two guards now. He looked slightly familiar, where had I seen that man before?

"Hi Jenny, this is Max, do you remember him? He used to be on the desk before we switched shifts," Jeff explained.

"Oh right! I thought I recognised you, are there two guards now?" I asked.

"The building has started to do hourly site checks so we can take turns, it's only been a few days since we caught someone burning rubbish on the roof. Have a good time today, here is your day badge, we even made one for the baby!" Max said.

He was an older man in his fifties who had always been friendly, I thanked him and hung the other lanyard on the buggy. I waved and walked to the lift, it was good to see Max again although I hadn't been close to him, he had always been nice. In this place you never knew if someone had been disappeared and I was glad he was OK.

Apparently, the temp who had covered for Susan had been in a terrible accident, leaving her in a coma. Susan had died from unknown causes but her symptoms were very similar to Fig's and her records were being reexamined, unfortunately she had been cremated so they couldn't check her body. Adam, who had been dismissed, left the country after recieving annonymous death threats.

There were two other who were missing from several years ago, before I started to work there, one had held my previous job. But I still walked into the office with fake confidence, head held high. I hated cutting all contact with my old colleagues, especially since learning that Michelle had nothing to do with it.

"Hello everyone! Did you miss me?" I said as I entered.

Heads turned and several people stood, they had been expecting me. What surprised me the most was how Michelle reacted, she rushed over and hugged me, with tears in her eyes.

"Jenny, I'm so glad you're alright! Your number stopped working and did you know this office has a curse? If you leave, you might never be heard of again!" She said.

"Was that a thing? Do you think it's just a curse?" I said in surprise.

Is that why she didn't make friends easily, those people never returned and she didn't want to be left behind.

"Well, you never know. Um, can we see the baby?" Micky asked.

I looked around for Kelly but I couldn't see her, just my other colleagues and Micky gathered around, even the two gossiping receptionists joined in. Little Min-ho was wide awake so I picked him up, making sure to show off my rings. Now that my pregnancy puffiness had reduced, I had been able to wear both rings.

"Ooh! What is all that ice? Did you get married?" Kelly said from behind them.

I tensed up, if I hadn't heard some of the recordings myself, I would have thought she was back to normal. Everyone started gasping, trying to work out how much they were worth, even my wedding band was custom made with white, red and yellow gold.

"Think of a price and triple it and perhaps add a few more zeroes. I'm not sure how much they were but they are beautiful. My husband had them made when we just started dating, I didn't even know he was that serious about me!" I gloated, looking at Kelly out of the corner of my eye.


Jenny's playing a dangerous game, see you in the next chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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