Chapter thirty eight. A dream.

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(Warning, this is a spicy chapter, best read alone, wink wink!)

The plane taxied down the runway and gathered speed, while I watched through the small side window. It pressed me back into my seat as it took off, distracting me for a moment. My ticket allowed me a business class seat, which was a first for me, the leg room was nice and it was quiet. I could get used to this! I sighed, so much had happened since I arrived in Korea and now I dreaded going home.

Last night, when I had got back to the hotel room late, after searching for Joon-Jae in the lobby, he was long gone, which was expected. Making sure that my bags were ready, kept me up until nearly one in the morning, so I was pretty exhausted by the time I slept. At first, I didn't dream but at some point something seemed to wake me.

Looking back, it was obvious but at the time I assumed it was all in my head. I remembered everything now, it was etched into every part of my body and my mind replayed the events over and over again.


Warm..something smelled so good. As I rolled onto my back, my eyes opened slightly. It was dark but I could just make out a faint, pre dawn light. Blinking, I yawned, it was too early. That scent though, turning onto my other side, I stretched to get comfortable and go back to sleep. Maybe the hotel staff had changed the scent on the pillow, it was strong, with powerful alcoholic overtones.

Despite the alcohol scent, the other was gorgeous, it made me want to snuggle up to it. I reached out to grab the pillow so I could hug it in my sleep but my hand touched something warm and smooth. My half closed eyes, opened wide. In the dim light, I could just make out a silhouette against the dim light, shining through the curtain. There was someone else in the bed!

If I hadn't been having dreams of my imaginary partner this whole time, I would have screamed, instead I grinned. This was more like it! This dream had potential, I squinted at his face and smiled, that nose, those lips! Moving closer, my finger traced his profile and tugged at a small strand of his hair. I knew that scent, I could recognise it anywhere, ever since the day I was enclosed in his strong arms.

My eyes got used to the dim light so I shuffled closer until I could lean against his body. His face looked so peaceful, Joon-Jae snorted in his sleep, making me giggle. The timing! I shouldn't wake him, just being next to him as he slept was a beautiful moment but my hand wandered all on its own. Should I just take the moment as a perfect goodbye present, the dreams always stopped before anything happened anyway.

His smooth skin felt so soft and my hand continued its journey as I snuggled closer, a leg looping over his well muscled thigh. I felt every contour of his chest with my palm, barely noticing his breathing pattern quicken. My fingers grazed some hair around his belly button and I froze, had I gone too far? My heart beat faster and my breath caught in my throat.

Even in a dream, it was wrong to take advantage of someone in their sleep, I wasn't that kind of person! I stayed in that position with one finger lightly tracing his belly button, wishing he was awake. My body felt hot but I didn't want to move away, I pressed my face against his skin, taking in his scent so it washed over me.

"Hmmm, so good." I murmured.

My wandering hand was suddenly immobilised by his larger palm. I gasped, I was caught but instead of pushing me away, his hand dragged mine lower. Pushing past his elasticated waist band of his y fronts, he pressed my palm against something hard and silky smooth. I gripped it automatically, making him groan.

Instinctively, we turned towards each other, he left my hand in its intimate position and pressed himself against my body, bucking slightly as my leg stroked against his thigh. Cradling my face, he found my lips and kissed me until I felt like jelly. This dream felt so real, I became lost to the sensations and scent. My nightshirt was thrown to the floor along with his y fronts. He kissed me along my throat and rubbed my nipples.

My back arched as his hand moved to my thighs, my hands joined forces as he grew firmer, rubbing and stroking. He gasped and brought his fingers higher alone my soft inner thigh, finding warmth and welcoming moisture. Soon we moved together as one, moaning in ecstasy, finally connected. My legs wrapped around his waist as he pressed me into the mattress, our bodies flexing and relaxing as nature intended

We lay gasping as we climaxed, exhausted but filled with emotion. We kissed and our bodies shed their tiredness, again and again we moved in tandem until true exhaustion took over. Our bodies fit together as if we had fused and we slept in peaceful fulfilment. The dream ended and I floated in comforting darkness, until the bright light of late morning woke me.

Bolting up in shock, I peeled myself away from my sweaty, sticky bed sheets, without noticing their other occupant. I ran to the bathroom to pee and yawned. When had I taken off my nightshirt? I squinted, half asleep at the digital display in the bathroom, it wasn't so late. Showering quickly, to remove the sweat and other bodily fluids, I intended to sleep for another hour. The bathrobe was missing and there was only a small hand towel on the rack so I grabbed it to dry myself.

"Probably because I didn't leave the key, housekeeping didn't come," I mumbled to myself.

It didn't matter that I was naked, no-one was looking. I groaned and stretched as I walked back to bed, rubbing my hair with the hand towel and pulled back the covers. I felt like my body had been through the best workout, it felt achy but stretched and relaxed all in one. I blinked, looking at the man in my bed and dropped the towel. Joon-Jae yawned and looked up at me with a grin.

"That wasn't a dream? It was real!" I gasped, covering my mouth in shock.

"Come back to bed honey, we still have some time." Joon-Jae laughed, sitting up in all his naked glory, showing me exactly what he had in mind. He reached up and pulled me close, nibbling on my ear.

"How did you get in? How are you here?" I gasped, pushing him back slightly, to look into his eyes.

"I'm not entirely sure but I did drink a lot last night, after you dumped me. Although you seemed pretty happy about seeing me last night." He explained.

I looked into his eyes and cupped his face in my palms. Kneeling on the bed, I straddled him instinctivly and kissed his forehead.

"I'm really sorry about that, I got scared and maybe a bit jealous too. I really don't want to break up with you and just to clarify, nothing is going on with Mark either." I apologised, hugging him.

"You shouldn't have to go through that, I'm sorry if I hurt you. Let me show you exactly how loyal I am and make you the happiest woman alive! Let's begin right now, you started something when you walked in naked and look what you're doing to me!" He moaned, closing his eyes as I rocked back in realisation.

He pulled me forward and kissed me deeply, making me moan with him. I smiled when we broke apart. This time it would be even better, we loved each other and we were really dating, I wasn't going to leave before doing everything I wanted! I looked at the clock and calculated my time, glancing back at him with an evil laugh.

"Don't scare me, my heart!" He laughed and pulled me back into the kiss. We wasted no time, wrapped in each others arms and made love until we couldn't move anymore.

"I love you Joon-Jae." I sighed, resting against him.

He grunted and murmured something unintelligible, he was already asleep. I nearly joined him and my eyes closed for moment but I remembered my flight and groaned. Extracting myself from his arms was difficult but I managed to escape. Showering once again, this time thoroughly, I rushed to dress and packed the rest of my things into my bag.

Snatching a piece of paper and pen, I wrote down my email address and my home address then my work address as an afterthought. Scribbling down a quick goodbye message too, I signed it with a few hearts and a smiley face. Then I tucked it into his phone case so he would find it. I lent over to kiss him on the cheek and tucked his arms into the covers.

I stood up, staring at his sleeping face before grabbing my bags and leaving the room. He cried out in his sleep, breaking my heart.

"Don't leave, my heart! I love you.." I turned, stepping closer to listen. "...." He mumbled "Mi-ho, I love...." I couldn't understand the rest but I felt a sudden surge of jealousy. It was enough to give me the energy to leave the room, propelling me to the reception desk to check out.

Soon I was flagging down a taxi and on my way to the airport. Leaning against the window, I started to think over my night of love, what should I do now? I had a boyfriend but he was a cheating player who called out the name of another girl in his sleep! The agency was supposed to pick me up to drop me at the airport too, what would happen when they found Joon-Jae in my bed?

It suddenly hit me, I had just spent the night, plus most of the morning with my idol and I had not used protection! Panicking, I thought of my options, this wasn't how my relationship was supposed to start. We were already moving too fast, what if I got pregnant? When was my last period anyway?


Some questions that usually don't come up when the female lead of most dramas has a night out, let's say Jenny is older and wiser. Don't forget to vote and comment. See you next week.

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