Chapter thirty five. Crazy fans.

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We walked out of the building, making sure not to touch as even with the driver in front of us we both knew he wouldn't be enough to stop this. I shook my head, this was crazy, what was I doing? Did that just happen? I glanced at Joon-Jae and his intense gaze met mine, confirming that something scandalous had definitely played out.

The charged atmosphere felt even stronger inside the car, with Joon-Jae and I staying silent and the driver looking at Joon-Jae with suspicion in the mirror. First we arrived at Joon-Jae's home, manager Do had left specific instructions that he was to be dropped off first.

He got out to a heated conversation with Pil-Jo and although they spoke in Korean, it was obvious that it was about me by his gestures.

"(Joon-Jae, be careful. She goes back tomorrow, don't start something you can't handle! Mr Do told me to watch you and he was right to say it, I don't want to see you ruin your career over some older lady!)" Pil-Jo pointed at me several times during his rant.

I shuffled over to the still open door to see if I could listen in but the driver pulled Joon-Jae further away when he saw me.

"( I have been driving you around for more than a year now and you've never been so distracted. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Maybe a stranger wouldn't know but if I saw it, Mr Do will too! You both looked fine but you were breathing too heavily for that walk up the corridor. Not only that but you two reek of pheromones, it was too easy to spot. Please sir, don't crash after such a successful career! )" He continued, in a loud whisper.

"(Was it really that obvious? Never mind, don't worry too much. Love can't be stopped and she's leaving on Monday anyway. Just give me till tomorrow, after that no-one will care if I'm just talking on the phone. They won't see us together and I will have time to finish my contracts. I think she's the one, I need to protect her so we can be together.)" Joon-Jae squeezed Pil-Jo's shoulder and stared at him seriously.

"(Aren't you moving too fast? It hasn't been long since you've met each other and you know you won't be able to meet tomorrow, Mr Do will make sure of it. You know I'm on your side, you deserve to be with someone but why a foreigner and not the actress he introduced you to. She will be the lead in your new drama and Mr Do wanted to release something. )" Pil-Jo begged.

"(Manager Do! Next he will be organising my marriage and giving birth for me! Of course the actress was lovely and I'm sure I'll remember her name by the time the script reading starts on Tuesday but I can't control my heart. I can only act and not feel it, on screen our chemistry will be awesome, off screen there's nothing. Let me at least say goodbye to Jenny, properly.)" Joon-Jae turned away from his driver and rushed up to the car before the poor guy could react.

I smiled as he lifted me out of the car and hugged me. He whispered into my ear and stroked my hair.

"I've got to say goodbye now but somehow I will get to see you tomorrow. I don't have anything scheduled as this kind of event is always draining but my manager is being an overprotective ass. I will call you from reception in the morning. I won't be able to go up to meet you because I'm not sure I'll be able to control myself." He breathed, leaning back and staring into my eyes.

I wanted to reply 'so what' but I just nodded instead, not wanting to look too desperate. His eyes pulled me forward, a goodnight kiss wouldn't hurt, would it? My eyes shut in anticipation but nothing happened. I looked up and he gave a cheeky grin before kissing my forehead lightly.

"Not in front of poor innocent Pil-Jo! He hasn't had his first kiss yet!" He joked, helping me back into the car.

I blushed, I had forgotten about the driver. Joon-Jae helped me with my seat belt and closed the door, with the driver trying his best to ignore us. Soon we were driving away and it was painful to see my idol slowly disappear from view. It felt as if this was the last time I would see him, I looked at my knees and I pulled at a loose thread on my tracksuit, half heartedly.

Why did I feel like this, how did our separation mean the end of the world? Two days ago it would have hurt but I could walk away, knowing that I had spent so much time with my idol and no-one could take that away from me. This felt final, my heart felt ripped in two. I wanted to stay by his side so badly that I sobbed from the pain.

"Mr Pil-Jo? Can we go back? I want to go back please." I cried.

The driver frowned "Mrs Knight? I take you hotel. You good?" He asked without slowing the car.

I couldn't reason with someone I couldn't communicate with, it all seemed hopeless. I sniffed into my arms and gave up, for today. I needed time to process my sudden exit from singlehood anyway, I took some calming breaths and looked out the window, what was our relationship now? Was it boyfriend and girlfriend or casual dating? Was everything going to be a secret?

Without a phone, how would I contact him? My number was now blocked and would soon belong to someone else. If it was going to be long distance, maybe some kind of Internet communication would work. All his fan accounts were fake as I had already asked about them all so how would we stay in touch?

My thoughts could only be cleared up by a real conversation so they circled like angry bees, stinging where I couldn't protect myself. I was so distracted, I didn't notice our arrival in the hotel underground parking lot and the driver had to shout to get my attention.

"Ms Knight? Ms Knight! We arrive! Out car please!" He grumbled, yawning.

It was after one am, it was no surprise that he was tired. I nodded and got out, Pil-Jo bowed and got in, driving away without looking back. I felt abandoned, I was so used to being told what to do that I stood in the empty car park, waiting. Blinking, I shook my head, this was stupid! As an independent woman, I needed to get my act together.

The lift to reception was a short walk away and I trudged to it like a defeated soldier, too unhappy to realise my situation. There was a clattering noise and I spun towards the sound. Something soft and smelly hit me in the face, I retched and scraped it away, staring at the lumpy brown paste smeared all down my sleeve.

Where had that come from? I heard someone giggling behind a car and started walking towards the sound. Did this idiot think I would run away like a little girl, a little poo wouldn't scare me, I had two kids and a cat. I had been dealing with crap all my life! Not just the physical kind either, my ex had taught me all I needed to know about shitty situations.

A girl was laughing and getting another dog poo bag open when she noticed my trainers in front of her face. I leaned over and wiped my sleeve onto her hair and grabbed the bag.

"What was that for, you little brat?" I said, almost growling. I must have looked imposing, standing over her with my hands on my hips as she she shuffled backwards in a panic, unable to stand.

"(Foreigner bitch! You can't take my Oppa!)" She gasped, spinning around and getting to her feet. She raced off and I didn't have the energy to chase her. She looked young and I didn't need to understand everything she said to know what she was talking about.

Poor Joon-Jae, he had to deal with these annoying kids all the time. I sighed and trudged back to the lift, it was too late for this shit, literally! I made my way to the reception desk and dropped the poo bag on the desk, luckily it was still tied shut. Just because it was late and she was young, didn't mean I would let her off.

"Can I speak to security and can someone give me my key, I need a shower."

Thirty minutes later, I was clean and in my room, but that teenager was long gone. She obviously knew where all the cameras were and I probably wouldn't recognise her if I saw her again. At least she had shocked me back to reality, this was my future if I stayed with Joon-Jae. I put my tracksuit into a laundry bag and placed it outside my door, that kid had no idea who she was dealing with!

I sighed and went to bed, tomorrow I would talk it out with Joon-Jae but for now all I needed was sleep. Once I lay in bed my situation hit me, I had a boyfriend but I also had a few million enemies, that poop wielding teen was just the start. Could I handle that many haters? Was it worth the anxiety to go against Joon-Jae's fans? Would I ruin my idol with my reckless decision? I didn't want to be the idiot who ran from love but I also didn't want to cause the end of Joon-Jae's career.

Dispite my thoughts, I had no problem sleeping and was soon drooling onto my pillow. My dreams were chaotic, matching my emotional day. Tomorrow would be last chance to see Joon-Jae before I returned home and my dreams reflected that. What would the next day bring? Would it be happiness or pain? I had no idea but my mind painted fantastic plots of prince's and Mythical beasts and I slept like I had no reason to wake up.


I hope you are enjoying the story, please vote and comment and watch your step for the poop!

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