Chapter twenty three. Fake family.

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My anxiety at losing my job and friends overwhelmed me, I backed away, looking for the exit, tripping as the crowd moved forward which shocked me awake. 

I sat in my luxurious bed, coated in sweat and looked at the clock, it was three in the morning and that dream was messed up. Usually, they were just about escaping into my fantasy world but this time it was different, it had become a normal anxiety dream.

The first part had potential, it was almost racy but my dreams were way too PG for my liking. What if I had stayed in the arms of my mystery man and ditched the job? My imagination wandered until I giggled.

"What am I thinking?" I couldn't go back to sleep so I started watching dramas again. When the clock showed seven in the morning I washed and dressed ready for the meeting. I made the bed and even put on some makeup.

I almost felt back to normal when the knock on the door came. Standing, I pulled down my clothes to smooth the creases and went to the door. Mr Na and the agency legal team trailed in with manager Do carrying breakfast behind them.

I couldn't see Joon-Jae so I looked out the door but he wasn't there, I closed it and turned back to the room filled with lawyers. Manager Do gave me a look full of annoyance and cleared his throat "He won't be coming today."

Trying not to feel too disappointed, I slowly walked to the group of seated professionals as the manager set up breakfast. After waking up early, I was starving so I tucked into the food while they went over everything.

The food was really good but I still listened to their explanations and instructions, I was ready to fight. Mr Na had also brought my phone and laptop, although I could only use them supervised for now. All the evidence was ready with CCTV footage of my tussle with the thief and all kinds of proof of my alibi.

While manager Do cleaned up, I listened to my answering machine messages and checked my texts. Micky and Kelly's messages were just checking where I was. My girls were worried, I had previously been calling them every day but had suddenly stopped for nearly two weeks. The last message was five days old because my answer machine message box was full.

The vet had managed to squeeze one in before the cut-off too. Maybe it was the test results on those objects. First I called my girls and reassured them in a voice message, the time difference was a barrier to our conversation so I sent text messages too. I called my holiday friends too, both Sally and Mark didn't answer, I didn't have Tae-ho's number on me so I decided to check my emails.

I moved on to my laptop. Micky had replied to the message Mr Na had sent on my behalf. She had applied for unpaid leave for me, what a sweetheart. Two more weeks should be plenty to sort this mess. I deleted junk and went through everything, sending messages to Sally and my daughters. Kelly hadn't said anything to me but I sent a message to her too. I also replied to the vet, letting them know I would get back to them in about two weeks.

It was just the housing problem next. I grabbed the nearest lawyer when I found the issue. My bank account had been cleared out, the rent had been missed due to insufficient funds. It made no sense, my card had been with me. My phone too. All my things had been confiscated when the money left my account.

It got worse as I couldn't call my landlord due to the time difference and a notice had been brought against me. Another message also added extra charges as I hadn't replied within the deadline. I bit my lip and pulled my hair, my landlord wanted to get rid of me as my tenancy contract kept prices low, plus I lived on my own so less income for him.

The team got to work but I wouldn't know the conclusion for some time. If only Joon-Jae was here to comfort me. I sighed, losing all my new energy. Why was I being targeted? It almost seemed that all this was aimed at me, Joon-Jae had just been the method. I wasn't that important, it didn't make sense.

The legal team and Mr Na had to leave but I was stuck in this room again. Manager Do assured me that the team was well-versed in Korean and international law so they would help me. He also told me Joon-Jae would come with lunch later, to cheer me up. I got the feeling that it was the manager who had stopped him this morning.

Joon-Jae was a star so probably had loads to do, he didn't need to stay with me but after our meeting the day before, I missed him. It was weird, I desperately needed to see him again, not as a fan at all. I nodded as manager Do left, worry and excitement fighting for dominance in my mind. It was enough to tire me out.

I just needed a little nap, a lie down to get my energy back. Dragging my feet in exhaustion I climbed onto the soft hotel bed and curled up above the covers. My eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep in moments.

Knocking woke me up. Half asleep, I plodded to the door, opening it while yawning. When I opened my eyes fully, I realised my mistake. Joon-Jae stood like a carved statue of perfection, one hand holding food and the other a lead attached to a very happy dog.

I stepped back in shock. "Come in, I'll be out in a moment," I squeaked. I ran to the bedroom and shut the door, leaning against it. Why couldn't I look good in front of my idol, just once? I confirmed my state when I rushed to the en-suite bathroom.

"No, no, urgggg!" I groaned, looking at my messy hair, crumpled clothes and smudged makeup. There was even something green stuck in my teeth! After sorting myself out, I crept back into the living room, blushing slightly in embarrassment.

A laugh made me look up, Joon-Jae was trying to hold back but he was struggling. I joined him, it was funny if I thought about it. Then Tan started to bark and jump up excitedly. It took us some time to recover but as we calmed down our awkwardness crept back.

"Sorry about that Mr Joon-Jae, I had a nap and I just woke up." I sat opposite him on one of the soft armchairs.

"That's okay, I should probably show you the picture I have of our first meeting, I can delete it if you don't like it," Joon-Jae added.

Tan whined, wagging her tail and waiting to be noticed.

Joon-Jae looked at me and smiled. "I'll show you the pictures after Tan gets to say hello."

I grinned, patting my knees and calling her over. "Come Tan!"

This dog was the start of my problems in Korea but I loved her, it wasn't Tan's fault that some thief had mistreated her. Her whole body started to wag with her tail as she yapped and bounced forward like a rabbit. Soon I was fighting off the licks of love.

"I missed you too, Tan!" I ran my fingers through her soft curly fur, her skin was smooth and unscathed, with no evidence of her torment. "I'm so happy you remember me, girl!" I hugged her, getting more licks in my ear.

"I love that she recognises you, I am happy she's acting like this. She has been nervous around everyone except me and my manager since I got her back. Poor pup, she used to trust all the people she met," Joon-Jae explained, smiling at Tan's excitement.

When Tan had tired herself out, we set up lunch together, giving Tan a huge chewy bone to keep her busy. We were together in this room for nearly an hour before I clocked that the manager wasn't there. With full stomachs, we sat on the sofa chatting together easily, all awkwardness long gone and a content dog at our feet.

I could almost imagine that we were a real family but in the back of my mind, I knew it was all fake. Joon-Jae felt sorry for me, his guilt drove his need to be nice to me. I tried to enjoy the moment but I found myself sighing sadly instead.


Poor Jenny, she can't even enjoy the moment. See you next week for more of her dilemma.

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