Winter Princess

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Written in December 2015

Inspired by the 'Silent night' prompt by ParanormalLovers

Yes, these are the same characters as in my novel ;)

Winter Princess

For as long as I can remember, I've been afraid of the dark.

Since my childhood, I've always hid underneath the blanket at night when it used to thunder outside, when the wind was howling through every keyhole and every floorboard would crack as if it were alive.

Like now.

The power has been out for 15 minutes and I'm slowly starting to freak out.

It's awfully dark and that makes me even more aware of all the strange noises that you simply ignore when you're blessed with proper eyesight. I swear, I can literally hear the spiders crawl along my kitchen floor, scratching against the tiles with their hairy spindly legs... It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

I sigh and try to calm my chaotic nerves, when suddenly the TV flickers to live, yet all I see is white noise. Confused I stare at the screen. Maybe the power returned, but then, it's still dark. I try to turn it off, but nothing happens.

And that's when I hear another noise, from outside. A sharp knock on the door and I jump in fright. Maybe a twig that broke from the wind, I think to myself and try to ignore my rapid heartbeat and the lump forming in my throat.

But then there's another, even louder knock, more urgent this time. My heart literally skips a beat. No twig after all, someone - or something - is out there.

I'm officially scared now. But despite my growing fear, my feet manage to drag me towards the door as if on their own account and without even thinking, my hands begin to unlock the door and twist the handle. My brain is on overload, imagining the worst: a bloodthirsty killer with a knife or a vampire that'll suck me dry.

I sent a quick prayer to the heavens to not let me die tonight, before I open the door slowly and take a peek at the cold white outside, realizing way too late that I should have maybe armed myself at least with a kitchen knife.

But nothing in the world could have prepared me for what awaits me at my doorstep.

It's no vampire, but a tall stranger staring back at me. It's hard to see his face in the dark, but the TV casts a glow onto his face that is enough to make out his short dark hair and his strong features.

I never knew what people meant when calling someone ruggedly handsome. Upon seeing this guy however, I think I'm beginning to get an idea. His strong jaw is covered in stubble that frames his face and his lips part slightly when he lays his eyes upon me.

My gaze lands on his wide chest and I notice a dark stain on his white shirt, spreading and soaking the fabric. I let out a small frightened gasp, but before I can even open my mouth and say anything, the stranger reaches out and grabs my hands.

"They're coming for you," he rasps in a deep voice. "I've held them off as long as I could, but there's too many. Please, you have to come with me. If they catch you, they'll kill you. We have to go. Now!"

What? My brain comes to a full stop and my heart stutters in my chest. Who are they? And who the hell is this guy even?

I take a step back, retreat into the safety of my dark house, too unsure what to do. My gaze is still locked on the stranger's blood soaked chest.

"You're bleeding," I blurt out, completely ignoring what he told me. "We should probably call an ambulance."

The stranger looks down at himself as if he's just noticed the dark liquid on his shirt.

"We don't have time for that. We really need to go."

He steps over the threshold and into my home, his boots barely making a sound as he covers the short distance between us in just one big stride. A thunder grumbles in the distance and I wince, instinctively scooting closer to him. He takes hold of my hand again and I feel his warmth seep into me and instantly I feel more at ease as he gently tugs me towards the exit.

I barely manage to grab my coat from the hook before we're out the door and heading towards the forest, that looms before us like an ominous fortress full of wild creatures and invisible death traps.

I stop dead in my tracks when I realize, that he's planning to go inside. Sensing my hesitation, he turns around.

"There's no way I'm going in there!" I state and cross my arms in front of my chest. His eyes wander away from my face just for a second, before they lock with mine again and he comes closer, bringing the scent of pine and earth with him.

"Avalon," he whispers and I'm not even surprised that he knows my name, there seem to be things going on lately that are out of the ordinary. "Nothing will happen to you, when you're with me," he promises.
"They won't dare touch a hair on your precious head. I won't allow it." His voice is like dark chocolate, sweet yet tart, soft but oozing with intensity. And it's melting my insides.

I don't know this guy, haven't even met him before, but somehow, I believe him when he says, he's going to protect me. So I try to swallow down my reluctance and let him take my hand, leading me into the dark and foreboding woods.

I had never noticed the little clearing with the run-down chapel resting between the trees.
The stale smell of dust and decay hits my nostrils as we step inside and I look around, noticing a smearing of a pentagram on the floor near the altar and a few black candles scattered around it.

The silver light of the moon falls through the half broken window arches, setting rests of the remaining stained glass on fire and making it shimmer and glow in the dusty twilight.

I wrinkle my nose and turn around to my companion, hands on my hips and glare at him.

"Now, would you be so gracious and tell me what the hell is going on, Mr. Mysterious. You didn't even tell me your name, yet you want me to believe that someone is after me!"

He looks me up and down, from my messy hair that is twisted into a sloppy braid down to my slouching jogging pants. His lips pull up into a small lopsided smile and he chuckles softly.
I can't believe it, he actually has the nerve to laugh at me!

I pull my coat tighter around my frame and glare a little harder, demanding answers from this stranger who practically dragged me out of bed.

"You haven't changed one bit, princess," he says finally, still smiling, but his words bring a frown to my brow.
What is he talking about? We've just met.

"I'm Reneth, Prince of Darkness and heir to the throne of Cilion. Don't you remember me? I swear I saw something in your eyes earlier when I said your name."

I freeze, could it be that he noticed how I had shivered from his silky voice, how I had imagined just for a tiny little moment what it would feel to kiss his lips?

"That doesn't explain anything," I grumble. "Prince of Darkness? are you expecting me to believe this nonsense?"

His smile just grows wider. "I knew you'd say something like that."

I can't see his eyes in the dim light but suddenly he's right in front of me, taking my hands in his. And then I hear his satiny voice again, inside my head.

Let me tell you a story, Avalon. My story, to be precise. It echoes in my head and I almost snatch away my hands and pull back, but he tightens his hold on them and stares into my eyes. Up close I can finally see the golden brown colour of his as a ray of moonlight illuminates his face.

Don't be afraid, he cooes softly. It's alright.

His gaze intensifies as he continues to speak in my thoughts and somehow, I find myself unable to resist him

700 years ago, I was supposed to marry Luna, Lady of the Moon. I picture flashes before my eyes, of a fair haired woman with exotic light blue eyes and porcelain skin.

She looks almost like a doll in her ruffled silky dress. She looks beautiful and regal with her sparkling tiara and her head held high. And here am I with my knotted hair, dark circles and oversized sweater, I've never felt so self conscious.

I try to let go of the thought quickly, not sure if he's able to hear them but he just continues with his story.

She was beautiful, but I didn't love her. I only agreed to marry her to save my kingdom. My parents, the King and the Queen, insisted and we needed new allies to fight the troops of Lydonians threatening to take us over.
Again, he sends me a mental picture of who I assume are his parents, a couple on high thrones, covered in gold and jewels.

On my way to our engagement however, my horse broke a leg. I was stuck in the Winter Forest, with no way out and bound to freeze to death.

But suddenly, I saw a light coming from the crystal trees and an icy whispering breeze rose up all around me. My horse panted nervously and tried to stand up and scoot away from the white fog that was coming our way. But I couldn't move because as the mist peeled back, a white sledge came into view, pulled by white foxes. And on the sledge sat the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

He stops for a moment and seems consumed by his thoughts. I wait for him to send me another image of a woman, but it never comes. Instead, he studies my face carefully as if he's expecting me to say something.

She had skin, light as alabaster. Hair as black as the darkest night. And her eyes were blue like sapphires, sparkling friendly as she gathered up her skirts and came towards me, offering me a ride to her palace. She was the Winter Princess, I realized and I fell in love with her, the minute I saw her.

His words stir something inside of me that I can't quite decipher, so I just stare back at him, wanting to hear the end of the story, but dreading the end.

I called off the wedding and convinced my parents that I couldn't marry a girl I had no feelings for just because she seemed like a possible ally.

Luna was... furious, to say the least. She was... is a terribly jealous woman and she couldn't accept the fact that I had picked someone else over her. She swore to take revenge on me and my future Queen.

And she did.

He lets go of my hands and steps back from me, wandering over to the opposite wall, almost as if our conversation has somehow tired him. I stare at him in confusion, not getting the point of the whole thing.

"What did she do?" I ask. "And what does that have to do with me?"

He sighs and hesitantly looks up at me. His eyes are flickering gold fire and his gaze is piercing through me, straight to my heart.

"It's you," he says. "You, Avalon, are the Winter Princess, my lost love."

I stumble back in surprise. "It can't be," I mumble.
"I don't even know you!" I take a step back, closer to the door, to freedom and my old normal life.

"Yet, I have loved you for centuries," he almost whispers. But instead of coming closer and trying to convince me, he plops down onto some crates beside him and glances up at me with undeniable longing in his golden eyes.

"She cursed you," he murmurs as if talking to himself. "She wove some of her wicked magic and exiled you, sent you to earth to live the life of a normal human. She took away all your memories. And she made you fear the one thing that truly defines me. The darkness."

My heart is beating wildly and I'm wondering. Could it be?

I shake my head and try to rid myself of this silly thought. It's impossible, it's laughable. I should just turn around and go back home.

Suddenly, I hear a sound, like a snapping twig and an odd sense of dread overcomes me, it's like I can't breathe, like I can't see anything. I just feel someone rush to my side and the next thing I know is Reneth anchoring me against him.

"Shh," he whispers. "They're here."

"Who are they?" I manage to croak out through my suddenly chapped lips and clutch his shirt in my hand.

"Luna's minions, her dark faeries. She send them out to hunt you down." He brushes a strand of hair away from my face. He's so close now that I can see the golden sprinkles in his irises and his thick black lashes, the gentle curve of his cupid's bow.

"I won't allow them to get near you," he promises and there's something potent in his voice, a rough edge and as his warm breath feathers across my skin, I shiver from the inside out.

I look up into his eyes, that are darker than ever and my breath hitches in my throat. And then, too fast for me to even prepare myself mentally, his lips come crashing down on mine. He captures them in a searing kiss.

My eyes flutter close. I can't move, I can't breathe, I can't think. I've never been kissed like this, so slowly and intensely, until all my walls come down at once and I find myself kissing him back with just as much force.

Pictures start streaming through my mind, of a castle, hidden behind snow and frost, of rides on a crystal sledge. And of him. Memories, my memories pour forward like a waterfall, enveloping me. The truth is, I've always felt like an outsider, like I didn't belong here. That's why I chose to live in a tiny cottage at the edge of a forest.

And I finally begin to believe, I know now who I really am.

The Winter Princess. 

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