A Future Forever Changed

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"Repairs finished..."

E-123 Omega spoke out, as he is finished repairing Mecha Sonic from the damage that he had sustained from Knuckles the Echidna. Sans is very surprised, as he spoke out.

"i'm a bit surprised that you can take one heck of a beating right there, especially from a demonized knuckles who is way more stronger than his normal self."

Rouge than began to walk towards Sans, as she than spoke out to him.

"Well...what do you expect? He was created to tango with Sonic, who can take hits from Knuckles whenever the both of them fight against each other. So obvious he'd be tough enough to take on a demonized Knuckles."

Sans nodded, as he accepted the answer from Rouge. Sans than looks down at Mecha Sonic, who is on a slouching position, before he than stares to speak out to Mecha Sonic.

"what in the world are you doing in a place such as this? i would have thought you'd be continuing robotnik's plan, considering the fact that you were created by him."

Mecha Sonic looks at Sans, as he stood up.

"If he was still the normal Doctor that he was in the last, I would have. But because of the fact that he had been demonized, I cannot do it. And besides...as much as I am evil, Exetior is much worse than me, and becaus if this, I decided that me and E-123 Omega would protect the Master Emerald, until we can find a new place to keep it safe. Do any of you know of a place that we can protect it?"

Sans looks at Mecha Sonic and spoke out.

"yea, actually. and it is a place that not even Exetior had any real knowledge of, due to it being concersled by him and his army, as well as the fact that there is strong magic protecting the area from any demon that does actually manage to find it."

This made Mecha Sonic looks down at Sans in a more desperate tone.

"Where is it? This needs to be put somewhere safe!"

Sans was about to answer, when suddenly, cyan energy began to spark out of nowhere on Angel Island.

"What is that?!"

Tangle spoke out, as Whisper ducked down beneath something in order to make sure she does not get caught but the energy that is exploding out of nowhere. Sans than looks up to see that there is a portal appearing in the sky...and someone is emerging from it.

"guys. look up."

Everyone did, and they saw the portal. Shadow steps forward, as he sees that there is someone coming out of the portal. Shadow than has a guess on who it is that is coming out from the other side of the portal that is being generated.

"I think I know who it is that is about to appear."

Blaze than looks up, and spoke out as well.

"Yes. I think I know who it is too. There is only one person that can make a portal, and the only person that has this time of energy."

Sans looks up to see who it is that is coming out of the portal. He squinted...and sees that a figure is about to emerge from it. And it is one that Shadow and Blaze recognizes.

"It is. He's here!"

Sans looked at Blaze and Shadow, as he than spoke one to them.

"who are you referring to, blaze? who is it that is coming right now?"

Blaze looks at Sans, while Shadow spoke out.

"He is a hedgehog like I am, but from the future. And he has come to this time era quite a number of times."

This made Sans surprised at what he had heard. Well...he isn't surprised at the time travel thing that he is doing, considering the fact that he had seen a human use the power of reset to rewind time. But he is surprised that there is another person going back in time, and it he a Mobian instead of a human. Sans continues to look up to see who it is that is coming, and than...a bright flash of light emerged out of where the portal was appearing. Everyone immediately closed their eyes, as they cannot look to see what is about to happen next.

When the light died down...everyone looked up to see who it is that is coming down to see them. And when they saw the figure...many of the Mobians were surprised to see who had come from the future. And it is a person that everyone remembers, as they had met up with him so, so many times.

Floating above the group, is a 22 year old Hedgehog, and this Hedgehog is very different, especially with the arrangement of the quills, both in the design, and the fact that this Hedgehog is suspending himself in the air with what seemingly looks like telekinesis. And Blaze was the one that had spoke out the name of the Hedgehog that had just appeared before them.


Silver looks to see Blaze, and he looks very happy that he gets to see her again, but with a tint of sadness behind that smile of his he made.

He than drops down to the ground as Blaze than rah up to Silver as fast as she could, and as soon as she got close enough to her old friend, both Blaze and Silver, they than hugged each other, as they dared to not let each other go, almost as if they are afraid to lose each other again after being departed from each other for so long. Blaze than looks at Silver in the eyes, as she spoke out.

"Thank goodness. I thought...I was afraid you were dead."

Silver nodded.

"I thought I was too. Guess I got lucky."

He than looks behind Blaze, and than...notices Sans, who is looking at him with his hood on. But he can't see the eyes. He can however, see the lower part of his face, as the smile and the nose hole are shown to him.

"Who's that?"

Silver spoke out, as Blaze turns to look in Sans' direction, before speaking out to him.

"Oh, this is Sans. He's a Skeleton. Sans, this is Silver the Hedgehog, and he's from the future. He has gone back in time to this era many times, in order to change it for the better."

Sans than stepped forward to Silver, and spoke out.

"i see. must have been a fun ride for ya to go to this time, especially when you need some help for this."

He extended his hand out and spoke out.

"nice to meet ya."

Silver took his hand and shook it for a little bit, before letting go, and Sans putting his left hand into his pocket. Silver than looks and notices Mecha Sonic, and Silver immediately acts defensive, as his hands began to leak out cyan mist, as he prepares to use telekinesis on the robotic duplicate of his friend, Sonic.

"Wait...that's Mecha Sonic!! What is he doing here?!"

Mecha Sonic turned and spoke out.

"I no longer had a purpose. I had fled...from my former master's base...because he had become demonized, into a servant of a powerful demon. In fact...I believe that this powerful demon is the reason that you are back in the present, correct?"

This made Silver surprised that Mecha Sonic explained to Silver first hand as to why he is here right now. But Silver looks down and he nodded a little bit, confirming that what Mecha Sonic said is true. Blaze than looks at Silver, before she spoke out.

"What does the future look like now?"

Silver looks down...and he has a forbidding expression now present on his face.

Into the future...many years ago...

Silver is using his telekinesis to fly through the air, as he looks at what became of his future...and he is in ruins. He thought Iblis was bad, but this is whole new level of worse. Everyone...everything...they have become demonized, and there is not a single normal mobian left for him to save. All that he cared about...is gone.

It was a nightmare for Silver. Likely...it is the worst of all the Nightmares that he has ever had in his whole life. He could not believe that this suddenly happened to his future. He clenched his fists...as he saw that some of the demonized Mobians began to attack him. When that happened, Silver than made his stand and began to make his attack.

Using his Psykokinesis, he launched a pulse of energy at the demons that are about to attack him, and than, they are all launched back down to the ground. They crashed without being able to stop themselves, and it caused the ground to crack underneath their bodies. Silver, not having the heart to fight off against them, than began to flee from the demonic Mobians, in an effort to try and hide from them, as well as finding his way to go back into the past in order to change the fate of his future, which it had turned into. He just hopes that, he's able to pull it off like many times before.

Silver than flies away...but noticed something that made his body stop...his face froze with shock and sadness. Among some of the Demonized Mobians...was Blaze the Cat, who had somehow been converted into a demon.

Silver looked in complete utter shock and sadness, as he sees that one of his longtime friends has now been turned into this. He landed on the ground, and as soon as he did, the Demonized Blaze began to approach Silver.

"Hello...Silver, my old friend. Are you not happy to see me again?"

The demonized blaze spoke out, but Silver, not very happy with what Blaze had become, than starts to take some steps back. He looked horrified at what he is seeing, before he than start to speak out to Blaze in a horrified tone of voice.

"Oh shoot. Blaze. What have they done to you?"

Silver than held out his hand, as he gets ready to launch a psychokinetic blast, as Blaze got even closer than ever. Her mouth began to form a smile, and it was very wide, twisted, and sharp. Blaze began to speak out in the same demonic tone as she did when she first spoke to Silver with a form of twisted sincerity and kindness in her demonic tone of voice.

"Is it not obvious, Silver? I have seen it. I have seen the light, the real danger we are in. The demonized firm we are in, it is the only way for us to be protected by them. To be protected by the ones that have made this planet. Please, Silver. Become one of us, and join us to be protected."

Silver, whoever, does not believe what she is saying to him, and spoke out back to her.

"No. You're lying. There is no protecting people, if you are going to kill them all off, specially with the friends that you had killed and demonized!"

The Demonized Blaze snarled, as she than lifts up one of her hands, and spike out to Silver, in a angered tone of voice.

"Very well...if you will not join me willingly...than I will take you back with me, BY FORCE!!!!"

Blaze than launched a large blast of fire at Silve, who than flies up into the air, and looks down at Blaze, Ashe spoke to himself.

"That is not Blaze, not anymore."

He spoke out to himself, before he looked down at the demonized Blaze in the eyes, and than, he used is Psychokinesis to lift a bunch of junk in the air, and fired it at Blaze, who used her flames to blow the junk up. But this is what Silver wanted, because as soon as she is off of her own feet, Silver than used his powers to lift the demonized Blaze in the air, before he spoke out.

"I'm sorry, Blaze."

He than closed his eyes, not wanting to see what he will do to her in person, before he moved his hand and points his finger forward, and Blaze suddenly went backwards into a wrecked building. The wall of the pretty tall building began to crumble, before falling down, and Blaze is buried beneath the rubble. Silver looks very unhappy, and in fact, he looks very saddened at what happened. But than he looks around, and saw that many of the demonized Mobians now have their sights on him, and are already to take him down, to kill them, and make him a new member of his master's armies.

Silver than shook his head, as he does not have any time for this. He than looks away, before speaking out in a different direction.

"I need to get out of here, and go back to the past, hopefully to change the future for the better. I may not be able to stop it...but I can at least keep some parts of the last alive."

Silver than flies as fast as he could into that direction, and before the demonized Mobians realize what was about to happen, Silver was already gone from their sight.

Back in the present...now...

Suddenly, a teardrop came down to the ground, and the group sees that Silver...he's crying, from what happened to his Future. And more importantly of all, he is crying at what happened to the Blaze of his time. Even Blaze hers f seemed to be horrified at what she had just heard, after she had heard the story of what had happened.


Blaze spoke out, before she goes to him and hugs him, as Silver hugs back, extremely upset right now. Clearly, the sight of seeing his friend turning into a demon, or, having been turned into a demon before he even saw it happening...it is a very heartbreaking sight for him. And seeing her past self made him feel extremely relived that he can save her this time. Sans than spoke out.

"So you are saying there is no way to fix what had happened to the future, Silver?"

Tangle spoke out, and Silver nodded, and Tangle clenched her fist, as she cannot believe that they are now at the end of their luck, as they cannot change the future to a more positive one. Sans than clenched his fist, as he spoke out.

"Maybe we don't have to."

Silver looks at Sans with a look of confusion on his face, as Sans spoke out.

"if we can't change the future entirely, than we can at least change it in a way that has some form of positivity in it. Besides...Mount Ebott has the Mobians inside to protect them against the demons. So there is at least one of them."

This caught Silver by surprise.


Blaze than looks at Silver, and spoke out.

"Well...how about we bring you up to speed on this one, Silver."

Blaze began to explain Sans' mission, and of the place that is called Mount Ebott, as well as of the Mobian Survivors that Sans had found so that he can grab them and bring them to Mount Ebott in order for the location to protect the non-demonized Mobians from the forces of Exetior. When he finished his explanation...Mecha Sonic than spoke out to Sans.

"It could work."

Sans looks at Mecha Sonic, who than continued to speak out.

"If this magic inside of Mount Ebott could conceal the People inside, as well as the underground, than the power of the magic could conceal the power of Emeralds."

Jewel than spoke out.

"But...the Master Emerald's power is infinite, the magic that is protecting Ebott could be finite. Will this even protect the Master Emerald and the Mountain itself from the Demons themselves?"

Sans than looks and spoke out.

"why can't you just use the master emerald to reinforce the magic inside, in order to make it impossible for the demons to find it?"

Whisper than spoke quietly to Sans.

"Sans, we do not know what will happen, if Chaos Energy and Magic were to meet with each other, and that type of thing would be dangerous to everything and everyone, even the monsters might not be possibly safe from the power of the Chaos Energy, due to how we do not know what will happen when it does. And because if that fact, we need to be very careful at want we are about to do with the Master Emerald and the Magic that you monsters have."

Sans looks down, as Silver than looks down, having a depressed look on his face.

"It's hopeless than..."

He than went to the steps that are on Angel Island, before he sits down on top of the steps themselves, before he looks at his hands, and spoke out.

"The future...it'll only be filled with demons. I'll never be able to save it for the sake of everyone that lives inside of it."

As Silver looks down with a very depressed look on his face, Sans spoke out.

"Silver...look up."

Silver looks to stare into Sans' eyes, and he flinched at the sight before him. Sans than looks at him, stuffed into his golden eyed, as he than spoke out to the time-traveling hedgehog.

"silver...if you give up...than that would mean the future of what you had tried to crave for the sake of others will truly be futile. if you try to give up, than that would mean that your efforts would be in vain, and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. But if you can keep on being determined, you can do almost anything, and this would include saving the word from the demons themselves. if many of this people can do that, than so can you. Silver the Hedgehog...you should not give up on this, just because it looks hopeless. It's only hopeless when everyone around is dead, and in this era...there is still a chance to take."

Tangle smiled, as she than spoke out to Silver the Hedgehog, with a smile on her face:

"Hey, don't sweat it, Silver. As long as we can keep on fighting for the remaining Mobians, we can keep them safe form the demons that will attack. Besides...you are not alone in this, aren't you? There are other people here to help, also!"

Whisper nodded, as she than spoke out.

"As long as all of us stick together and continue to help each other, we will continue to keep on going, no matter what. As well as being able to save what remains of the Mobians that have not yet been demonized."

Cream than spoke out.

"Mr. Sans was the one who had helped me when I was down to my lowest point, when I was being chased by my friends, who had been demonized by that terrible person. He kept on helping me, even when I felt I had no value in my own life anymore. Because of this, he made me realize that I must keep on going, no matter what."

Blaze nodded and spoke out.

"He was able to teleport what reminded of my people to Ebott, even after he had exhausted so much of his magic that left him tired. He showed me that he can still keep on going, even though he is now at a bad position. So...Silver...tell me. Are you going to keep on running away and fleeing from the demons...or are you ready to take a stand...and fight back against them?"

Silver looks around, and he saw that everyone was looking determined, very brave, like the are not afraid of what is about to happen to them. Instead they fear of what would happen to the remaining surviving Mobians, should anything bad happen to them. Which is why...they are going to fight for their sake, no matter what happens next. Silver...seeing the determination in their eyes...realizes that...in order to save what is left of the Mobians...than he just do the same thing. He needs to pay attention to them more, than he needs to pay attention to himself. He looks up at the group, and nods.

"Alright than. I'll do it."

He than looks at Sans in the eyes, as he than spoke out with a determined look on his face, and that is a face that Sans wants to see. Silver than spoke out.

"I'll fight for the Mobians that are still alive. I will fight to get them out of this mess, and to make their own futures."

Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"That's what I wanna hear."

But as Sans spoke that out to Silver the Hedgehog, very suddenly...


Suddenly...flames began to erupt out of the water behind the group. Sans and the others liked to see that the fire began to gather and spin around like it is has ruined into nothing more than a twister.

Sans snarled, as he recognized the magic from anywhere, as a cyclone of fire appeared from the ocean.

"he's here."

Sans snarled, but the smile is still on his face, as Silver looks at Sans and spoke out.

"He? Who is the one that is here?"

Sans than looks at Silver, before he spoke out to him.

"It is the one that had made this mess in the first place. The Demon of Sharpness...Exetior."

Sans finished, and as soon as he did, the fire tornado was gone, and the Demon of Sharpness, Exetior himself, has revealed himself from the tornado of burning hot flames.

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