Demonic Hedgehogs vs Determined Skeletons

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All six, Exetior, Sark, and Pervision flied downwards towards Murder, Killer, and Horror, who leapt upwards to fight against the demonic hedgehogs. As soon as they clashed, all 3 made a powerful shockwave that can be felt through the small portion of the demon world. And the battle between the 3 demons and skeletons is very destructive, so much that it can not be ignored by anyone

When both groups clashed, every single demon inside of its radius heard the power of the explosive shockwave, as the Murder Time Trio's Group looked and saw that error a bunch of explosions coming from outside. They knew that a battle is happening, likely somewhere where the 3 Sanses are at, and in their prayers, hope that they going to be are okay, and Vanilla is also praying, so that she can se and reunite with her daughter, even if it is from a different type of Mobius.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

With Dust, he is fighting off against Exetior, his first opponent. He launched 4 of Undyne's Spears at Exetior, who than launched some orbs at them, canceling the attack out. He than summoned lightning on top of Dust, as he than does all that he can to get out of the way. He than shot fireballs out of his hands, and tried to strike at Exetior with them. But Exetior got out of the way, before he got hit. But Sans than summoner friendliness pellets around him, and clenched his hand, before he could try and run away. But before he could, a couple of energy blasts appeared out of nowhere, and destroyed the pellets before the could have a chance to hit Exetior.

Exetior looks up, and saw that someone is coming...and it is a person that he knows of. It was an apprentice that he had trained for thousands of years.

"There you are, Negagen."

Exetior spoke out, as Negagen floated next to Exetior. He than spoke out to him.

"Exetior, allow me to take this for you."

Exetior smiled, as he spoke out.

"Very well. But be careful. He is very dangerous and very powerful."

Negagen nodded, as he than turned to look at Dust, as he than made flames appear from his hands, in order to get ready to fire against the blue spheres. Negagen launched the spheres at Sans, and Sans launched some fireballs at him, and both attacked canceled each other out.

Dust than attempted to charge at him, but than...Negagen made a blue beam of energy, as he than tries to hit Dust. He was able to get out of the way at the last moment, but nearly got hit again by another beam.


Sans is trying all that he can to avoid getting hit by the beams that Negagen is making. Unfortunately, Negagen nearly attempted to do it again...and this time...Dust cannot dodge this one beam.

Negagen than fired, and Sans closed his eyes, waiting for the beams to hit him.

"sorry, kiddo. looks like i won't be keeping that promise after all."

Dust waited for the beams to hit him. But than...he opened his eyes...and realized that the beams did not hit him. And instead...someone got in his path. And when Dust looked...he smiled at who it is that had taken the blow for Dust

"'d finally come...papyrus."

Dust spoke out, as he saw the Phantom Papyrus finally appearing.

The Phantom's eyes began to glow a gleaming, menacing red color, as it looks at Negagen with a very ruthless gaze in its enraged stare. And yet, it seems gleeful that he finally gets to have all the action that he needs, in order to satisfy the death of someone that his brother really hates.

Even though Negagen is supposed to be surprise, he is not, and instead, simply tilts his head in confusion. Than, Dust spoke out something that made Negagen change his behavior to acting aggressive towards him.

"so...take care of this light-blue guy...would ya?"

Sans spoke out, as the Phantom Papyrus floated behind him.

Papyrus smiled, as he spoke out.


Papyrus than looks at Negagen, and than, both Negagen and the Phantom Papyrus charged at each other, before beginning to do battle with each other. The Phantom Papyrus fired red sharp bones at Negagen, who responded by firing the spheres out at Papyrus. But Papyrus avoided getting hit, due to having no body at all. But Negagen cannot get tired, as he is a demon. So both Papyrus and Negagen are gonna be fighting each other for a very, very long time.

Dust than smiled at his phantom brother, before he turns back to Exetior, and launched Asgore's trident at the demon. Exetior avoided the trident, but Dust than teleported behind him, and tried to stab him in the head. But Exetior got out of the way, and Dust landed back on the ground. This made Dust a little bit irritated by the fact that he just missed his chance at bringing forth the killing blow at the Demon of Sharpness himself. He looks behind him, and he than began to avoid getting hit by a bunch of red spheres from Exetior, which are being fired from his hands. Sans than leapt up into the air, and fired a bunch of bones at Exetior, which are canceled out by the large spheres. Dust than grabs Exetior and made the both of them fall down to the ground. Dust teleports back, as he than fired Gaster Blasters toward Exetior at an extreme pace.

But Exetior is not dead, and when the attack was finished...his skeleton stood up, and than...began to regenerate the flesh that he had lost. And before long...Exetior is looking like his usual self again. Exetior than looks up at Dust and smiled out to him.

"Impressive...amusing...yet very pathetic. You may have more magic, but you are still weaker than me, Sans. For I am capable of doing way more than you could ever possibly handle."

Dust's smile does not leave his face, as he than spoke out to them.

"than we'll just have to see about that, won't we, exetior?"

Exetior nodded, as he than looks at Dust Sans straight in his red eyes, as he than spoke out.

"Yes...we will have to see for ourselves."

Dust smiled, as he then spoke out.

"for once, i'm kinda glad you can agree with me on this."

He than raised his hand, and summoned fireballs above him, before launching it at Exetior, who does the same with his Red Spheres. Than they look at each other, and after a bit, they charged at each other, and go on the offensive, full blast.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Killer and Sark go to combat with each other, and as Killer has faced Sark many times before meeting Dust, he is best suited when he is against this Demon. He points his finger at Sark, and Red Knives appear from behind Killer, and he fired them at command. Sark dodges the Knives that are being thrown at him, but than, Killer appeared behind Sark, and he attempted to slice his back. But Sark caught his hand before he could even attack him. But Killer than made another Knife, and launched it at Sark, who is forced to let go of Killer, in order to avoid the knife. But as he jumped back, Killer's Gaster Blaster suddenly began to glow behind Sark, and he was too late. It blasted and Sark got hit by the blaster, and it was actually more powerful than Dust's own blaster.

"Hah!! Is that the best that you can do?! Pathetic!! I expected more from you, Killer!"

Killer smiled, as he spoke out.

"oh there is more, sark. i am just saving it when i need to absolutely use it."

He than slashed at him, and a red energy slash suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Exetior is lucky that he had dodged. But he won't be lucky once Killer makes an attempt to gain the upper hand on Sark himself. Suddenly, Sark is now under Killer, even though this is not what Sark wanted to do. He was trying to teleport away, not closer. Looks like Killer messed up with his teleporting ability a bit. He than raised his hand in the air, and stabbed the knife into his stomach. Sark got out of the way, but than, Killer sliced his torso, and caused so much damage to Sark.


Sark roared out in agony, as he held the wound that had appeared on his chest. He looks, and saw that hurt him extremely badly, even though Killer is holding onto what is nothing more than just a normal knife. least...looking like normal knives. Maybe they are very magical stuff? It's unknown.

Sark than flies full speed towards Killer, hoping that he is too fast for Sark to react to his speed. After all, he is using the body of the fastest thing alive, so it would make sense to use his speed against Killer, who is the most damaging of the Sanses . But Killer has a surprise up his sleeve, and one that Killer was not expecting for him to do.

Killer than sliced his knife very fast, and before Sark realizes what was about to happen, he was immediately struck but the red slash, and was split in half. His brain, skeletal structure, organs, they all show themselves to the outside air. But Sark is not dead, and he regenerates his body parts back together. He than charged at Killer, who than dodged all of his attacks. He later jumped back, and sliced Sark's legs off without him warning. But Sark was not going to be giving up on the action this easily, and then regenerated his legs. Suddenly, knives appeared out of nowhere and began to fire at Sark, who was too slow to avoid them. Sark got stabbed and pierced a bunch of times, but was able to still survive what Killer threw at him.

Killer smiled a bit, as Sark than teleported behind Killer, and actually landed a strike on him. But Killer is a tiny bit more stronger than Dust, and because of this, can take way more punishment than him. Killer was launched off of his feet, and was sent flying a bit. But Killer than fired his Gaster Blasters at Sark, who than avoided them, before getting close enough to Killer, and slamming him down to the ground. But Killer was not done, as he than revealed that he is still up, and in spite of all the damage that he had sustained in the fight, he is still fresh enough to keep on going. And this is making Sark a little bit more irritated now.

"YOU KNOW WHAT?! You have been a thorn on my side for way too long!! I will kill you and bring back Amy, no matter what!!"

Killer Sans simply smiled, as he spoke back towards Amy's former, abusive master.

"you'll only try returning her, sark."

This made Sark a little more ticked off than ever? As he than charged at Killer, with Killer doing the same, as they both than clashed against each other in an effort to try and kill the other. Looks like it is going to be a very violent and a very brutal fight between the Killer Skeleton and Sharpness Demon.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Horror and Pervision are fighting on their own battle, and Pervision seems to be in his own trouble, as Horror is the physical strongest out of all of the Sanses. Due to his levels of superhuman strength, in addition to his supposed immortality, he proved to Pervision that he is a lot tougher than he looks. he throws his Thigh Bone at Pervision, only to blast it back with an energy sphere. But Horror grabbed it from the air, and slammed it into Pervision's gut. This sends Pervision back a bunch, but not before firing an even more powerful energy blast, and getting it to hit Horror. Normally, thus would instantly kill most creatures when they come  contact with the target. But as Horror is an immortal, he cannot die from that. Pervision, seeing that he survived, looks very impressed with what Horror was able to do.

"Impressive. Not many are capable of surviving that, even from me."

Pervision said, as he smiled at Horror, who is still alive from what it was that he had hurt and tormented Horror with. And needless to say, this makes the experiment interesting. As he wants to know the secret at Horror these skeletons are so powerful in the first place.

Horror simply smiled out in a very menacing way, as he than spoke out.

"oh, trust me, pal. i can survive way worse than that, and you've got to really try better then before."

Pervision, smiled, as he than spoke out.

"Oh, I plan on it. In fact...I got a surprise for you."

He than snapped his fingers, and clones of the demonic versions of Sonic came out of nowhere, and began to swarm around Horror in order to try and kill him. They all surround Horror, who does not look afraid in the slightest. Horror than looks forward, as his right hand clenched, and than, all of a sudden, twisting, sharp bones appeared out of nowhere and stabbed al of the clones in various parts of their bodies. And yet, all of them got killed instantly, even if some of them aren't hit in the head.

As Pervision looked at the other fights, he noticed that Dust is beginning to bleed on the cheek, due to a cut that has appeared. The red liquid, though...isn't blood. It's something else. In fact, he senses that it is the same liquid on Killer's cheek, which is dripping down to the floor. Pervision looks back at Horror, as he charged at him with the Thigh Bone, and immediately moved out of the way. But Horror tightly grabs onto Pervision's leg, and yanks him down to the ground with all of his might.

Once they both landed on the ground, Horror grabbed him by the neck, and spoke out.

"one head dog comin' up!"

He raised an axe into the air, and tried to slice his neck, only to get slammed back by Dust, who is thrown by Exetior. Killer rejoined with the other 2 Sanses, as Exetior and Sark rejoined with Pervision. As they did, Pervision, still conscious, used his power to make a vial, and put the liquids inside of them. But as he did all of that, a glowing was shown in front of the 3 demons, and they looked to see what it is that is causing the glowing that is in front of all three of the demons.

Dust and Killer immediately activated their Gaster Blasters, and fired at the 3 demons. As they both have more powerful magic than Horror, who is more physical comapred to the other 2 Sanses, they fired at the 3 demons with all of the strength that they have, sending them flying away. Dust and Killer were sweating, but Dust knows that there is no time to take a break, as they need to get the other members of the group out of here.

Dust Sans opened his left eye, as the group teleported to his location. Everyone looked around so shocked, as he spoke out.

"everyone, listen up. you got a minute to get out of here and enter the portal. so make it fast."

Everyone, not wanting to argue with that, goes into the portal as fast as they could, and once they did, Dust went in before the other 2, than Killer Sans, and than, finally, Horror Sans. After they entered, the portal closed, and all members of the group, have escaped from the demon world.

On Dust's Mount Ebott...


All 3 Sans' landed on the ground, crashing into it. The others were able to land safely, and Horror Papyrus had to use his strength to pick up his Sans. Dust than began to get up, and he heard a familiar voice.

"Mr. Sans!"

He turned and saw Cream coming towards him. Sans outstretched his arms while on one of his knee, and hugged Cream immensely tightly. Cream was shaking, as he is afraid to let him go, unsure if this is all fake. But after a long time of hugging, and seeing that it is not, she felt happy with what she realizing. Sans kept his promise. Cream than looks at Sans with tears of happines inside of her eyes. Than...anither familiar voice shouted it to him. It is the Papyrus of the Mobius that he lives in.


He looks and saw him coming. Who he had been expecting to see after all of this time of being outside of the Underground, and being at the surface of Mobius. The one person that has always cheered him up, whenever he is very well as the one person that he like annoy, whenever he has the chance to annoy this guy at all.

"heya, papy. ya miss me?"

Dust spoke out, as Paps picked up Sans, and held him.


Sans nodded, and Papyrus looked to see who also came...only to be stunned at Horror Sans and the Horror Papyrus. Needless to say, Dust Papyrus looked frightened at what he is seeing. He always had perfect teeth in his mouth. But to have teeth that is this horrifying is just too much. Horror Papyrus notices the Dust Papyrus, and spoke out.


The instant he said his trademark laugh, Dust Papyrus began to do it as well.


Both Papyrus look very happy to see each other, as they are now seen taking about stuff, such as their favorite food, Spaghetti.

Sans smiled at Papyrus, as he than hugs hm back, before he lets go of Papyrus, and he turns to Cream, who looks very worried about Sans just right now.

"and...cream...we went to another mobius...and we ended up finding someone that we think might make you feel very overjoyed."

Cream looked confused, unsure of what Sans meant, and was about to speak out...


An all too familiar voice spoke out. This made Cream freeze in her place...and Sans moved out of the show Vanilla standing there. Her attire is all worn out from constantly running in her Mobius...but she is still the same one. Cream looked she sees the alternate version of her mother. She...took a single step forward, and than...another step...and she croaked out a name, with delicate tears starting to leak out of her very precious eyes.


Vanilla smiled, as her own tears began to leak out of her face, as this tone of voice is the only one that Cream uses when she looks up to her mother. Cream...unable to hold it any longer...leapt up and hugged Vanilla as tightly as she could.


She screamed in happiness and pain, as Vanilla does the same thing to Dust's Cream.

Vanilla and Cream hugged each other, as even though they are both from different their core...they are still the same ones that they know of. Cream hugged Vanilla as she is afraid of it being an illusion, and spoke out.

"This is real. This is real. This is real. I don't want to lose you!"

Cream screamed, as she tightly hugged Vanilla with all of her might, as Vanilla hugs Cream just as much, and she spoke out.

"I'm so see you alive."

As both Cream and Vanilla have the heartfelt reunion...Dust Sans and his still living Papyrus watched and smiled, as Toriel and Asgore smiled at this reunion.

"hey, pap."

Papyrus looks down at Sans, as he than spoke out.

"let's give them some space to relive, okay? after reunions are very important to me."

Papyrus looks surprised, but nodded, and both Sans and Papyrus began to walk away, in order to give them both the time to feel very happy to see each other alive, even if they are not the same ones.

As they left to leave Vanilla and Cream alone, Papyrus looks down at Sans, and spoke out.


Sans looks at Papyrus, and he looks down.

"it''s a very, very long story. but...i'll explain it tomorrow. right now...i had a very rough day...and i haven't been able to sleep that much."

Papyrus looked, and saw that Dust really did have a rough day. His clothes look shredded a bit, and he had a bunch of bruises and cuts all over him.


Before Sans could say anything, Papyrus than picked Sans up from the ground, and began to bring him back to the house in order to heal his injuries. But as he is waking back to the house...Killer is watching them, and he...he has a look of Amy's power forced him to relieve the memory of when he had killed his Papyrus, when he had been manipulated by the human to do their genocide run, which lead to the original Sans persona starting to react.

Killer held his hands to his eyes, as seeing Papyrus made the original Sans resurface from the body he inhabits. Sans' eyes teared up seeing Papyrus before him, and this version look completely the same from Killer's Papyrus. He could not look at him. Not when he's this. He should never be able to look at him when she is like this.

But as he held his face, a hand touched his shoulder, and Killer turns around to see Amy, putting a comforting hand onto his shoulder, as if assuring for him, that it will all be okay. But Killer looks down, clearly doubting it will be alright. So Amy decides to hug him from behind, and held him tightly...and Sans does not fight back, as he lets it happen. But as he cries...


Killer looked up and saw Papyrus looking at him. Killer looks unhappy, and turns around, before Dust whispers something in his ear.

"papyrus...that person is me...but from a different history. I met him during my job, along with the other red-eyes guy and the other you."

Papyrus nodded his head a bit, and he went in front of Killer. Killer takes a step back, and Amy steps back to give him space. He than looks down...and he felt tears coming down his face. No. Not the black ooze, but actual tears. Killer, the Sane part of him...he is now crying. Papyrus, realizing that this is a Sans who needs help, hugs him to comfort him. Killer Sans than began to sob uncontrollably on this alternate version of Papyrus, as he tries all that he could to contain and slow down the amount of time that he is crying. But he emotions that he had bottled up inside of his body, ended up exploding out of him. And before he knew it...he could not stop trying, as the black liquid, combined with his normal tears, began to leak out out him uncontrollably. Papyrus, seeing how much distress and hurt he is in, hugs him more, as Dust smiled, seeing that his Papyrus still accepts Sans, even though this is a different, alternate version of him. Amy than hugs Killer from behind, as Sans continues to sob uncontrollably at being hugged by his own brother.

Dust sighed, as he sees the 3 of them hug, and as he did a voice spoke out.

"You know, you should be proud of yourself."

He looks behind him to see Rouge walking towards him. Dust spoke out.

"I am proud of what I did, Rouge. What I am not proud of, is the circumstances of how we had to see each other, especially in a demonic invasion."

Rouge than puts her hand on his hand.

"Well, there is one thing that I will be proud of."

Dust looked confused.

"And what is tha-"


Rouge kissed his cheek, shocking Dust a lot, he looks at Rouge, but the smile turned into an embarrassed one, as Rouge smiled a flirtatious, yet genuine smile. Dust's year just got a whole lot more interesting.

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