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This made Dust's eyes widened, as he than spoke out.

"What do you mean, Frisk, is inside of the Save Screen? I erased her when I killed her!"

Chara shook her head, as she than spoke out to him.

"Quite wrong, Sans. You did not actually erase her at all. In fact, you only sent her to the Save Screen and trapped her there. She is not truly gone."

This made Dust stunned, before he got angry and clenched her fists, as he cannot believe what he is hearing, as he than spoke out.

"Damn it. I thought she's...hrrrrrr."

Dust clenched his fist, as his left eye glows purple, as he than spoke out.

"Why is it that you are telling me this, Chara? Why not just simply leave that for yourself and have me discover it on my own?"

Chara smile, as she than spoke out to him.

"Only so that I can see the reaction on your face, and it is priceless."

This made Dust frustrated, as he than spoke out.

" clearly got it. And I am not very happy with that."

His eyes narrowed even more, as he than looks at the soul that is in the container. He made it stronger by injecting a small peace of the Fear Soul that he manage to get from Bete Noire, while in the fight with her. He than sighed, as he spoke out.

"Change of plans then. I'll do the Save Screen last. For now, I need to work on another thing, and hopefully, this one will help the group fight against the Highest."

He than looks and sees that Killer's True Knife is on inside of a capsule, as he than spoke out.

"And I am gonna need some help with this one. But not from you Chara."

Chara than spoke out.

"Well, than who will help you now?"

Before Sans could speak out, Sonic and Amy appeared from inside of the elevator, as they went out, and Chara had a look that says, 'are you serious', right at them both, despite the fact that they are unable to see him.

"Hey, Sans. You doing good?"

Dust nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I am. But now I am trying to do something."

Sonic looks at the knife, and he is confused, but then, Dust spoke out.

"Thank knife belongs to Killer. And now I am trying to infuse the Knives with the Soul Traits that is sucked out, with all of them in 7 capsules. Mind if you can grab them for me while I get to work in trying to fix this machine?"

Sonic and Amy nodded, as they left, as Dust than went back to the machine, and with the Gaster Hands helping him with this, Sonic and Amy are able to bring back the capsules to Dust's machine and inserted them. Both the fixing and the capsule retrieval are finished at the exact same time. As soon as they are both finished, Dust activated the machine, and they Traits of Fear, Bravery, Justice, Kindness, Patience, Integrity, and Preseveranfe are sucked out of the capsules, as they than enter and infused inside the knife. The knives flashed in 8 colors, starting with Red, than ending in Pink after the other 6 Colors flashed, and once the machine is finished, Dust sighed, as he than took out the Real Knife, and he held it in his hands, before speaking out.

"Now than. I think Killer would like to use this."

Dust said, before he placed it down onto a table, as he then looked at it for a little bit, before Dust sighed and spoke out.

"Okay than...hey, Sonic. Think you can give that to Killer? I think he will like it."

Sonic nodded, as he grabbed it, before he than decides to bring it to Killer as fast as he can, with Amy watching, as Sonic left as fast as he can. Sans sighed, due to the fact that all of this is making him very tired, and Dust has no way to make himself feel any better.

Dust looks at the machine, the one that is holding the Prototype Soul, in which he made it a little stronger after one adjustment, as he than got to it and took out the soul, and he then grabbed onto it, before storing it inside of himself, but did not absorb it. He sighed, as he than looks down at it. It is now much more stronger than before, and it is continuing for grow stronger. Thankfully, since killing Bete Norie, he is now much more stronger than ever before, and it able to handle the power that it has. So perhaps he is now strong enough to be able to use its power, once the time is right. Dust took a deep breath, as he than began to walk outside of the Laboratory, and goes up the elevator. Dust puts his hands inside of his pocket, and he took a deep breath, with Amy, having followed him, joining in on the Elevator ride as well. After all, Sonic is going to return back to the Lab, and is going to take Amy someplace else anyway. So it will be fine for the both of them.

As the elevator door opened, Sonic has appeared, and is surprised too see the both of them having decided to come out of the True Lab, as Sonic spoke out.

"Woah, wasn't expecting for the both of you to do that. How are you guys doing anyway?"

Dust than spoke out.

"making progress. managed to improve upon the prototype, gave killer a much more dangerous weapon with his power. and i think we are almost ready with our battle against the highest we just need a few more things to tweak up and than we are all set and ready to go and fight."

Sonic then signed, as he than spoke out.

"Well, at least that is a bunch of upsides. And you're ready to go and do what you promised me to do, Amy?"

Amy nodded with a smile, and she spoke out.

"I do. Let's go, Sonic."

Sonic smiled, as he picked up Amy bridal style, as they ran to someplace that they will be happy with doing. Dust was a little bit confused at this, but he did not question on it. After all, that is their business, and not his. Samael than decided to teleport to New Home, and see how everything is going. And in New Home, everything is going very well, as he sees that the Monsters are living with the Humans and Mobians quite peacefully, due to the fact that they had unified against the ones that had caused their lives to become the living hells that they are now. Of course, they are unaware of what is really happening, with the Highest going all around and doing worse things to Mobius than it can be imagined. As Dust looked around, he than felt a presence behind him, and spoke out.

"been a while since we spoke, shadow."

Dust turned around to see Shadow, as he than spoke out.

"It has been a while since we last spoke out. And I am getting frustrated and confused. What is happening, and why is Exetior not attacking everybody else?"

Dust than looked at Shadow and spoke out.

"it's gonna be a long and a really confusing story to discuss."

Shadow than looks at Dust sternly, as he than spoke out.

"I can take how long it is, Sans. Now tell me what it is that is happening."

Dust than sighed, and he began to explain the whole story, and needless to say, Shadow is a little surprised, as Shadow then spoke our.

"Okay, this is getting confusing. I need to wrap my head around this one."

Dust than looks at Shadow, as he than spoke.

"believe me, shadow. even i got confused and shocked at this form of information."

Shadow than looked at Dust and spoke out to him.

"Do you have a plan on how to deal with them?"

Dust than looks at Shadow, as he than spoke out to him.

"i do have an idea, i just hope that it is able to work for me. and i have been doing all that i can to try and deal with this sort of thing. and unfortunately, we are forced to team up with a demon of all things, because of the fact that we are up against some sort of beings that are far worse than him. man, i hate plot twists."

Shadow than shook his head, as he than spoke out.

"As do it, Sans."

Sans than looked at the castle where Toriel and Asgore are at, as Sans than spoke out.

"anyways, i need to go somewhere, because of how important that this is for me. and shadow...i suggest that you get yourself ready to fight against the highest, along with silver and sonic, in case they decide to join in on the fun."

Shadow looks at Sans and nodded his head, as he knows that this is way too important to underestimate. Shadow than left, as he went to practice his power and try and become more stronger as much as he can. He knows that this will be the biggest battle of his life, or at least, one of his biggest battles, due to how immensely dangerous and powerful the Highest is. Dust sighed, as he than decides to visit the one that he had wanted to see, as he than teleports inside of the Castle, and enters into the Judgement Hall, and needless to say, seeing this place did not give him good memories at all, due to the fact that he remembers how it all went to hell, and how it made his life a living nightmare, due to the fact that he has to kill on killing Frisk, again and again and again. He hates that place, because it has brought him nothing but misery, but but knows that there is nothing that he can do to erase that memory inside of him. So he shook his head, and moves on. But as he continues forward, a voice spoke out.

"Oh, you're here, Sans!"

Dust looked forward to see who it is that has spoken, and it is none other than the reborn Prince of the Monsters himself, Asriel.

Asriel happily sees Sans, due to the fact that he had been the one to give Asriel his life back. He had been the reason that he had been reborn into the old person that he had once used to be in the past. Thanks to that, Asriel had became strong as he is, and even regained his access as the God of Hyperdeath. And he is now training his parents in how to fight with weapons and fire. But Asriel also can use his other attacks, such as Shocker Breaker, Star Blazing, and when transformed, can summon the Chaos Buster and Hyper Goner. Of course, Sans does not know if he still has his Angel of Death form, but he would rather not take his chances, especially since the Angel of Death is Asriel's strongest form.

"heya, asriel, how are you doing?"

Asriel smiled, as he spoke out.

"I'm doing good, thanks to you, Sans. Though it is still kind of scary that we are in this mess now."

Dust nods his head as Asriel, as he than spoke our.

"ain't that the truth. and we are making some progress and are almost finished...except for one thing."

This made Asriel confused, until Sans spoke out.

"Do you remember the Save Screen? The place that you are able to access as Flowey?"

Asriel nodded his head, as Dust spoke out.

"Well...the thing is, I didn't get rid of Frisk, that human. She is inside of the Save Screen, and unfortunately, I need to do something there. So...can you do me a favor and come with me to the Save Screen?"

This made Asriel surprised, as he spoke out.

"Are you serious? Oh no."

Dust than nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I get that feeling as well."

Asriel looks down at the ground, before he nods his head at Dust, who sighed happily, before speaking out.

"Let's go."

Dust than clasped his hand on Asriel's shoulder, as they are then teleported into the Save Screen. and it is the same as it always is. And the moment that he did that...a voice spoke out.

"So, you arrived."

This made Asriel jump, and Sans grunt, as they both turned to see that Chara is also there, as Dust spoke out.

"And of course you wound be waiting for me, Brat."

This made Asriel stunned, as he spoke out.

" that you?"

Chara smiled, as she gawked her head to the side, and she spoke out.

"Hello, Brother. Did you miss me?"

Asriel than stood back, as he gripped his Chaos Sabers, due to the fact that he remembers as Flowey that Chara had killed him when he is Flowey. And needless to say, he is not happy to see his traitorous adopted sister coming out of nowhere to meet him. And this made Chara amused, as she spoke out.

" didn't miss me, your sister?"

Asriel than spoke out.

"What is there to miss about you, besides being killed by you multiple times as Flowey?"

This made Dust grunt, as he felt line he just made Asriel unhappy. But he cannot deal with it now, as he than decides to do what he had got to do. He used some of his powers that Gaster had given to him, and began to gather some of the code from the Save Screen itself, as he than began to find Gaster's little bit of Code, and inserted them into the artificial soul, but as he did, a voice spoke out.


This made Sans closed his eyes, before he than turns around, and saw the person that he had not been wanting to see.

Sans narrows his eye sockets, as he than spoke out.

"brat...i didn't think that you would appear in the save screen. i thought i had gotten rid of you. really should have finished the job while i still had the chance."

Frisk has tears in her eyes, as she than spoke out to the older skeleton.

"Sans...please...I'm sorry. I...I didn't want this to happen. I never meant for this to happen."

But Dust spoke out.

"does it matter, brat, on whether you want this to happen or not? no, you still did it. you and chara had been responsible for the continuous genocides that i had tried to stop, and you think that an I'm sorry is gonna fix it, especially since you knew that the thing you had done is wrong, yet you still did it anyway? no, it won't fix anything. if it were up to me..."

Dust than snapped his fingers and summoned his Gaster Blasters, as made Frisk scared, before he than spoke out.

"...i would kill you where you stood, just as i had promised back then."

Frisk was scared, as she was not going to survive this, but than, Dust took away his Gaster Blasters, as he than spoke out.

"But you know what...i have a much more important problem to deal with, and i am not gonna waste my time talking to you. hey, asriel, time to go."

Asriel, who is in the middle of a talk with Chara, looks at Sans and nodded, as he than goes next to Sans, who than spoke out to the 2 humans.

"Do not try to see us again."

Dust and Asriel teleports back to Judgement Hall, as Frisk than spoke out.

"What have I done?"

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