Meeting a Lemur, Wolf, and Beetle

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Sans began to he tries to wake up...only to realize that he can't. He tries to wake up again...but he still can't. This is making Sans a little bit irritated, as he is not here to rest.

'come on. wake up..wake the hell up.'

Sans spoke to himself, as than forces his mind to stay awake with as much strength as he can muster. And this time...he is actually beginning to awaken. His eye sockets began to he tries to force himself awake, as he tries to be determined in order to awaken from his slumber. He than was able to open his eyes...and as soon as he did, the feeling of the wind blowing finally was felt onto his face. He than looked up and he saw that he is being carried by someone. He looks up again, slightly, and grunts a little bit, catching the person that is holding him.

"So you're finally awake, huh?"

Sans looks to see Rouge's face up close, as Sans than spoke out.

"yeah, i guess i am."

Cream than looks and saw that Sans' eyes are opened, and he is looking around. She than flies next to Sans' head, and spoke out.

"Mr. Sans. I'm so glad to see that you're okay."

Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"Well...i think i recharged my magic enough for me to start on fighting a little bit. it is not at full power, but it is still enough, kiddo."

Cream looks and sees Sans' confident smirk...and they reminded her so much of Sonic, when he was not possessed by that Exetior, who had used his powers to go and kill off his friends.

what happened?"

Sans was not sure what happened while he wa knocked out. So he is very confused at what in the world happened, while he had blacked out, due to the fact that he had to waste all of that magic of his in order to bring the civilians so safety. Blaze, who is using her fire to increase her speed, spoke out.

"The good that you were able to get all of my citizens from my planet out of here. The bad news is...we are being chased by Robotnik's badniks, and we need to find a place to hide in."

Sans looks back, and he saw that the badniks are indeed chasing the group. Sans snarled, as Shadow jumps in the air, and fires out his Chaos Spears at them, in hopes that it would stop them from getting closer to the group, who are swarming them by the second. The Chaos Speare rained down on top of the Badniks and they manage to obliterate a bunch of them upon being hit by them, but more and more of the Badniks still kept on coming, as if Robotnik had been keeping them behind him, just in case the current Badniks are unable to destroy them. Shadow grunted, as he resumes his speed once again, and continued to skate at the speed that matches that of Sonic's running speed.

Blaze than does her own attack at them, as she fires balls of flames at them, in order to stop as much of them as possible. But even after she did that, more and more of the Badniks came out of nowhere, and began to chase with the other members of the group Sans is in right now. Blaze began to run and use the fire to speed up herself, so she does not get caught by the badniks and be captured by them. She is not here to become a demon. She is here to live for the sake of her friends, and for her citizens. She will love for them, so she can be there for them. Nothing is going got stop her, no matter what happens to happens. She will continue to fight for the sake of the poker she lost, and the home she had abandoned.

Sans looks behind him, as he starts to think of a plan to get the Badniks to stop, and than...he snapped his fingers with an idea now present in his head, and spoke he out to the others.

"maybe there is a way to slow them down."

Sans leaned a bit, to get a clear view of the amount of badniks that are chasing them. Rouge looks and spoke out to Sans.

"Sans, what are you doing?"

Sans than extended his hand, a smile on his face, as his left eye began to leak red and blue, while he prepares something.

Before anyone realizes what Sans is going to do, suddenly...bones began to erupt from behind them, and before they knew it, a wall make of bones appeared, blocking the Badniks, as a lot of them them slammed onto the bones, which ended up making the badniks destroyed themselves instead of beaming through the wall. Sans watched as the bike start to turn smaller and smaller, and than...the wall is completely out of sight.

"Very clever, you bag of bones."

Rouge smiled flirting, as Sans smiled back. And Cream than goes next to Sans, as she saw that he is alright, and is now awake.

"Thank you, Mr. Sans."

Sans smiled, as he reached his hand out, and pats Cream on the head, making the Rabbit Mobian smile softly. Sans sighed, as he he watched as they kept on going, and never turning back. How lucky Sans is into meeting a bunch of people that is actually willing to help him. Well...looks like his luck got him this far. How far will it get for him next time? midnight...

Sans, Rouge, Cream, Blaze, and Shadow are standing around a fire that was made when Sans used his bones ad the kindling, and Blaze using her pyrokinesis at the bones, which ignited them. They are standing around it, ad they watched the flames crackle and burn the bones, as Sans used his telekinesis to get bigger wood in order for the fire to last longer than before. Sans sighed, as he puts the wood down, and the wood began to catch fire as well, as soon as the flames touched the wood.

Cream leaned next to Sans a bit more, as Sans put his blue jacket over her body in order to keep her warm. Cream appreciates it, as she snuggled deeper into him, and does it let go of his white shirt. Clearly, she is still traumatized at what happen with her mother, and Sans is acting like a father to her, and refuses to let him go, as she is afraid of having another parental figure of hers go. So the fact that Sans is allowing her to lean next to him in order to comfort her is a very nice sign of gratitude on Cream's part.

Blaze is looking down, her hands intertwined, as she thought of all that has happened. She thought of what happened for her home, when the demons came in and invaded it. She thought, of when she had to see her own citizens be killed and demonized by the demonic army, and by the people themselves, in which they've been demonized quickly. She thought of when she had made the that portal, in which she was able to get a bunch of her citizens out of here, before she went into the portal herself, and is forced to leave her home behind. And is thinking of the new friend that she had made, Sans the Skeleton, a monster from the so-called Mount Ebott.

Sans...he seems to be like a very nice skeleton...but Blaze could tell that he is a man of mystery. He is hiding secrets that are very important for anyone to know, and he does not want anyone to know of it very soon. Even though Blaze is now on good terms...she is still very, very suspicious of Sans.

Rouge does not think much of him. All she sees is a cute, handsome skeleton, so cute for even her to touch and snuggle with, not to mention flirt. And unlike both Knuckles and Shadow, Sans does not seem to care about what she says, and this makes Rouge more determined to go with him, and besides..the eyes look very exotic, that it's more expensive than any jewel.

Shadow, on the other hand...looks at Sans. And for an unknown reason...he reminds Shadow so much of Sonic, his rival. He does not know why he reminds him so much of Sonic for any reason. Maybe it's because of the color blue, which he is wearing, or maybe it is because of the fact that he is as fearless as Sonic, and the fact that he fights until the bitter end. Sonic, he is a person that keeps a promise, no matter what happens, and he will stop at nothing to keep it no matter what. And also the magic that he possesses. He does not know why...but there is something off about his magic that does not suit Sans at all. In fact...the magic that Sans has looks like he has taken it instead of learning the magic, and not to mention...the red glow in his eyes. There is something off about Sans that Shadow cannot seem to touch at. Clearly, Sans is hiding something about himself, and he is determined to know what it is that made Sans the way he is. And he will not stop until he finds out about of it. For now...he is gonna have to live in the dark, until he finds out this secret to how it is that he became this powerful in the first place, and of the mysterious power that he had with him.

Sans simply looks down at Cream with very tiring, soothing eyes, and began to rub her head very gently and calmly, which made Cream a little sleepy at the very gentle touch. He smiles at the little rabbit mobian sleeping and nuzzling agaisnt him, as he continues to rub her head, until the Mobian began to fell asleep. Sans sighed, before putting an arm around Cream, in hopes that it would make her comfortable. After all, Cream, she deserves this sleep, after all she has been through. Sans closed his he was about to sleep as well, which he really needed, due to his Determination keeping him from actually sleeping, when all of a sudden...


Sans' eyes widened, as he looked behind himself. He looks behind himself, as Cream actually began to awaken, as she looks up at Sans.

"'Mr. Sans? What's wrong?"

Sans looks down.

"I heard a snapping sound. Looks like someone is here. Cream, do you mind getting offa me?""

Cream nodded, as she stands up, and Sans looks at the direction of the snapping sound. Shadow looks at Sans.

"And what do you think you're doing?"

Sans spoke back.

"i thought i heard someone coming. need to make sure that it is not one of those demons that exetior has sent to find us."

Shadow nods, as he stood up and prepares as well to fight against whoever's there. Sans than readies a fireball, as he prepares to launch it. He looks and he sees a figure coming out from the darkness, and he prepares to throw it...only to reveal the figure is a Lemur Mobian.

Sans was caught by surprise that he lowered his hand, and spoke out to her.

"and who are you supposed to be?"

Sans spoke out, as Blaze actually recognized it.

"No way...Tangle!"

Blaze spoke out in joy, as she ran forward and hugged Tangle, who hugs back at Blaze.

"I thought you were dead to."

Tangle smiled, as she spoke out.

"I'm never that dead, Blaze. You know that. I'm too good to die."

Sans than began to stand up, as he spoke out.

"You know this person, Blaze?"

Blaze turns and spoke out.

"I do. In fact, everyone in the group knows her. Sans, this is my friend, Tangle. Tangle, this is Sans, a new fiend of ours, as well as a monster."

Tangle looks at Sans, who looks back at Tangle with a smile. Tangle smiled back, but only for the respect of her friends, as Sans actually looks a little bit creepy, due to his red eyes.

"Nice to meet ya, Tangle."

Tangle took his hand, and at that instant, a whopper cushion suddenly went off, and Sans revealed in his hand that he had one strapped to the palm of his hand. Tangle looks shocked, before smiling and laughing.

"Hahahaha...okay, that is very clever!!"

Sans smiled wider, which is a mischievous and genuine one, as he puts his hand away.

"Well...I am very good at pranking people, Tangle. It's a per of my charm."

Tangle smiled, as another voice spoke out, though this one almost impossible to hear, due to how quiet it sounds.

"She is not the only one that has arrived."

Than...a figure came out of the darkness, and the figure reveals herself to be a Mobian as well, but this one a wolf Mobian, with a mask and a gun.


Blaze spoke out, as the wolf mobian walks up to the other members present.


Whispers spoke out quietly, which Sans thought to himself.

'now i know why they call her whispers. she is whispering when she is speaking.'

Blaze and Whispers than shook hands with each other, clearly showing respect with each other. And also...they are clearly happy to see each other, after what must have been a long time since they had seen each other.

"And don't forget about me, please."

A lighter, more higher voice spoke out, as someone than flied out of nowhere.


Cream spoke out, as she flies up to the beetle mobian, and both Cream and Jewel hugged each other, as they are very happy to see each other again, after such a long, long time. Clearly, they missed each other very greatly, as since the demon invasion started, they could not find each other anywhere, and assumed that one of the other had been killed. Luckily, that is not the case, and they saw each other that they are alive.

"I'm so happy that you're okay, Jewel."

Cream spoke out, as Jewel spoke back.

"Yeah. I'm glad to see that you are okay also, Cream."

Sans smiled a bit, as Cream seemed to be much more happier, as Tangle than used her tail to drag Sans next to her, and spoke out.

"Hey, Sans.l

She than takes out a bag of hot dogs.

"Want for have some marshmallows with me?"

Sans looked and nodded his head.

"Sure thing."

Sans sat down onto the grass, took a hotdog from the bag, pierced the stick onto it, and began to put it over the fire, like Sans is now camping. The thing is, Hot Dogs are one of Sans' favorite food to eat, and even though he drinks ketchup, he still likes to put it on his food. He holds it over the fire, until he is finished, and luckily...Sans brought the buns, and showed it to the Lemur Mobian herself.

"Wow. You really plan ahead, don't ya?"

Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"Looks like you began to 'ketchup' to what I've been thinking about."

Tangle laughs at the pun, as she spoke out to him.

"Okay, that is very clever for you to say."

Sans smiled as he shrugged.

"Thanks, and by the way, speaking of ketchup..."

He takes out a hot role of ketchup, and showed it to her.

"you wants some, for your hotdog, i mean, Tangle."

Tangle nodded.

"Yes, please!"

Sans smiled, as he passed it to the 23-year old Lemur, who gratefully takes the Ketchup from his hand, squirts it onto her hotdog, and began to eat it, immediately. Sans smiled, as he than began to squirt the ketchup onto his own hotdog, and he began to eat his hotdog, and they both munched like no tomorrow.

Afte they are done eating, Blaze spoke out to Tangle, a bit curious of what had just happened.

"So...Tangle...I want to know...what happened? You and I had been messaging each other for a bit ever since this thing started, and suddenly went mute. What happened while this happened?"

Tangle looks away a little bit, before speaking out.

"It is a long story. My home had been attacked by the demons that have arrived to try and kill everyone in order to demonize them as soon as possible. The worst part was that Whispers and Jewel were here with me, and the attacked happened very unexpected. My had gotten massacred, but me and my friends were able to get away from what happened. Unfortunately...too add to the misfortune, they also destroyed the computer that I had in order to communicate with you, and because of this, made me unable to contact you, Blaze."

Jewel than continued on with the take that Tangle began to talk to the group.

"When we escaped, we had to do all that we can to survive and try to escape from what had happened. And than...we learned that all of Mobius is experiencing this, and because of that, we are forced to try and hide, and it was not that simple, because the Demon...Exetior? Is that what he is named?"

Jewel spoke out, and Sans spoke out.

"you mean the one that looks like sonic?"

Jewel looks surprised at what Sans has said and spoke out.

"Yeah, he did. How do you know about that, Sans?"

Sans spoke back to Jewel.

"we've met. it's a long story but please, continue yours."

Jewel nodded, and spoke out.

"Well...Exetior...he had made an attempt to try and take me and my friend to his lair so we could be killed and demonized into his army. Tangle fought against him, but all that she did was buy all of us time to make a portal to get far away from him as possible, because Tangle was about to be killed by him."

Sans looked at Tangle, and spoke out.

"wow. i thought i was the only one that could stand a chance against him."

This caught Tangle by surprise, as she turned around and spoke out to Sans.

"Wait a minute. You mean to say that you've fought him?"

Sans nodded.

"yep, and admittedly...i nearly got myself killed from that encounter as well. i only was alive, because i had teleported away."

This made them surprised, and Whisper than spoke out.

" can teleport, Sans?"

Sans nodded.

"yep. And it is the reason that i am here, actually. i guess i should tell you my side of the story, don't i?"

Sans than began to explain why he is here, and what he had been doing, as well as what he had done.

"Woah! Woah! Woah!! Hold on!!! You mean to say that you have been finding survivors on Mobius and bringing them to Mount Ebott?!"

Sans nodded.

"yep. because my kind used their most powerful forms of magic from some of the most powerful monsters ever born, they made ebott protected from the demons, not to mention concealed, meaning it is invisible to them. because of is now being used as a sanctuary for any survivors that i have found."

Whisper than made a response that caught Sans by surprise.

"It is good to hear this, because we have a situation that needs the Mountain, much more than ever."

Sans than looks at Whisper and spoke out.

"What is it?"

Whisper spoke out.

"Tell me...Sans. Have you ever heard of a floating island that's called 'Angel Island?'

As soon as Whisper said that, Rouge than spoke out.

"Hold on, Angel Island? You mean the island that Knuckles guarded to keep the Master Emerald safe?"

Whisper nodded, as she spoke out.

"Yes...and it is no longer floating."

Upon hearing this, Shadow looked alarmed, and spoke out to Whisper, needing an explanation, now.

"What do you mean by, no longer floating?"

Shadow quickly demanded, as Whisper than spoke out in the same quiet tone of voice.

"Mecha Sonic and E-123 Omega have tried to protect the Master Emerald in order to keep it out of bad hands. They succeeded, but the Master Emerald went out of its proper place, which has been destroyed. And because of this, Angel Island is no longer floating. So both Mecha Sonic and Omega are doing all that they can to try and keep the Master Emerald away from the demonic army. But they cannot do this forever. It'll be taken soon."

Sans than stood up on his feet.

"than what are we standing around here for? we need to get to this 'angel island' as fast as we can."

Shadow than spoke out with a smirk on his face.

"I thought you would never ask. Everyone. Gather around me, now."

Everyone, minus Sans, realizing that Shadow has an idea, starts to gather around him, as Shadow pulls out a Chaos Emerald.

"Chaos Control!!"

He shouted out, as in an instant, Shadow and the others flickered they are teleported to Angel Island...where new help will await for them all.

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