Murder vs Sharpness

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Sans and Exetior stared at each other, as they looked to see who it is that is going to attack first. Shadow snarled at Exetior, but Exetior does not pay attention to Shadow. In fact, he is paying attention to the skeleton that is in front of him. He can feel his magic. He is so interested in it, and yet...feels a bit threatened by it. While the magic may not be at his level, that does not change the fact that it is a threat to both himself and his plans. So he can either kill Sans...or he could demonize the skeleton, to have the Murder as the second-in-command in his armies.

Sans, on the other hand, stares up at the Demon of Sharpness' position, as he is floating in the air, feeling the malicious feeling of cruelty coming from him, as well as his power. Exetior is now as cruel and ruthless as Sans is, but he is more powerful than him, even with all the demons that he had killed, as well as the monsters and their combined attacks he had gained back at the previous timeline, when he had committed his genocide. But even so...he is not going to go down without a fight. His eyes then began to glow, as he than spoke out.


Than, the spectral phantom of Papyrus appeared behind Sans, and Shadow looks at Sans, to see what he is doing.

"protect the kid."

Papyrus nodded, as he than wrapped himself around Cream, who than looks at Sans with concern on her face.

"M-Mr. Sans? What are you going to do right now?"

Sans began to step forward, as he looked at at Exetior.

"Yes...come to me, and fight me, and fall to your doom."

As Sans continues to walk forward towards the Demon of Sharpness, Shadow than stepped forward and puts a hand on Sans tightly, stopping him from reaching closer to the demon.

"What do you think you're doing? Exetior's mine. I am going to take my revenge on-"

But Sans turns around, grabs Shadow by the shoulder and pulls himself close to Shadow's ear, catching the hedgehog by surprise, and whispers into his ear.

"listen up...right here...right now, hedgehog. you cannot defeat him, and neither can i. my power is only close to his level of power, and that is it. you try and fight him, you will only risk yourself into becoming one of his minions, and that is something you don't you? because if not, and you want to stay as yourself, as the so-called, ultimate life form...than listen to me very carefully, and don't talk back, nor should you interrupt what I have to say to you. once you are done fighting against an opponent you are comfortable with fighting, either with the pink girl with the hammer or the red guy the spikes on his fists, you, rouge, and the kid need to run away, so that he is unable to se you guys, and i can catch up to you all. also, do not even think, of arguing with me...for i'm in no mood to argue with you, hedgehog."

The fact that he is saying the name of his species instead of his actual name means that Sans is not in his usual happy self, and Shadow wanted to argue back. But considering the fact that he says that he is in 'no mood to argue, and to not attempt it' made Shadow not speak, and to let Sans do what he has got to do to Exetior now.

He looks up, his eyes flared, as Sans smiles a psychotic smile, the same one when he had faced the human that had committed genocide.

" you wanna had a mad time?"

Sans spoke out him his demonic tone, before gets ready to figure Exetior.

The Demon of Sharpness smiled, as he raised his hand in the air itself, and spoke out to him.

"Yes...give me a mad time, Skeleton. Show me just how violent and ruthless you are to me."

Tough, truth be told, he wants to see just how powerful Sans is compared to the other people he have demonized. And considering what Sans has done, he would be the perfect person to work on. And than...he gets to decide what he wants to do with him. He will either try to kill Sans, or simply demonize him and have Sans as his second-in-command, due to his power and because of his intelligence, not to mention the level of power that Sans possesses.

Sans looks up, before suddenly...he teleported in front of Exetior, and attacked with a purple bone, with the end as pointy as a knife. He than tries to stab Exetior with it, but Exetior teleports to the ground. But Sans than summoned a Gaster Blaster behind Exetior, and attempts to attack him with it. But the attack failed, as Exetior had been able to teleport out of the way.

But Sans now is in front of him, and this time, used his green magic to hold Exetior in place, and before he realized what was about to happen, he got blasted by a Gaster Blaster, injuring him immensely. Sans than landed on the ground, and he looks to see Exetior rising from the ground, his wounds beginning to heal.

" manage to hurt me. Not many people are capable of causing this much damage to me."

Sans smiled, as he than held his hand out, and Exetior began to be surrounded by a dark blue aura, before Sans began to slam him into the ground, than into some trees, then the ground again, before sending him flying back. Sans than immediately teleports after him, as Amy and Knuckles looked at Rouge and Shadow. Rouge than looks at Amy and spoke out.

"I'll take on the hammer girl."

Shadow spoke out.

"Fine. Than I'll take on Knuckles."

Rouge than looks at Amy, before charging at her, and as soon as Amy swung her hammer, Rouge kicked the hammer. Knuckles than charges at Shadow, as Shadow than rushed full speed towards Knuckles, and as soon as they got close enough, both Mobians began to clash.

Back with Sans and Exetior...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sans is now at the area where Exetior is at, and began to look around the he tries to find him. He closes his eyes, before snapping them open, and he immediately gets out of the way, as Exetior nearly got to Sans. The Skeleton looks at Exetior, as the demon smiles.

"Hahahahahahaha...I have not have had this much fun in a long time. But I know you are hiding more then you are letting on."

Sans smiled, as he spoke back.

"of course. i do have something hidden in my sleeve. and i am keeping them just for ya to see."

Exetior smiled, and closed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"Of course. So now..."

Sans closed, as he continues what Exetior is saying.

"the real fight..."

Than, the both of them snapped their eyes open, and they both spoke out at the same time.


And as soon as they shouted this out, they both began to attack each other. And Exetior used his power to warp reality, changing the environment to a hellish place of flames.

Sans than launched Fireballs at Exetior, catching him by surprise, which hits him. This caused some burns on his chest, which than healed. He than fired a beam of energy made of Chaos Energy, and Sans used a Gaster Abyss Blaster to counter. But one Gaster Abyss Blaster is not enough, even with the increased power that he has through his determination. So, he decides a to use a few more to counter the beam. And this time, it worked. The beam is being blocked by Sans' own beams from his Gaster Blasters. Than, Exetior's right eye shines, as suddenly, Sans began to fall, and is now in an entirely new place. It resembles an inverted version of Mobius, such as the color, and the dead bodies, with the red blood being turned into green. Than, it changed into a black blood liquid, as Sans began to look around.

"We will settle this, here, in this realm that I have made."

Exetior's voice spoke out, as the Demon of Sharpness began to float down for a bit. Exetior smiled, as Sans still kept his smile. He then extended his hand, and 4 of Undyne's spreads appeared above Sans' head,

and all 4 are launched, as they attacked Exetior.

Exetior immediately flies in the air. But than, he began to glow purple, as his body is now stuck to a purple web.

"What is this?"

Exetior spoke out, as bones than began to appear from the top and the bottom of where Exetior's position. Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"as you said...i've been hidin a bunch of tricks up my sleeve. and this is the one that you are in right now."

Exetior looks and sees bone coming at him. He looks up...and sees that there is one opening for him to go through. But he would need to move along with the opening that's present.

He than moved up as fast as he could. But Exetior...did it a bit too late, because the bone still hit him, in the leg, and went through it, as a hole is than made. But Exetior continued to move along the opening, and immediately goes down, but was shocked to see more bones. But the openings are a bit more larger, though he still needs to move. Than, Gaster Blasters began to rain down on top of Exetior, as he tries to move out of the way as fast as possible. This is something that Exetior had not dealt with in his life.

'This Skeleton...his magic is far more powerful than even I can imagine. How is he this strong? Not even Asgore has this amount of magic in his strength. This Skeleton...he is the strongest monster that I have faced.'

Exetior thought to himself, as the purple effect finally ended, and he dropped to the ground. His leg began to heal from the injury that the bone caused him, and Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"'ve had your turn to choose a location. and now..."

He snapped his fingers...and suddenly...they are in a blue version of Judgement Hall, which is somehow existing inside of this dimension.

"now it's my turn, pal."

Exetior looks around, as he than began to feel his body began to be controlled by Sans again, who than used Gravity Manipulation in order to catch him off balance, and summon bones from the surface, in order to cause continuous pain to Exetior. But Exetior than teleports out of the way, and than reappears behind Sans, and attempts to attack him. This time, it succeeded, and Sans took damage. Thankfully, though, he survived, due to having way more health than he did before, as after he killed the human, he now became much more enduring, not just more strength and obtaining more magical abilities.

He looks at Exetior and than attacks back with a Gaster Blaster. Exetior dodged and teleports again although, this time, Sans reacted and teleported out of the way, before he teleported behind Exetior and manage to stab him in the stomach, causing his torso to bleed very, very badly now. He looks, before he then teleported, and Sans turns around to see Exetior in front of him, and already readying his punch. Sans raised his arms to defend, and Exetior punches his arms, sending Sans flying into one of the pillars of the Judgement Hall. Exetior looks down at himself, as the hole in his torso began to close up...until it healed, and it looks as though the injury was never there in the first place.

Sans drops down onto his feet, as he looks at Exetior, his left eye began to leak out purple mist, as the smile on his face grew even wider than before. Clearly, Exetior was not expecting for something such as that to happen. Exetior smiled, as he spoke out.

"Your power is incredible. Not even Asgore can do this much damage to me."

Sans looked surprised.


Exetior began to laugh, as he spoke out to Sans.

"Asgore...the king of the monster race and I have fought againat each other before in the long time past. Asgore's skills and power impress me, as even though he couldn't beat me, he lasted the longest against my power. And I...I believed that's was the only one that gained my respect. But have shown me to be even more powerful than even...and I can sense that you even have his tridents inside of you also."

Exetior than raised his arms out, as 2 orbs of energy began to form from them. He smiled at Sans smile back. He launched the orbs at Sans. And Sans than launched fireballs at Exetior's energy spheres. Both of the attacks canceled each other out. And Sans than launched the tridents that Exetior talked about, but the tridents are colored white, instead of red. Exetior was able to defend against these, but Sans had a trident with him, and stabbed Exetior from behind. Exetior than teleported, and punches the Trident, which Sans used in order to defend against Exetior's attack.

"Not to mention that...unlike Asgore, you have damaged me so much, even though Asgore could not do the same. When you die...I will make sure you are my second-in-command, too lead my armies."

The trident was then launched at Exetior, which he blocked. But than...a Gaster Blaster appeared from behind him, as Sans than spoke out.

"i'd rather burn in hell, than join you, exetior."

The Gaster Blaster fired, as he than got hit, and was launched to the ground. And Exetior began to stand up, as he than saw that there are white pellets surrounding him. Sans than closed his hand into a fist, and the pellets struck him, causing immense damage to Exetior. But Exetior still was able to heal from that, due to his immortality protecting him. Than, he launches duplicates of himself at Sans, who than launched Undyne's spears at the Exetior copies, dispersing them. Exetior than noticed that Sans...he has a drop of sweat coming down of his skull. Sans...he is getting tired. But Sans does not seem to pay attention to that, and began to slam Exetior down at the walls, the roof, and the floor of the Judgement Hall, before using his Gravity Manipulation to throw him at one of the ends of the Judgement Hall.

Exetior than stood up, and the wounds that he had sustained began to heal. He looks at Sans, as he stares down at Exetior with a confident look on his face. Than, 2 drops of sweat than appeared, this time on his cheekbone, and Sans wiped it off of his face, and focuses his sight back in the Sharpness Demon. He than teleports behind Sans again, and this time, attacked the head, which caused way more damage than ever. Now all that is needed is a couple more strikes, and Sans will be done for, who will than be converted into his demon army. After all, he's strong, but he's not invincible.

Sans looks at Exetior, his smile is still on his face, as he spoke out to the Demon of Sharpness.

"have you given up yet, pal?"

Exetior stood up from the ground, and smiled.

"No...I haven't given up yet. And I highly doubt you are going to give up also, after considering how tired you are right now, Skeleton."

This made Sans wide-eyed, but than he smiled and shrugged.

"what can i say...i'm too 'bone-headed' to know the meaning of 'quitting.'"

Sans smiled a bit wider at the pun that he had made, which Exetior didn't notice, as he stared at Sans' own red eyes, with the light blue glow of patience vanished from Sans' left eye. Now Sans looks like he is a demonized version of himself, even though he really is not a demon, and simply has Determination empowering him.

"Perhaps...or maybe you are just way to stubborn to go down this easily."

Exetior than teleports in front of Sans and tried to strike him. But Sans was able to get out of the way, before he got hit. However, Exetior noticed something. Sans is dodging slower than before. Asgore had also dodged slower in the past, but he got fired a bit quicker, unlike Sans, who is lasting a little bit longer than the King Dreemurr himself.

Sans than extended his hand, and suddenly, Exetior felt the area blink black for a second, before he is now in a different position, and he got hit by spears! Somehow, Sans was able to teleport Exetior to a different position, in order to get him in the way of his attack, to make defeating him way more easier than before. Asgore had never done that to Exetior before. And yet, Sans is capable of doing this to the Demon of Sharpness himself. Sans smiled, as he spoke out. Sans than snapped his fingers, and 6 Gaster Blasters appeared. One at the front of Exetior, the other at the left. He than began to move right and downwards, but the Gaster Blasters are following his movement, and before Exetior new it, he got blasted by 2 of them at the same time. But this still did not kill him.

"how do you like that?"

He than teleports Exetior again, but this time, above the ceiling of the Judgement Hall, and bones are waiting for him. And because he is glowing a dark blue, he cannot fly. The Blue Magic is negating this power from Exetior. So, he immediately moved to the left as fast as he could, and barely avoided getting pierced by the bones. But now, Exetior can only jump while in Blue mode, and it does not help that Sans had the power to manipulate his soul at will.

He than summoned bones from the floor and the left wall, and Exetior immediately jumped to the right, to avoid getting hit. Than, Sans teleported him to the ceiling, and he had to jump to the left, to avoid getting hit by the bones coming out of the right wall and ceiling.

Than, he is slammed down to the ground, before Sans than sends him flying down the judgement hall, and Exetior gets hit by bones along the way, as well as having to squeeze through a line of bones that is tightening the space in the center. He than lands at the other end of Judgement Hall, but is than pierced by bones coming out of that end. He than jumps off of various parts of the Judgement Hall that Sans had teleported on, before Sans than began to use his Gaster Blasters in a circle. Not to mention some spears and fireballs getting launched towards Exetior as well. He gets hit, and yet, he still kept on healing form the danger he's taken. Finally, using that attack...Sans than used his Gravity Manipulation to its most devastating effect, one that he had used against the human, before he had used his...Special Attack.

Sans than starts to slam Exetior around the area of the Judgement Hall, as well as beating Exetior's down to his last life. But Exetior is continuing to heal the massive damage in spite of it all, so he continues to live, no matter what. But in the end...Sans finally had gotten very tired of what he had done...and than...lowers Exetior down to the ground, slowly and gently. He felt so tired, much more so than ever. It was like he is fighting against the human all over again, except that he's fighting a literal demon.

" don't die, huh? Even after i had thrown nearly everything at you. really are the strongest demon ever, exetior. i must really love up to your title."

Exetior than began to stand up...and tries to charge at Sans...only to be teleported back in the same position.


He than tries to charge at Sans again, but is again, teleported back in the same position. Exetior than moves fast, and due to possessing Sonic's speed, attempts to attack Sans, only to be teleported back into the same position, over and over.

Sans continues to get exhausted, as he does all that he can to make sure that...wait a moment...

"hehehehehe...hate to break it to ya, pal...but, ummmm...I have got a promise to keep. so...see ya later."

Than...the world briefly became back for a split second, before Sans was gone. He had somehow teleported out of the pocket dimension that Exetior made to trap him in. Exetior was shocked, but also glad to see that, because now...Sans is proving himself to be worthy of being the second-in-command of Exetior's army.

Back on Mobius...

Sans teleported right behind the group, as they see Sans on his knee, looking exhausted.

"Mr. Sans!"

Cream cried out, as she went over and hugs him, as Sans hugged back. Than...the Phantom Papyrus goes to Sans and returns to the one that has made him. Sans hugged Cream, as she spoke out.

"I'm so relieved you're okay!"

Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"hey, i don't go away from ya forever, kiddo."

Than, Rouge flied in front of Sans, and she spoke out to him.

"You look exhausted, Sans."

Sans nodded.

"yeah, well, they don't call him the leader of the demons for nothing. that guy literally tanked nearly everything that i had dished out at him, with only some attacks that I did not use against him. if i didn't have my teleportation with me, than i would have died and become demonized, in which that would have been a bigger disaster.

Shadow looks at him, and saw that he is tired, and yet, he had only a few injuries on him. He looks at Sans with an impressed look, and spoke out.

"Not bad. To fight against the Leader of the Demons and survive. Not bad at all."

Sans smiled. But than he spoke out to Rouge."

"what happened while i was gone, fighting exetior?"

Rouge than spoke out.

"Knuckles and Amy were very tough, and they tried to call Sally and Robotnik. But thankfully, we were able to finish the fight without being found by the both of them. Cream is also still okay, thanks to you bringing a Phantom version of your brother."

Sans nodded and smiled.

"i'm glad you're all okay."

He than spoke out to Shadow.


Shadow looks at Sans, and saw that he is coming to him, and spoke out.

"have you changed your mind...about ebott and all of that? because if you still decide no than...can you at least do me one favor?"

Shadow looks and spoke out.

"What would that be?"

Sans looks down, before speaking out.

"finding more survivors to bring to ebott, so they found live there, in the area that we are inside of now."

Shadow looks at Sans straight in the eyes, and after a bit, he spoke out.

"Fine. I'll help. But only this once. Okay?"

Sans nodded.


Sans than looks around, and spoke out.

"Let's keep moving."

Everyone nodded, as they began to move to a different area, in hopes of finding more survivors, so that they can be brought back to Ebott, which will become their sanctuary to live in. This is going to be a long day.

With Exetior...

Exetior is sitting on his throne, as she began to think back at the battle that he had with the Skeleton, who had taken him to a blue version of that strange hallway, which he seemed to have the advantage. The magic that the skeleton had demonstrated, it was unreal to most demons, except for Exetior. The magic he had demonstrated was impressive for even Exetior himself, as Sans is stronger than all of his demonized servants, and yet, is the only one to cause way more damage than anyone else he had fought against.

"Hmmm...when I get my hands on that skeleton..."

Exetior than looks up, his eyes flaring he spoke his last words

"He will make a perfect addition to my armies...and the key to kill the highest...and end this continuous...cruel cycle."

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