The Fearful Slaughter Continues

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Dust Sans looks at Stitch-Lite in the eyes, as his 2 red eyes flared a little bit, with the left eye being a purple color, and the right eye being the determined red color. His hands clenched tightly, as he looks at Stitch-Lite with pure anger on his face. The knowledge that he had gained from Gaster, what they had done to Mobius so many times, it was even worse than what the Human had done to him and the underground, and that is simply scratching the surface. He never thought that he would feel this much hatred in a very long time, ever since the Huns has committed so many genocide runs in so many timelines. And yet, here he is, standing before a Highest, responsible for Mobius and their suffering. Responsible for Dust's suffering. He clenched his fist even more rightly, as he looks at the Highest before his very eyes.

He won't deny it, he doesn't seem that different from Exetior, a Demon of Sharpness, but only with their goals. Exetior wants to protect Mobius from the highest and their continuous cruelty over Mobius with their erasure and recreation, but had to kill all life and demonize them in order to make sure the Highest don't erase them, while Dust wanted to put a stop to the Human with their genocide run in the Undergrounr, but in order to do that, he had to kill as many monsters as he can, until he was able to reach a level high enough to kill the human, as well as incorporating some of the magic of his friends, at least, the ones that are unique, into his own power, in order to make that happen. He never thought that he would see nor feel the day where he wound sympathize with Exetior, even worse in that he is the one that created all life on Mobius, which also technically means, indirectly, that he created his father, which allowed Sans and Papurus to be born. He never thought that this sort of thing would happen. But if that is the case, if that was meant to be good, than there is a question that he wants to know. Where did the power of Save and Reset come from in the first place?

Stitch-Lite than looks at Dust, as she than spoke out.

"So, a puny monster decides to come to me. It shall be easier to kill you."

She than held out her arms, and her hands glows brightly, as she tries to erase Dust from existence. She concentrates with minimal effort, and a bright light shined, and it covered the entire area of where Mount Ebott is. The bright light lessened, and Stitch-Lite looked...only to see Dust still standing there! This made her shocked! How is that possible?! Than, Dust spoke out to her.

"did you think i wasn't prepared for that? i had someone that had readied me and gave me something to make me resistant against your ability to erase anything."

This made Stitch-Lite angry, as she than spoke out.

"Why you, I will kill you!"

She than charged at him and tries it grab him by the hood, only for Dust to extend out his own hand and stop her.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This made Stitch-Lite stunned, as she did not expect that. But she than looked around, and saw that her body is glowing blue, with her hands just an inch away from reaching Dust's hood, before Dust than raised his hand, and all of a sudden, Gaster Blasters appeared above Dust and fired at Stitch-Lite, sending her down to the ground, and the blast from the Gaster Blasters also caused an explosion that blew away a mile of tree. Dust than teleported down to meet up with Stitch-Lite, as he looked at her, or at least, where she supposedly is at, as Dust narrows his eyes dangerously, in order to prepare for a fight against her. Than...


Than, a powerful burst of magic erupted from Stitch-Lite, as Dust Sans stood back a little bit, as he watched Stitch-Lite in the air, screaming in pure rage and hatred at Dust, who continues to smile at her, as if mocking her for being lower than him. And luckily, since he has gained the LV to the fullest, due to the previous timeline of killing so many monsters, including some monsters left behind in New Home, he is now powerful enough in the physical sense. He can last much more longer, as he now possesses enhanced strength, speed, durability, and possesses much more stamina than before in the past. Plus, he had the ability of Karma, meaning that he will cause a lot of damage to Stitch-Lite. Although he is not sure if erasing counts as killing in Karma, he wants to hope that it does.


She than flies in fast towards Dust, who than launched a bunch of spears down at her in order to try and make her stop. But Stitch-Lite kept on going, and simply leapt over the spears, dodging them, as a Dust Blaster than fired at Stitch-Lite's direction, only for Stitch-Lite to dodge the attack and slice through it without effort, before charging at Dust, and nearly tried to grab him. But Dust reacted fast, as he used his blue magic on her, and sends her flying into a wall of purple bones, which she crashed into. She than felt her body wrapped in something thin mingle times, and she looked down to see that she has purple strings wrapped around her. She than looks up to see that Dust had made purple strings around her body, before throwing her up into the air and making her crash down onto the ground hard. He than summoned a trident to his side, and held it in his hands, as Stitch-Lite tried to charge at Dust, only for Dust to swing the trident at her, cutting her body and sending her aside. Needless to say, Stitch-Lite is not happy, as she than fired a blast of white light at Dust. But Dust attempts to retaliates by launching fire at the beam, causing the 2 attacks to explode. Than, Dust Sans returns the favor by firing a Gaster Blaster barrage, as the purple beam of energy attacked Stitch-Lite, burning her badly. It was pain that only she felt by Exetior. But Stitch-Lote had enough, as she than unleashed a powerful shockwave that destroys the blasters, as she spoke out.

"Seems that you are more dangerous than I expected. Not as dangerous as Exetior, but the fact that you resisted my Erasure power, means that you must die!"

Dust than smiled wider, as he than spoke out to her.

"you can try."

He than surrounded her with Friendliness Pellets, and they hit her, causing her a lot of pain, even though they are the weakest weapons that Dust has. This made Stitch-Lite hiss in agony, as she than looks at Dust and flies towards him, as she than fired another blast of light. But Dust avoided the attack fast, as he than used purple bones to try and pierce Stitch-Lite in the torso repeatedly. But Stitch-Lite than used her power and destroyed the bones without stopping her assault on Dust Sans. But Dust, not fearing about what she will do to him, than summoned vines from the ground, and attempted to grab her. One of the vines ensnared her outstretched arm, and she is than sent down to the ground about 15 feet from Sans to the northwest. But Stitch-Lite ripped her arm free from the vines, even though her arms are now bleeding, due to the red thorns that ensnared her. She stood up and looked at Dust in the eyes, as she is clearly not amused with that insane stunt.

"You will pay for that!"

Dust simply looks at her, as he than spoke out.

"the only one that will you."

He than launched a bunch of Tridents at her, as they all acted like spears, as they locked onto her, and fired. But Stitch-Lite blocked the attacks with her power over light, as she made a dome, as she than spoke out.

"It seems like your powers have failed. You are no match for me."

Dust than smiled a bit more wider, as he than spoke out.

"that's where you're wrong."

This made Stitch-Lite confused, until she saw the tridents began to glow, before combusting and exploding into a blast of flames. This burned her body immensely, and she was caught off guard by what it is that Dust has done. And before she could do anything about it, Dust than went in front of her, and punched her hard in the face, sending her flying backwards and into a rock, which hurt her back. This made her gasp in pain, as she than fell down to the ground, and spat out some blood, before a foot landed before her. She looked up and see Dust, as he than grabbed her by the neck, and through her into the air, as Gaster Blaster fired at Stitch-Lite, burning her body badly, before she than fell down into the ground. The Gaster Blasters are the strongest weapons that he has, with the Tridents being second, the Spears being the third, The Vines being the 4th, Spider Web being the 5th, and the Friendliness Pellets being the weakest. The fireball varies with most of the weapons, with them being as powerful as bombs with the Tridents, and the Friendliness Pellets being as strong as grenades when infused with fire.

Dust looks at Stitch-Lite, as he spoke out.

"are you done yet?"

Stitch-Lite smiled sinisterly, as she than stood up from the ground, before speaking out.

"Not at the very least, you pathetic sack of bones. You may be powerful, but you are not as strong as me!!"

She than charged and tries to grab Dust, only for Dust to dodge the attack fast, with a Gaster Blaster summoned behind him, as he spoke out.

"but strong enough to take on you."

Than, the Gaster Blaster fired, and sends Stitch-Lite forward, as she crashed into the first, face first, as she than stood up, and turned around to see Dust, a purple sharp bone in his hand, which he will use to act like the True Knife, the same knife that the human once used in him a long timeline ago. He than charged at her, and swung his sharp bone, causing a large cut to appear on Stitch-Lite, and it began to bleed badly. Needless to say, Stitch-Lite is not happy, as she than punches Dust in the face, sending him flying backwards, and causing him to crash into a piece of land that is directing up. Dust than looks at Stitch-Lite and quickly stood up, and saw that she is healing her wounds with her powers, and she looks even more enraged than ever before.


And than, Dust spoke back to Stitch-Lite, as he did not sound amused at all.

"and yet, you treated us like nothing. you guys are hypocrites, and you know it. if you are Turku our creator, you would never have continued to do what you have done. you would have left mobius be as it is, and let us live our lives. instead, you treated us like it is a game for you to modify, a plaything that you can destroy and recreate for your own selfish amusement. the only one that i know of that likes to do this, was a human child, and you are even worse than that human. all of you highest are like immature man children that never learned to grow up, and instead keeps on treating the planet and lives like they are toys that they can break for their own amusement. face it, stitch-lite, you never created us, you only created the planet, and that's it. exetior, the one that was one of you guys, had been the one that created me and all of life on mobius. i'd say that him betraying you is justified, since he cares for the inhabitants, meaning he'd be a much more better ruler than your father ever is. in my opinion, you're nothing more than your leader's personal bootlicker."

At these words, Stitch-Lite roared in a rage, as she shouted out.


She than charged at him, in an effort to try and hopefully kill him, in order to make him pay for his insult towards the Highest, as well as herself. But this is what Dust wanted, as he than stabbed her in the stomach with purple bones, before he than used his blue magic to send her flying into the air, and gets hit with a bunch of spears to the chest, before she is the fired by a Gaster Blaster at a very large size, as she is than crashed down into the ground. Dust than teleported next to the crater, as Dust smiled sinisterly and sadistically at what he is seeing, insulting Stitch-Lite the way that he did. Than, she rose out from the ground, as she snarled with pure anger and rage, due to the fact that Dust outright humiliated her in front of him, and possibly at the Highests watching down at her. She is even willing to bet that they heard what Dust said about them, and they must be very enraged at what he described them as being. However, she does know of one entity that can make him be silent, as she saw a timeline of an entity that can match determination, as she spoke out.

"Well, if that is how it will be, than I guess, I shall summon this one to aid me in this fight."

She raised her hand up, and a white glow emerged, as she summoned that person. Dust shielded his eyes for the light, before it died down, and he looked to see what it is that she had summoned, and what he as made him really unhappy, due to the fact that she looks similar to the human he's fought.

Standing before him, is a female with brown hair and pink tips at the end, wearing a purple and pink shirt with a deep pink skirt, purple pants and brown boot, with arms the same color as the skirt, as well as possessing purple and pink eyes. Needless to say, the sight of that entity reminds him of the human.

He clenched his fist tightly, as his red eyes flared even more than ever before, but he did not show an expression of rage on his face, as he knows that this is what Stitch-Lite wants for him to do, just to return the insult. Than, the lady looks around, and spoke out.

"What is this, where am I?"

Than, a voice spoke out to her, making the lady turn around.

"Hello there. I called you here to take care of a skeleton that had become such an annoyance to me. So can you do me a favor and help me take him down?"

The lady turned to Stitch-Lite, as she spoke out.

"A talking animal that wants to take down a monster? That is the best thing that I have heard all day."

The lady smiled in anticipation, as Stitch-Lite and the lady looks at Sans, as the lady spoke out.

" are alive. I am Betty, or Bete Noire. I've met you before, skeleton, and it is nice to kill you."

But then, Dust smiled at the one named Betty, as he than spoke out to her.

"well, too bad for you, kid, that i am not that sans that you had met, because not me."

He than launched a bunch of purple bones at Betty, as she sliced them with her blade arms, as Stitch-Lite charged at Dust, her arms outstretched, as she tries to grab him in order to bring her to Betty. But than, a red gloved hand grabbed her by the arm, and she turns around to see another skeleton with only head, scarf, and gloves floating in the air.

The Phantom Papyrus has returned to Dust, and Stitch-Lite tried to erase the phantom. But because it's simply a part of Dust, and is a mental entity, although it is also possibly a spirit of the previous Papyrus bound to Dust Sans, her powers has no effect on him. She is then punched in the face, stabbed with red bones, before thrown away, as Phantom Papyrus charges and flies at her, in order to make sure her suffering is all the sweeter.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dust than took a stance and resides himself for Betty's assault, as Betty than fired an attack at Dust, a magical blast shaped like a dark magenta triangular projectiles, right at Dust as very high speeds. But Dust fired a purple bone, and cancelled the attack, stopping her from shooting at him. He teleports next to her, and tried to stab her, only for Betty to change her arm into a blade, and stop the attack, which is a sharp purple bone, before attempting to stab him. But Dust teleports away, and attacks with some spears, only for Bete Norie to make scythes out of her arms and swung them,

deflecting the spears to random places on the ground. She then charges at Dust fast and tries to stab him, but Dust than rose his arms up and stopped it with his Trident, blocking the attack, and holding his ground, as he struggles to fight against Betty, who has strength that is comparable to Dust when he's this now, after he had killed as many of the monsters as he could. The strange lady than extend her arms to try and pierce Dust's soul, only for Dust to use a spear against the piercing point of the arm, defending against it, before raising a wall of purple bones, and blocking the attack after the spear held its ground to the last. This is making the last confused. The Sans she fought had used attacks of only bones, blue magic, and Gaster Blasters, and that's it, aside from a bit more stronger than before. But now, she is fighting against a version of Sans that is not only more powerful than her Sans, but also has additional magical powers that a Skeleton should be able to have nor possess, nor even develop, as it is impossible for other monsters to develop these powers, only with the ones that they are born with.

Dust than launches a barrage of purple bones at a Bete Noire, but Bete Norie saw them and she manipulated her hands to be able to grab them without accidentally getting stabbed by them. She than felt her arms wrapped in the purple string, as Dust launched her into the air, and slammed her down into the ground, before Dust than fired another blast of energy of the Gaster Blasters, only for Betty to dodge it fast, and run as fast as she can towards Dust, and attempted to grab him. But Dust grabbed her by the arm first, and too his surprise, he is having trouble trying to keep her arm from touching his head, as her strength is matching his own, and the is is something that he has never dealt with before, much less one that has these odd powers that she possesses with her. Betty smiled, as than turned her other arm into a spike, and tries to stab Dust with it, only for Dust to dodge the attack, and looks at Betty with irritation. It is against the fight with the human again, except it is much more difficult, as he does not know how powerful this lady is.

The lady than looks at Dust, as he now is in the air on a Gaster Blaster, and he than spoke out.

"i'm getting tired of this."

He than raised his hand into the air, as he spoke out.

"it's time to put an end to this nonsense."

He than snapped his fingers, and a bunch of Gaster Blaster appeared all over the place, and a lot of them are in the air, some of them surrounding Betty, as Betty looked scared, her hair becoming more pinker to the top than before, as Dust spoke out with a sadistic grin.

"any last words, before you die?"

But than, Betty smiled, and Dust looked confused, until she then spoke out.

"Thank you...for giving me what I want."

And than, all of a sudden, a sudden burst of magical energy appeared, as Dust Sans briefly turns into a negative color, as Dust than looked around, only to see something that he is not expecting to see. Surrounding him, are the Gaster Blasters, now with pink eyes on their faces. Betty, she took control of them. Realizing that he is about to go down by the bossy, he jumps into the air, and dodged the blasts, and teleported into the air to try and launch a bone at Betty, only for Betty to catch it, and returns the favor with her magic blast bullet,

as it hits Dust Sans into the chest, and sends him backward into a tree, and this made him feel immense pain at what happened. Luckily, Dust has a lot of HP, due to having fused the ones with the most HP with his own, which gives him a lot of health. But even so, he has no idea how long he can last against her. He looks up at Betty, as he sees the Gaster Blasters controlled by her, as Dust glared darkly, as Betty spoke out.

"How about you eat this one on for size?"

She fired an attack at Dust, and Dust raised his arms to use his purple bones to defend against his own weapons, and he held as strong as he can against them, as Dust felt it end. But as he did, he sees himself in a dark space, he looks around, and spoke out.

"what the, where am i?"

As Dust says that, a voice spoke out.


Dust turns around, and he sees...Papyrus, his brother, young and happy as he always has been, and he is smiling at Dust, his hand outstretched, as Dust's eye light glow pink, with Papyrus speaking out.


Dust has no idea wha to say. He was too frozen to do anything. He cannot move. But than...all of a sudden..."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dust's eyes are widened, as he felt a large slash across his chest, as Determination began to spill out of his mouth. He had not felt pain like this in a very long time, ever since the human came and caused genocide. Betty looks at Dust, smiling, as her blade arms struck Sans in the chest, as he spoke out.

"Got you. And now, you will die, just like that other you that I was able to successfully kill!!"

She reeled her arm back, as she tries to stab Dust Sans, only for Dust to use his blue magic and flung her into a tree, as Betty stood up, as she spoke out.

"What?! How did he-"

As she spoke out, Dust Sans than spoke out to her.

"you know, you are a lot stronger than i thought, more stronger than imagined. but don't think i'll give up this easily, nor will i let you kill me. for you"

He held out his soul, and reveled his monster soul, an upside down heart, of Detetmination. This made Betty shocked, as she did not expect that to happen.

'A Soul of Determination?! But how did he get that!! That is only for a human to have! So how does this Sans have it?'

She than looks into his eyes, and he sees his memories, and they shocked her. How he got it...he got it by killing the members of his own kind, all too stop the human. At first, Dust felt regret, but as time went ton, he decides that he cannot let this feeling of regret overtake his mind, and he hardened his heart, which happened when Dust finally killed his brother, which drove him insane. He than killed Undyne, than Alphys, Mettaton, Muffet, and than Asgore, and he gained the power he needed to kill the human, and his power had reached the near peak. He became far more stronger then her Sans, and this made Betty realized, one thing that she never thought possible. This Sans, is one a whole other level compared to her own. The cut across his chest is gone.

And than, out of nowhere, Dust summoned a trident, and tries to stab her with it. Betty catches it, but she than looks down and sees that flames are about to be generated from it. Before she can react, the Trident explodes, and flames appeared all over the place, as Betty is launched backwards, and crashed into the ground. She looks up, and sees his red glowing eyes staring at her, as she than spoke out.

"What is he? What kind of monster am I fighting against?"

Betty feels immense fear at the sight before her eyes, as Dust than shows himself before her clearly, his left eye flaring a poisonous purple. 

She than wastes no time, and stabs her hands into the front, as she uses her fingers to act as an attack similar to a cage, in order to gain it down on top of Dust, only for Dust to speak out to her.

"nice try."

Than, Vines appeared out of the ground, and restricted her fingers, before Dust then used his blue magic, and ripped her out of the ground, as well as ripping the fingers off of her hands, and reeled her into him, as Dust spoke out.

"survive this."

He than slammed her down to the ground, and a Gaster Blaster rained down on top of her, causing her to scream in pure agony and pain, as Dust grinned sinisterly at her pained cries. The blast clears away, seeing pieces of her skin are gone, revealing a pink substance underneath it, and her sharp teeth is exposed. Dust smiled, as he aims his Gaster Blasters at Betty, and spoke out.

"any last words?"

Betty looks at Dust, and smiled, and Dust realizes what is about to happen next.


Dust tries to to quickly make the Gaster Blasters disappear. But it was too late. The Gaster Blasters have been affected once again, and Dust had to avoid them by teleporting. But this time, Dust is ready, as he summoned his own barrage of Gaster Blasters, and aimed them at Betty, as Betty stares at Dust with an arrogant smile.

But Dust has a sadistic smile on his face, as he wants to make sure she feels all the pain that she deserves to feel, after all that she had in attempting to trying to kill him. And so, he decides to do one thing against her.

Betty fires Dust's blasters, and Dust, not wanting to give her the chance, fire his own Gaster Blasters, as the both of them began to clash and push at each other, but the 2 blasters are evenly matched. The 2 of them began to feel exhausted, as Dust sans Bete are both pushed to their limits, but Dust smiled, as he spoke out.

"papyrus, now."

This made Betty freeze in her place, as she turns around to see the Phantom Papyrus looking at her, and smiling menacingly, having decided to come back and aid his brother. And than, all of a sudden, she felt a hand puncture her chest, and sees a gloved hand coming out from the other side, and it made Bete's mouth began to drool a pink substance, as she lost her focus, and than, all of a sudden, the Gaster Blasters struck her, killing her in the process, a kind explosion occurred, and Dust than used his power to grab onto her soul, and pull it straight towards him, as he than looked surprised.

"a pink soul? i've never seen anything like that before. how does a human have this, if that kid is even a human at all?"

He continues to look down at it, as he than spoke out.

"perhaps i can make use of this."

He crushes and shatters the soul with his barehands, as the pink magic enters his body, and he can feel himself gaining a few new powers, as well as his physical strength increasing by multiple times. Dust sighs, as he than spoke out.

"now time to find that cowardly highest."

But than, a voice spoke out.

"Well, you shall be the one that will cower at my feet!"

The voice made Dust's eye sockets widen, as he felt his chest being cut up once again.

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