The Horror

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Sans and Killer blinked in annoyance, as they see that there is another Sans, again. And this Sans seems to be as menacing, if not more crazier, than either of them combined. Sark looks in complete and utter irritation, as he shouted out.

"How many of you damn skeletons have to keep on showing up?!"

He than charges at the other Sans, but the one with the Axe grabs him by the wrist...before he starts to squeeze it tightly.

"Ghhhhh...let go of me, you insolent piece of shit!!!"

This Sans does not seem to care, as he simply raised a cleaver over his head, and spoke out.

"Hopefully you can satisfy my hunger, because I have not eaten in a long, long time."

He than swung it at Sark, but is punched in the face by Sally, sending him back a bit. But he is it down. And he is still standing up. He looks at Sally with his one red eye, as he spoke out very menacingly.

" you have brought some more head dogs for me to serve."

Sally does not like that, and she began to physically attack this Sans. She was able to kick the weapon off of his hand. But in physical combat, this Sans is simply far stronger than even Sally. She tries to punch him, but Sans simply got out of the way, and kicks her back by about 20 feet, before teleporting up to Sally, and grabbing her by the throat. This version of Sans smiled, as he takes out another weapon that the other Sans' seemed confused about. Unlike the others, this Sans used magic to make it quickly manifest in his hand.

It looks like a thigh bone. And he began to swing it at Sally. But Sally jumped out of the way, and punched this version of Sans in the face, making him stumble back. The weapon fell down, and Sally tries to pick it up...only for it to be way to heavy for her. She struggles to pick it up, and only lift it off of the ground for a single second, before it goes down, but this Sans picks up the Thigh Bone, like it is morning, and than, without warning, swung it at Sally, and sends her flying away.

"Okay. How is this guy having far more of an advantage have than all of us?"

Dust spoke out, as Killer spoke back.

"Don't ask me, Dust. I don't really know how myself."

Rouge and Amy looks at the scene in front of them, and even they have no idea how this is possible on this Sans' part.

Cream than spoke out to this Sans.

"I'm gonna kill you for humiliating my master!!"

But this Sans laughs, as he spoke out to Cream.


He than turns to Cream with a menacing expression on his face. Cream looks even more furious, as this Sajs spoke out something that is completely unexpected.

" can't kill something that's already dead."


Dust's eyes widened, as he than spoke out.

"Does this make him immortal or somethin'?"

Rouge looks at Dust and spoke out.

"Maybe. But that does not explain how he is this strong in the first place,"

Killer simply spoke out.

"Guess he must have been training himself very hard."

Amy than hid behind Killer, afraid of this other Sans. Killer held her hand in comfort, as Sans regained control of himself, in an attempt to comfort her. Amy feels happy with that, as she hugs Sans from behind.

Cream than charges at Sans, and tries to pierce him with a spike to the chest. The other Sans does not move, and he got pierced as a result. Cream smiled, but than...notices something wrong. This Sans is not going down. In fact, he does not even look hurt at all. He looks very amused. He simply grabbed onto the spike that has pierced his chest, and crushed it, even though the spike is made of metal, and only metal. He looks down at Cream, as he spoke out.

" that's cute, if it weren't so pathetic

Needless to say, Cream does not like being called cute at all. And she then shouted out.

"I'll show you cute, you one-eyed freak!!!"

She than flies and charges at the undead Sans, as he does not move from his position. In fact, he is still smiling, as he than looks down, and the ground beneath him began to crack. Before Cream realizes what was about to happen, something began to erupt from the ground beneath.

This Sans had suddenly summons bones from the ground. But these bones were bloody, jagged and are extremely sharp. When one of Cream's legs got nicked by one of the sharp points of the bones, this caused immense pain to Cream, as she than flies in the air in order to try and escape from this Sans. But he is not letting her get away from him this easily. He than grabbed his cleaver, and with some precise aiming, threw it at Cream, and the Cleaver cuts into her back, and it was so painful. The alternate Sans than teleported to Cream's position, grabbed onto the cleaver, and yanked it out, as blood began to spill out of Cream.


Cream shrieked out in so much agony, as she began to fall down, and landed face first onto the ground. Her back has a large cut on it, her spine is even showing. Sans than landed don the ground, and the wound began to close up, like it never existed. Unfortunately for Cream, though, this version of Sans can also utilize a very similar thing. The stab wound that he got from Cream's spoke had also disappeared from him, as if it never even existed. And this is unfortunate for Cream, as he cannot truly kill him. She is than grabbed by the ears, and is lifted up, and she looks into Sans' red eye.

"You ready to become a part of my head collection?"

This Sans spoke out, as Cream snarled defiantly at this version of Sans, before suddenly...Sark came out of nowhere, and punched Sans in the back, forcing him to lift his grip off of Cream, and he is sent flying forward, before he landed don the ground with a sickened crack. But he then stood up, and then to see Sark, looking incredibly pissed off.

"You will pay for what you have done to my servants, Skeleton!!"

He roars out to this version of Sans. But the Sans holding the axe does not seem to be afraid. In fact, he looks amused, as he steps forward towards Sark, and spoke out.

"Awwww...was I so rough on your little toys?"

Sark snarled, but he than smiled, as he spoke out to the skeleton.

"Hehehehe...for a skeleton like must be very stupid, even if you are truly undead. But it does not matter...I will find a way to make sure that you die by my hands...and you will know the reason why I am one of the most feared demons of my kind!!"

Dust and Killer looked at each other, not sure what to think, as this does not seem to look good at all.

"On no. Sark is now going to try and murder another version of Sans."

Amy spoke out, as Rouge looks at Sark, and spoke out.

"I thought that Exetior is evil...but Sark is even worse than that. And he is not even strong enough to beat Exetior."

Dust glares at Sark with enraged eyes, at how evil he is, as both of his eyes began to glow, his right eye red, and his left, purple.

Killer simply spoke out, looking impressed.

"Jeez. Sark's looking very pissed off at Horror."

Dust turns to Killer, and spoke out.


Killer nodded, as he than spoke our.

"Horror, because he looks like a beheading guy from a horror movie."

Dust facepalms, as Killer had to say that, but does speak out.

"Well...I can't think of any other names. So will do for now."

Rouge and Amy looked at each other, and they nodded at each other, meaning that they accept the name, since it fits him very, very much. They than looked back at both Horror Sans and Sark.

The other Sans, Horror than pulls another axe from nowhere, and gets ready to fight off against Sark.

"You will kneel before my power!!"

Sark roars out, as Horror Sans grinned, before he spoke out menacingly.

"one head dog comin' up!!"

Both Horror and Sark charged at each other, as they than began to fight against each other in the battle to the agony, to the torment, to the absolute nightmare.

Sark teleports before Horror, and punches his back, cracking it a little. But Horror than teleports to reposition himself, and used the axe in his hand to slice one of his arms off. But Sark as not phased, as he than began to reattach it.

Horror looks at Sark with a surprised expression on his face, as he than spoke out to him.

"You're an immortal as well. I didn't think that you would be just like me."

But Sark simply laughs, as he than spoke out.

"Oh I'm more than that!! I am even better then you, Skeleton! And you cannot beat me, no matter how much you try!!"

Horror does not seem to be phased, as he than spoke out to him.

"Let's see how much better of a match you are to me than. And I wonder how your flesh will taste after becoming my head dog."

He than charges at Sark and tries to swing the Axe to decapitate his head. But Sark got out of the way, and tried to grab his arm. Unfortunately, Horror noticed and punched him with extreme force, sneaking him flying back into a thick and very large tree, which made a crater on its trunk.

Sark than got out of the tree, and sees that Horror is instantly in front of him, his hand outstretched, as he is ready to try and take his head off. Sark immediately teleports out of the way, and Horror ends up striking the tree, instead of the person he had intended to strike upon.

He looks behind him, and saw that...Sark is now gone. He looks around...and he notices that both Cream and Sally are gone as well. Looks like Sark had fled with the others. Horror doesn't change an expression, though he is a little pissed.

Horror than looks and sees the group, and he than raised his Axs at them, ready to kill them all.

Killer Sans points his knife at Horror Sans himself, as he than spoke out loud.

"Are you here to try and make a 'head dog' out of us?"

Horror smiled widely and nodded his head like it's fun, as Dust spoke out.

"It seems like you are a bit 'a-head,' if yourself here, pal."

This made Horror Sans freeze a bit at the pun, and than...he began to laugh.


Horror began to laugh out loud, as he heard the pun that Dust had made to him. He than sits on the ground, with the bones he erupted from the ground surrounding his very body.

"yeah, can say stuff like that to me. but ever since coming here, i made a very impressive head dog stand that other demons enjoy, and this included the heads of those that i had killed. i am mighty rich because of what i had made, and some of the other demons began to follow my lead to do the same thing that i've done."

Both Dust and Killer looked at each other, as Rouge than spoke out.

"Why is it that you like 'Head Dogs,' so much anyway? Why even make them in the first place?!"

Horror looks at Rouge, as she feels very disgusted at what Horror had done. Horror smiled, as he than spoke out.

"simple, really. You see, the undyne of my world...she had become a very ruthless and unfair queen from the Underground of my version of mobius. And because of that, i encouraged the people of snowdin to eat other humans, should they ever come down, all in an effort to protect theme from the unfair queen that we had. but me...i never engaged myself in activities such as this. i never had."

But than, Dust spoke out to him.

"but you had the papyrus of your world be indulged in this type of thing. didn't you?"

Horror was about to speak out, when suddenly..."


Dust and Killer turned...than they feel revolted.

"What the...the hell have you done to Papyrus, Horror?!"

Dust shouted out, at seeing his own brother's disfigured face. Even Killer looked very sickens at what Horror has done. And Horror than spoke it out.

"What? You thought that eating other humans would not have an effect on Papyrus' appearance?"

The girl than noticed the other Sans', and Dust...and Killer, the both of them see Chara, until they both shook their head, and calmed themselves. The girl than stepped forward, and spoke out.

"Ummm...hello. I'm...Aliza."

Dust and Killer looked at each other, before speaking out to Aliza.

"Well...Aliza...born of us are the same as that guy, Sans. differentiate all of us, I am called dust, and this one beside me's called killer."

Aliza nodded, as she than noticed Amy...and Amy noticed Aliza...and the both see the same feeling that then both feel. Pain, suffering...fear.

Papyrus comes forward and spoke out.


Both Sanses looked at each other, before speaking out.


Papyrus smiled, as he spoke out.


"Please do not act so loud. You will only scare the new people we're meeting."

An emotionless, female voice spoke out, and Dust looks to see who it is that is coming. And what he saw, shocked him very greatly.

Sans' eyes widened...

"wait a moment...i recognize you. you're vanilla, right? cream's mother?"

Vanilla looks up at Sans with dull, yet surprised eyes.

"You...know my daughter?"

Sans nodded.

"i do...actually. but i can explain later...if you are wanting an explanation."

Vanilla nodded, as Sans sighed, before turning to Horror.

"Ummm...other you mind if i can call you Horror for simplicity? it was killer's idea for giving you that name?"

Horror Sans nodded, as he spoke out.

"Okay. you know of a place that we can live in, that we can stay away from the demons while some of us try sleeping?"

Horror smiled, as he than spoke out.

"I never thought that you would ask."


Sans and his group followed Horror's group, and they are now at a cave of some kind. And because of this...the group are now sleeping on the ground...except for 2 people. Dust and Vanilla. And they are having a very important talk.

"I want to know something. do you know my daughter?"

Vanilla spoke out, as Dust spoke back.

" be clear...she is from a different version of Mobius...which I live in. But we'll get into more of that later. Right now...I want to know...what happened between the Cream of your world?"

Vanilla looked down, as she spoke out.

"You saw what had became of her, Dust. When she was with Sark."

This made Dust's eyes widened, as he spoke out with disbelief in his tone.

"wait a minute...that was the cream of your mobius?"

Vanilla nodded.

"That is. Me and darling girl...we were not ready for it. The Demons...came out of nowhere, and they attacked everyone what went outside. Those that do get outside...will be killed by the demons that try to hide from them. They would get you and they would kill you by bringing you to their masters. I nearly was the same, only for your other sled, Horror, to save me from that. But...back when I was with Cream...she...she was so saddened and distraught that many of her friends were gone. And the beautiful world that me and Cream lived in, had been destroyed by the sudden arrival of the demons, who decide to make the world we live in, filled with Demons.

When the whole thing and my daughter, Cream...we were scared for our lives. We thought that we should not leave the house, as they would get to us. So...we tried to stay in there for as long as possible, and hope they would be gone long enough for us to find a way out of here. turns out that the house that we lived in was not safe as well. Because one of the demonized Mobians entered the house, while we were in a small room of our home. And because of that, the both of us, we realized that we needed to get out and run for it.

Me...and my daughter...we escaped...but we got separated from each other when we tried to escape together. And because of that I...I did all that I found to find her. But...I never could. And than...I had found what happened to my daughter...and it was too late to help her. Sark...had already taken her. And when I saw what had become of my daughter...she was already gone from me. She had become something that I had feared, from my deepest, and darkest nightmare."

Vanilla spoke tears start to come out he eyes. Dust looks away, unsure of what to do....until he than thought of something that might make her feel better...before he spoke out to her in a comforting tone of voice to Vanilla.

"you my and cream switched positions."

This caught Vanilla's attention, as she than looks up, tears spilling out of her eyes, as she than spoke out one word.


Sans than sighed, before he looks up at Vanilla.

"in my ended up getting killed by a demonized tails, didn't get demonized, because tails consumed your body. and he only showed cream your head, which...broke your daughter badly...when she saw that you were ripped away from her life, by one of her friends that had become demonized. she...nearly got killed and demonized by amy and sally, when the both of them had recently become killed and demonized right there, but i had to end up saving her, because my king...he ordered me to save as much of the Mobians as possible."

Vanilla grabbed Dust's shoulders, and spoke out loud with worry in her voice.

"My daughter?! Is she safe now?!"

Sans looks up at her and nodded.

"she is. i manage to teleport her to mount ebott, my home, as well as the only place the demons can't enter nor have they discovered yet, with some of her other friends accompanying her. now...i'm trying to get back to her so that i can reunite with her. back to my own world. i just hope that i do not keep her waiting."

Vanilla looks down for a she is trying to process the information that Sans had just said to her, before she than looked up at Sans, a form of determination appeared into her eyes, a shine of life began to appear on her irritates, as if she has a resolve that she now desires to accomplish right now, and she spoke out to him in a tone that is both stern, yet is very soft spoken at the exact same time.

"Let me come with you."

Dust looks up at Vanilla, and he looked surprised at what she said to him. Dust than spoke out with concern present in his voice.

"you wanna come with me? are you sure about that? I know this ain't the cream of your world, right? i if this won't be the same thing as with being and living the cream of your world?"

But Vanilla shook her head, as she than spoke out to him.

"I...I don't care if this is the same Cream or not. As long as it is her...than I am fine. And besides...I figure she still needs her mother, as the Vanilla of your world has died. She still need me, regardless."

Sans looks and sees a fierce determination on her kind eyes, and it is very surprising for Sans, as Vanilla is said to be unnaturally kind. He looks into them for a minute, before he looks down.

" can come. Just hope that she does not suddenly flip out when she sees you."

Vanilla smiled, as tears came out of her eyes.

"I do not need to worry about that, Dust. And besides...I'm just glad to see that my daughter will be reunited with me, even though this is not my Cream from my world. But I do not care. As long as it is Cream...than I am happy with it."

Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"Well...I pray that your reunion goes out well."

Vanilla nodded, and she than smiled much more warmer, before she than walks back to the others, as Dust than looks happy for Vanilla that she will be with her daughter again, even if it is simply an alternate version of her from another Mobius...the one Dust lives in.

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