♡ A Close Call ♡

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"That was both the best and worst idea of my life." Jimmy groaned, limping slightly. (If ykyk) 

"Oh yeah? And why was it the best?" Scott teased. 

"It felt so good... you felt so good." 

"And why was it the worst idea?" 

"We could have been caught! It's much easier to pull away from a kiss when we hear a knock, but you can't exactly be like 'We are both naked and I'm sitting on him, making sounds that are more than platonic buddies make, but I assure you we arent homosexuals.', can you? And now I have this stupid limp that I have to pretend isn't from my 'best friend' that I spend a lot of time with." Jimmy did a posh voice as his immitaion. 

"Hmm, good point. Sorry about that." 

"It's fine. We have a ball in a few days, so let's not do this until after, we want to be able to dance, don't we?" 

"True. But kissing is still an option-" Scott was cut off  by a kiss. 

"Of course it is. Now, this is a good idea." 

~Time skip brought to you by my mustache~ 

"Hello there, my good friend Scott." Jimmy winked at Scott when no one was looking. 

"Hi, Jimmy.  How are you this fine evening?" Scott gestured to the ball that was taking place. 

"Very well, thank you. How about you?" 

"Quite chobblesome, really." Scott kept a straight face while he spoke. 

"That is splendid to hear, join me for a dance? There are no fine ladies so I may as well dance with my friend." 


The two went to the dance floor, covered in the sound of others, their conversation blurred out to any others. 

Jimmy leaned in to Scott's ear. "I found a good spot to hide together. Come with me." He led the cyanette around a couple corners to a dead end. Everyone knew it was a dead end, so they never went back there. There were even signs displayed to inform newcomers. 

"This is a good spot, you're right." Scott pushed the blonde against the wall, and they started making out. Their faces smashed against each other, glad to be together. Waists and hair were grabbed, the two becoming impossibly close- 

"Ahem. Sorry, my bad." A voice came from behind the two. They turned to see a shorter man wearing a red tailcoat and dark grey pants. He had fluffy, mousy brown hair that was on the longer side of being short. A man with a black suit and red tie then walked over. He had raven black hair that was slicked back. 

"Sorry Mumbo. Our spot is taken." The shorter man looked at the newer person as he walked in. 

"I- wait, you won't tell?" Jimmy looked confused. 

"Tell? Of course not. Why do you think we came over here? Same as you. I'm Grian, by the way. And this is Mumbo." 

"Jimmy. My name is Jimmy, and this is Scott." 

"Hello, Tim. Nice to meet you." Grian stuck out his hand and Jimmy shook it. 

"Do you guys usually take this spot? Sorry, we can move-" 

"It's fine, really. It's just really the only place we can make out. Really intolorant kingdoms and all that." 

"We could share the space? I know it's a small space but it could work." Scott finally joined the conversation. 

"I'm down. G?" Mumbo added, talking for the first time to Scott and Jimmy. Grian nodded yes. 

"I guess, sure." Jimmy nodded as well. Then there were two couples in a small dead end of a hallway, lucky that no one else would find them. 

~607 words~

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