♡ Company ♡

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Scott led Jimmy through the crowd and outside, to a bench in the peony flower garden. They sat down next to each other and made eye contact.

The shorter talked first. "That was awkward, wasn't it." 

"Yes, it was. I've never had an old lady ship me with my best friend." The cyanette responded.

"Best friend?"

"Yeah, you're my only friend really. Are we not best friends? 

"We are. I really enjoy your company, Scott Major. Come over tomorrow?"

"Sure, sounds great!"

~Time skip because I'm ☆lazy☆~

"Knock knock! It's me, Scott!"

Jimmy opened the door. "So, stealing my signature move of yelling instead of actually knocking?"

"So what if I am? What are you gonna do about it?"

"I couldn't do anything to you, you know that. Do you wanna go to the garden?"

"Yes, sounds great! Lead the way, I haven't been here before!"

 Jimmy grabbed Scott's hand, causing the cyanette to blush, while the blonde luckily didn't notice. The went to the vegetable garden and saw all the veggies, ripe and ready for picking.

"Ooh, tomatoes! A lot of these vegetables can't grow in Rivendell because of the cold."

"Want to pick some to eat? They really are quite tasty."

"Can we?" Scott's eyes lit up from excitement, making Jimmy chuckle.

"Yes, we can. What do you want?" Scott told Jimmy all the vegetables he wanted and together they picked them. They sat on a blanket to eat what they picked off the plants, in the shade under a tree.

"I love picnics, especially in the shade where it's not hot," The taller of the two said after swallowing his bite of tomato. "And look at all these flowers!"

Jimmy smiled at the other man. "Know how to make a flower crown?"

"No. Can you teach me?"

"Why else would I ask?" The shorter grabbed some daisies growing next to them and weaved them together, guiding Scott through the steps. The cyan-haired man made one, and though it was slightly wonky, he traded with the other boy.

"There you are," said Jimmy, placing the crown on Scott's head. "Perfect. Very cute!"

"Here's one for you as well." Scott placed his on Jimmy's head. Both blushed as their faces were close, pulling away. The blonde grabbed some poppies and tied them it a bouquet. 

"Here, have this." Scott took the flowers from the shorter.

Jimmy spoke once more. "There, I've confessed my love," he noticed the blush on the taller's cheeks before noticing in his own blush. "F-for poppies, I mean." 

"No, for me." They looked at each other and started to lean in.

~414 words~

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