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Back to Jean Maryland's POV [PS: If the pov isn't labelled, it's Jean's by default. Hope that's clear. Letsss go.]

Declan took a day off. Since it was a weekend and I didn't have much school work to do, I spent the day at the printery with dad. Much as I disliked him, Declan was a good worker. I could see why dad liked him. He was humble and good with customers. And of course, being another good looking face, it attracted more people of the opposite gender - and some of the same gender - thus, the business was doing great.

It didn't take rocket science to figure out that his dislike and temper was reserved just for me. When he looked at me, his face twisted into something close to bitterness. Other times, he just ignored me. He passed on the left if he saw me passing on the right. He sat at the end of the bench if I was seated at the other end.

What made matters worse was that somehow, Alice and I had made it to Chase's circle. Declan was in Chase's circle. Colin and Chase knew each other from swimming competitions - hence why Chase was able to bond with those who were a year ahead of us.

It bothered me to no end why Declan disliked me. I couldn't remember a single day when I did anything wrong to him - well, except that prank Alice and I did on him. He couldn't have disliked me because of that; he already did before that.

"The WiFi router looks loose," dad said as he came inside the printery. "I could have fixed it but my back hurts like I slept on tiles. Declan isn't coming in?"

"He's taking a day off, remember?"

Dad hit his head on the front desk. "I'm getting old. That's why."

"True that." He glared at me and we both burst out laughing not a minute later. "We can call the WiFi company and they send someone," I suggested

"It's a Saturday. They close at 2pm." It was already approaching 4pm. We were already out of luck. "Call Declan. He can come and help."

I shook my head. "I don't have his number." I actually could contact him if I wanted. We were in a group chat together - blame Alice. But I didn't want to contact him. He already disliked me enough. He was probably taking a break from looking at my face.

Dad looked puzzled at my answer. "What do you mean? Aren't you two friends?"

"Us?" I scoffed. "What gave you that idea?"

"Nothing major. I thought that since you go to the same university, you were going to hit it off. Is he giving you any trouble? Is that why you don't get along?"

"He doesn't, dad." Why was I defending him again? Well, he probably needed the money if he could endure working for a family of someone he disliked. "Plus, we don't have to get along. I have made other friends."

"I want you to make male friends too, Jean."

I almost chocked on my saliva. "Dad, what? Why?"

"Because I'm your only male friend?"

"Dad! I promise you that I have other male friends. Plenty even." Okay, that was an exaggeration but he didn't have to know.

"Is that right, huh? Then, why don't you call one of your male friends to come and help us tighten the WiFi router?"

He had me there. He was probably going to insist until he got me to do it. So, I ended up in texting the group chat and crossed my fingers that Chase saw the message first. If Declan saw it, he was going to come running like the sucker for my dad he was. And then, my plan to see my crush would be ruined.

About a minute later, my phone pinged with a reply. Colin! Damn. I'd forgotten that we actually had four functioning males in the group chat.
The text read: we are on our way.


Can I also come? Alice texted

Of course. Bring cookies. Chase replied to her.

"Is your male friend coming or-"

"Yes. Now you can stop asking about it!" I interrupted him and went on to help another customer. "How may I help you, sir?"

"I heard that this is an internet cafe."

"It is." I confirmed. "As well as a printery and library. Do you need any help with something?"

"I'd not have come here if I didn't need help," the customer snapped. He looked a little older than I was. Yet, he was acting like a stereotypical rude CEO from the movies. "Anyway, can I use one of your computers?"

"Of course," I gestured for her to follow me. "We charge internet usage per hour. The rate is-"

"I can read, thanks." He cut me off. His eyes were fixated at the internet charge hourly rate poster on the wall. "This is expensive. Who the hell is going to pay you this much amount?"

"With due respect sir-"

"You people in this town think that money is grown on trees? How can you charge this much for internet usage? It's like buying a plot of land! Or paying house mortgage."


"You aren't going to get customers if you keep milking them like your lives depend on it. Because I speak for everyone when I say that your services don't deserve this expensive hourly charge."

I gaped at the man as he stormed out, huffing. The nerve! Isn't the general rule of shopping - or buying anything really - that if you can't  afford anything, you just walk away instead of creating a scene? We hadn't had a customer like that in a long time. I had even forgotten that such exist.

I was still gaping when my friends arrived. Alice saw me first.
"What got you looking like that?"

"Just a rude customer," I waved her off and turned to the rest of them. "Thanks for coming to help. Dad and I appreciate it."

Faisal patted my shoulder. "Don't mention it. That's what friends are for."

Nobody had ever said that to me.

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