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"His name is Declan," dad goes on, ignoring the unshed tears in my eyes. Maybe he didn't see them. He probably didn't expect me to cry. "And he goes to Hoverland! He also does computer science! You two will make good friends."

When I didn't respond, he faced me and raised his eyebrows. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Is it because I didn't consult you first?"

Well, there was that. But that wasn't the only reason. That printery was a family business, something that we did together. It was always dad and me. We didn't need an outsider coming in. Dad spoke of him, whoever that Declan was, like an angel.

"I'm sorry, honey. I'm doing this for you," dad explained. "You have a very busy schedule now. You have a future in biochem to fight for. I won't sabotage that by making you work everyday. I've already done enough of that."

I still didn't respond. I didn't see that coming. A million thoughts ran through my pea-sized brain. Since when did we need help? Since when was working not okay for me? I did it all through high school!

"Look at me." Dad reached for my hand. He dropped the bombshell as I was reaching for a fork. My hand didn't leave the fork. He probably thought that I was going to throw the fork at him. "You are not saying anything. Say something, please. Why are you so upset?"

I shrugged my tiny hand from his. "It's nothing."

"So, there's something?"

"I just-" I contemplated on how to express it without breaking into tears. My chest was rising and falling. My mouth went dry. If I didn't say anything soon, I was going to combust. So, I blurted it out. "I just feel replaced."

Bewildered, dad was quick to grab my hand again. "What do you mean?"

"Th- the printery is our thing, dad. I never imagined you bringing in someone else to replace me."

"Declan is not replacing you," dad reassured. "He's just helping us. It will always be our thing. No matter what.

"Plus, I want you to have an authentic university experience. I want you to make friends, join clubs, attend conferences and workshops. I want you to have time to revise and discuss with your friends."


"You understand, right?" His face said it all. He was being genuine and considerate while I was being a twenty-year-old crybaby. "I'm doing this for you, so, please don't be upset with me. Okay?"

I nodded. "Okay, dad."

"Amazing. I knew you'd understand." He flashed me one of his smiles. "You know what? Why don't you help me train Declan? Teach him how the business works and orient him. You will help me, right?"

"Of course, dad. I'll help." I wasn't being replaced after all. Why was I worried? Dad would never do that. Dad understood. Dad cared. Why did I doubt him? Of course, I was only thinking about myself. I didn't think about dad being swamped with work while I was busy with uni. "You said something about going to Hoverland?"

"Oh, yes. This is great pasta by the way," dad commented. "He is a year ahead but I'm sure you two will get along just fine. He looks like a good kid. You'll start training him tomorrow if that's okay."

"It's okay, dad. I can't wait."

"Great. Now tell me all about your adventures of your first day at uni."
uh I didn't

The following day, I was excited to execute my plan: project make Chase Johnson notice me. Alice was my assistant in the plan of course. Her levels of confidence were a little - okay, maybe more than a little - more advanced than mine. So, she volunteered to say hi to him.

According to Alice, she heard from a friend of a friend that Chase was offered software engineering at Hoverland. We just needed to find the faculty. It wasn't hard considering that I had a sketch map of the entire uni with me.

"Now what?" I asked Alice. We were standing on the balcony of one of the flats in the faculty where we could see anyone coming in or going out.

"Now, we wait for him to show up." Ah. Of course. We were at the faculty earlier than students who went to the faculty. Talk about stalking.

"And if he doesn't show up?"

"We try again tomorrow. There's still time."

Fortunately for us, we didn't have to try the next day. Chase Johnson, along with a couple of other guys entered the faculty gates. He wasn't hard to spot. That kind of beauty he held was unmatched. Even in a crowd, he stood out to me. I could tell where he was with my eyes closed.
Alice shook my shoulder. "There he is. There is."

"I see that," I whispered. "How are you going to say hi when he is with his friends?"

"I don't know! The plan was to get him alone," Alice whispered back. "Maybe this was a bad idea."

I felt my heart drop. "I know."

"I'm sorry. We'll try again next time. Don't give me those eyes. You look like an abandoned puppy."

We left the balcony. I was disheartened with little or no morale left to be at uni. Alice noticed the shift in my mood. "Or. Hear me out. What if I give it a try? I can go and say hi. He won't like embarrass me or try anything and if he does, I'll just kick him in his balls."

I appreciated the effort, but that didn't mean that I had to push my luck.
"You don't have to, Alice. It's fine. We'll try again."

"Nope, wrong answer. We didn't walk past two whole faculties to give up like this. I'll do it. What do I have to lose?"

"Are you sure?"

"No. But when has that ever stopped me from doing anything?" She tucked one of her braids behind her ear and winked. "Watch and learn."

I was starstruck. That was a new side of Alice I was seeing - flirty Alice. And boy was it a very good side of her! I took out my phone to update Jenna on my progress as I walked in the corridors to wait for Alice at the faculty entrance.

One second, I was typing on the phone and the next, the phone was falling on the floor with a loud thud.

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