Darkness wins

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~Yuki's P.o.v~
it's hard doing anything without my glasses. everything is just a big blurr. I can't see well and I know it's getting worse. Its getting way more blurry and darker. I was finishing the dishes, mommy said I have to. "hey Yuki wanna join us in a game" I heard Dom say I turned around and the minute I did I saw nothing. I blinked my eyes. but nothing no blurs no nothing. "Yuki?" Dom said. I began to cry. It has won...the darkness has won. "I...I can't....see"I said. I step down my stool only to fall face flat on my face. "Yuki!" Dom and my brother said helping me up. "...Yuki your eyes....they are" Sam stopped dead in his sentences...the darkness has won

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