First Day of Kinder garden

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"Now you be a good boy and Girl Sam and Samantha" A young woman around 25 years old said. Her Silver colored hair hung from a pony tail she always had to avoid the irritation on her brown furred ears. The young Twins smiled at there mother as she gave them a good bye kiss. "We will mommy bye bye" they both said. She smiled as she waved at them goodbye but out squirmed a little purple haired bunny hybrid heading to the bus stop as her older siblings did. "Bye momma" she said walking blindly to the street. Her mother didn't warn her instead she gave her a grimace look as she went back inside. Samantha took noticed of her baby sister walking straight for a car and she rushed over to pull her out. " my gord Yuki you almowst got hit" she said pulling her sister to the bus stop. The purple haired bunny girl couldn't see thus why she didn't know she was almost at death. Why hadn't her mother warned her? " Come on" Sam said getting in first of the buss. All three followed and both the twins realized how everyone looked over at them. Both Samantha and Yuki sat down next to each other, Sam sitting across from them. Sam could have sword the bus driver has said 'darn hybrid slaves'

( i'll explain in a later chapter)

"they were looking at us funny" Samantha whispered to both her siblings. Sam nodded as both were sitting in the very back seats. "people are afraid of the differences they fear the different things." Yuki whispered to both. She was facing forwards for she could see nothing in the dark abyss of her eyes. But she hit face first when the bus stopped at it's final stop. A raven haired boy stepped in the bus with his little blue uniform on. No more seats were available for him to sit until he saw the final seat next to Sam. He sighted in annoyance as he walked to the last seat. " -ahem- Move over" he said in a grumpy matter to the young hybrid boy. Sam moved over hitting the window making room for the boy to sit there. Samantha gave him a scowl of disgust in which the young boy returned, only to realize the other girl sitting next to her gave him an insane look. The boy was name Joey though mostly he was called Taurtis. He was one of the most loved kids in school and from the stories that he was told he learned to treat other races differently. Not human races they only implied to human hybrids and now he had to share with one of the wierdos a seat. He took out a hunter X hunter comic book and began to scan the pages hoping to get out of the bus real quick.

~Time Skip~

Once the bus had arrived at the small school everyone got out of the bus rushing to there friends they made. Taurtis went over to his friend Dom. "hey Dom" The young boy said gaining the attention of his friend. " Oh what's up Taurtis" Dom said running over to Taurtis. But in the corner of his eye he spotted them. The new kids. " so we are having new kids hu?" he said in an excited tone. He was a sweet child raised by a bitter dad. He never saw a problem with the hybrids of the world though many people did. "yeah and i had to sit by that bunny boy" Taurtis said a little loud for the three to hear. Only to get a hard cold glare from the small one, though she wasn't directly looking at him for her blind eyes. "so? " Dom said not getting the full point of his friend. "So? so?!? Dom they are creeps, Freaks even! How can you not even find the big problem i had with that" Taurtis said holding the long fluffed up locks of his hair. " I'm going to go say hi" Dom said with a smile as he began to walk over to them. " Your going with the freaks?!" Taurtis said in which Dom nodded. The young boy with the small purple propeller hat skipped over to his new class mates. " Hello!" He said sticking out his hand to the three. The twins looked at him skeptical. They never had received such a friendly welcoming. They noticed how the boy stuck out his hand with a huge smile. Before they could say anything, there young sister stuck out her hand in which he had gladly excepted.

"Hello" she said looking past him. He noticed how her green eyes were a very light shade of green. "your blind hu?" he said in which her smile faded into a frown. "Can....we not talk about that?" she said. He nodded and shook her hand once again. The three had not been prepared for the kindness of this young human boy.

"Nice to meet you"

(Ok ok i'm done and hope you don't mind me writing this after i published my other story, when im done with that one i guess you can find a way to organize it)

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