The nice teacher?

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The hybrid kids entered with there newly made friend Dom. As they entered the room they ignored the glares given to them as they sat down. Dom took his seat and chair away from Taurtis' Table and pushed it to his new group of friends. He didn't care if he would be bullied to. "so? you want to come over by our house today. we can I dunno play?"Samantha asked Dom in which he agreed to. "sorry I'm late kids" an unfamiliar voice said. a woman around her 20's came in along with a teenage girl. both had blond hair. the woman wearing a white shirt and a long skirt. the girl had a blue shirt with purple pants. she wore glasses and had her hair in a small ponytail. "hi" she said as her mother got ready to start class. "hi" the kids waved back except for the ones in the back. the girl went over to the back making the kids nervous. "hi" she said in a charming voice. "h-hi" they said in sinc. "I'm Okami mind telling me your names?" she asked grabbing a chair and sitting with them. "..." thy didn't Respond. Okami sighted but smiled. "you know when I grow up in going to be a teacher. and I'm going to be the nicest teacher ever" she said tossing out a bit of confetti at them. one landed on Soul's beak causing her to sneeze. "bless you dear" Okami said as class started she stayed with the hybrids kids. but gave as much attention to the other kids as well.

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