Come Home Safe

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{Lots of GaLe requests! That's my little leaves for ya!! The first request is for @Demon_of_an_Angel I hope you dont mind I am adding the other couples in as well. Kind of a group one shot. A little on the long side and a lot of time skips}


The little bluenette watched her boyfriend as he packed his army green duffle bag, quietly moving around the room. Her eyes burned from crying earlier and the lump was still in her throat. "I don't want you to go," she said quietly. He stopped and sighed, running his hand over his now short black hair. He hated having it short but in the army, long hair was a no no.

"I don't want to go either Lev, but I have to." He looked at her as she tried to hold in more tears. Tonight would be their last night together, for who knows how long. He didn't even know if he would come back. He mentally slapped himself. He had to come back, for her sake. He walked over to where she sat on the bed and took her hands. "Levy... Will you do something for me?" he asked quietly. She looked up at him and nodded. He knelt in front of her, so for once he had to look up to her. "When I come back, marry me?"

Fresh tears filled her eyes and she quickly nodded, not trusting her voice. He smiled and pulled her close, kissing her softly. Her hands tangled in his short hair, already missing the long mane he had before, as they kissed. He lifted he on to the bed, wanting to make the most of the last night he would have with her.


A blonde woman stood in front of a white wedding dress, gently pulling on the beads of the skirt. "Looks like I have to wait to wear you." she said quietly to the dress. She sighed before turning around, running smack into her pink haired fiancée. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her from falling, and even then he didn't let go. "I'm sorry Luce," he said in a hushed voice.

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around him. "Just come home safe.... Ok?" she said as she tried to hold back tears. He smiled and kissed her deeply. "Of course Luce, I would never leave you behind."


A pale, blue haired girl sat curled up on her boyfriends couch. She could hear him packing in his room and she only got sadder as the minutes passed. She sniffed as wiped her eyes, for what felt like the hundredth time tonight. She barely noticed as he came out and sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shaking shoulders.

"Gray-sama?" she asked. "Yes Juvia?" he looked down at her. When they first met, he thought she was suffocating and clingy. But now, it just made him feel happy and warm. "Promise Juvia you will come home." He sighed a little. "Juvia-" She gripped the front of his shirt. "Promise Juvia!" she sobbed. He smiled sadly and pulled her close. "I promise Juvia."

The next day at the airport the three couples met up, saying good bye to their friends and loved ones. "Remember Grays promise to Juvia," she said quietly as he held her. He nods, quietly stroking her hair. "I don't want that wedding dress to get too dusty. Hurry home." Lucy said as she held Natsus hands. Gajeel and Levy shared no words, simply holding each other for as long as possible. When their flight was announced, the boys painfully pulled away from their loved ones, and joined the others that were in uniform. The girls stayed until the plane was out of sight.

///Time Skip-4 Months\\\


It had been four long months since the boys had gone to war. They wrote then letters all the time, but today would be their first video chat. The girls were sitting around the computer in Levy and Gajeels bedroom, waiting for them to call. Levy was bouncing up and down excitedly, wanting to share her news with her fiancée. The screen flickered to life and Natsus face flicked onto the screen. He grinned,"Hey ladies!" Lucy smiled. "Hey Natsu!" "Where's Gajeel?" Levy asked, looking ready to burst.

"He's over here. This camera isn't good enough to get all of us." he reached up and spun the camera. Gajeel grinned as he saw his bluenette. "Gajeel I have some great news!" He chuckled at her enthusiasm and rested his chin on his hand. "What's that?" She grabbed the small black and white picture that she already framed and held it up. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped, "What what?!" Natsu asked and peeked over his shoulder. He grinned and clapped Gajeel on the shoulder. "Congrats man! You get to be a dad!"

Levy fidgeted nervously when Gajeel didn't say anything but then he broke into a wide smile. "Baby that's fantastic!" He said. She smiled in relief. "Do you know what it is yet?" she shook her head. "I have an appointment next week to find out. I will write you as soon as I know." He nods. "Juvia does not want to be rude, but Juvia wants to see Gray-sama." they laughed and Gajeel moved the camera.The six talked for awhile before their commander kicked them off. They would be calling once a month on the same day.

///Time Skip- 5 Months\\\

The girls were once again gathered at Levy and Gajeels house, but Levy was laying in bed. The screen flicked on and Gajeel was the first on the screen. "Hey, where's Levy?" he frowned slightly. "She is laying in bed. She started having contractions and it hurts to sit she says." Lucy said as she adjusted the camera so Gajeel could see her. She smiled and waved a little at him. "How are you feeling?" he asked quietly. "Like hell," he chuckled a little. "Sorry."

They readjusted the camera again and talked with Natsu and Gray. "Uh guys," Levy said. Juvia and Lucy turned to her. "My water broke." They quickly said bye to the boys and got Levys things together, rushing her to the hospital. Later that night she had a healthy black haired boy.

//Time Skip-4 Months\\

Like they had for the past four months the girls sat around the computer, waiting nervously. Since Levy had had Rayos they hadn't gotten a call from the boys, and the letters had stopped as well. Once Juvia had had a break down and it took everything they could to calm her down. It was getting well into midnight, Levy had left to put Rayos to bed and the screen flicked to life. Lucy and Juvia had nearly fallen out of their chairs and they moved closer to it.

Natsu appeared on the screen and the first thing they noticed was the bandage around his eye and forehead. "Natsu what happened?! Are you ok?!" Lucy nearly screamed. He chuckled a little. "Well Iv had better days... As to what happened." he sighed and leaned back in his chair. "We had gone to liberate a prison camp and we got jumped... Gray is pretty banged up to, but I promise he's alive," he added as Juvia began to panic. "What about Gajeel?" Lucy asked. He sighed. "He got the worst of it. He shielded a younger soldier from a grenade and... Well, he lost a leg."

The girls gasped, covering their mouths. "What's wrong?" Levy asked as she came back. "Oh Natsu! Why havnt you guys called? Where's Gajeel?" she asked as she got closer to the computer. They were all quiet and Natsu wouldn't look at her. "Natsu, where's Gajeel?" She asked as she began to panic. Lucy took her to the bed and sat her down so she could explain. Juvia looked back to Natsu. "Does this mean the three of you will be heading home?" she asked quietly. "Yeah, we will be leaving next week once Gajeel is in a bit better shape." she nodded and flinched a little as Levy started to sob.

"I'm sorry." Natsu said quietly and Juvia shook her head. "The three of you are alive, that's what matters."

/One Week Later\

The girls waited at the airport terminal, three large signs made to welcome home their soldiers. Erza Scarlet was there as well to welcome home her friends. She held Rayos for Levy while she impatiently searched the crowd for the tall man. "Gray-sama!!" Juvia suddenly cried. She ran through the crowd and lept at the man in camo. He caught her and spun her as she cried. Lucy was next as she ran to the pink haired man,his eye still bandaged, clinging to him and crying. Then there was Levy. She saw the black haired man as he limped forward on crutches, his pant leg folded up so he wouldn't trip. She wanted to run to him but her legs wouldn't move. It took a shove from the scarlet haired woman for her to go sprinting through people. She slammed into him, nearly making him fall.

She sobbed into his chest as he held her with one arm. "I was so scared," she sobbed and he smiled softly at her. "Hey I'm back ain't I? May not be in one piece, but I'm here." She nodded as she sniffed. He tilted her head up and kissed her softly. It had been a little over a year since he had seen her in the flesh, since he held her or kissed her. He was oblivious to the cheers around them as people saw their reunion. She pulled back, wiping her eyes and smiling. She grabbed his bag from him and led him to finally meet his son.

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