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{ Oh my god leafs, I have to share what happened over my weekend with you. I'm doing it in Fairy Tail form and it will only make it funnier. Levy is me, my best friend will be Lucy and my other friend plus her boyfriend will be Natsu. Her striped kitty Harley will be happy}

Levy P.O.V

I had a love for horror. The adrenaline rush and the way your heart beats out of your chest were what I lived for. I'm relatively easy to scare, though there is rarely anything now a days that sends my pulse racing. Natsu, being the computer nerd he is, said I should try to play a game called Outlast. " What is it?" I asked him as he hooked his laptop up to the big screen. " Let's just say it's scarier than Amnesia." I felt a chill run up my spine, remembering the game I had played when his mother scared the crap out of me.

Lucy sat next to Natsu after turning the lights off and I grabbed the keyboard,  sitting on his other side. "Seriously though, what is it?" I asked as the opening cut scene played, it was first person and we were driving down a windy road. " Your a journalist researching an abandoned asylum. There have been disappearances and what not going on. Oh and by the way," He turned a wicked grin to me. " You can't fight. It's run and hide, or die." I tensed, that chill running up my spine again.

I worked through all the controls, none too happy that my only light was the night vision on a camcorder. I barely made it through the busted asylum gates and I was already worked up. " Ok, at least tell me outside is safe." I looked at him. " Outside is safe." "Now tell us the truth," Lucy said from his other side. She hid it better than me, but she scared just as easily. " Outside is safe." With that I approached the doors, finding them locked. " Their locked, we're done." Lucy joked. Natsu pointed to the side of the building and I followed his instructions.

When the only entrance was a second story broken window I could feel goosebumps rising on my arms. "Ok, if your only entrance is a broken ass window, you don't need to go." Lucy said. I snorted and, after her getting impatient with me and forcing the character through the window, continued. The rooms were trashed and there was blood on the floors. There was no sound other than my footsteps and just the anticipation of something jumping out had my nerves on edge.

" Levy, I swear to god if you don't move forward I will do it myself." Natsu ground out in frustration after I freaked out at a door closing on it own. I happily handed the keyboard over and curled up with Lucy. "Me and thunder buddy will watch." I said with a grin. He snorted and took the controls. He ran through the halls till he reached a second floor landing that was walled off with glass. He peered down to the first floor, where the front door would have let us in at. Security guards littered the ground in pools of blood, some missing their heads and there were bloody words written on the walls. " That's not ok." Lucy muttered and I snorted.

Natsu slowly opened a door, and a scream ripped from Lucy and I as a dead body swung down from the ceiling. Natsu laughed as he continued through the room. After several more dead bodies he was working his way side ways between two bookshelves that blocked the walkway when it started. It was a roar, and again screams echoed in the house as the camera spun and locked onto a large deformed man that ripped us from the bookshelves and threw us to the first floor.

" The fuck was that?!"Lucy screamed. " That's not ok!" I groaned as I hid my face in her knee. After regaining controls, Natsu ran through the rooms until we were at the end of a hall, a man at the other end in a wheelchair. " You know we have to go down there right?" He said and Lucy and I shook our heads. He went anyway and stood in front of the man when he didn't move. " Oh my shit." Lucy muttered. The man's face was nearly featureless,  his eyes and mouth sewn shut and his body was emaciated. He twitched every now and then but didn't move otherwise.

The next room we froze at. Inside were two men watch static on a blood splattered tv. He slowly inched inside but they never moved, and a third man was hidden farther back. None of them moved and, like the others, they were mutated and emaciated. After going through and collecting the key we needed we started to back track. "You know, now that we got what we need, somethings gonna happen right?" Natsu muttered.

"Oh god, those three guys are gonna be gone. No! There gonna come after us as we go through!" I said in mild panic, clutching Lucys arm. He slowly inched forward into the room,  the three men were still there and they didn't move. " That wasn't so bad." Lucy said hopefully.

Natsu chuckled as he continued. We came across the man in the wheelchair again. " Hey wheelch-" Natsu was cut off as wheelchair guy suddenly shot forward,  grabbing him and his unmanly scream joined ours. After getting free he paused the game and tossed the keyboard, before burying his face into Lucys side. The two of us burst into laughter. "He screamed like a little bitch!" Lucy howled, earning a glare from him.

Once he had regained his composure he continued. An hour and several more scream filled moments later Lucy got up. " Pause that while I go to the bathroom." She said before hopping over the couch. She inched into the dark hallway, flipping on the light before actually going down it. I debated hiding in the room next to the bathroom to scare her when she suddenly screamed. " What?!" I asked as she leaned against the wall, laughing while hyperventilating. " Fucking Happy!"

"What?" Natsu asked as we headed for her. "Fucking Happy! Just... I was trying not to freak myself out... I walked by the closet and Happy poked his head out and all I thought was, It's gonna get me!" She said between laughs. I started laughing, but what she said next had me doubled over on the floor gasping for air. "He scared me so bad I pissed myself!"

{Sorry if you guys didn't think it was funny, but oh my god it was great.}

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