Pain and Love

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{ @OnLy_HuMaN_ChIcA MirAxus again!}

Mira P.O.V

Another day at this wild and noisy guild. I ducked as a table went flying and smiled softly. I looked up as Laxus walked up holding up a job. "I'm going on a job Mira." I looked it over and frowned. "Your taking the Thunder Legion with you right?" He snorted slightly. " I will be fine." I frowned. " Laxus it's dangerous. You should take someone with you." He rolled his eyes, "I don't need their help." I sighed. " I will go with you." He stared at me wide eyed and before he could say anything I walked to Lisanna. " Hold down the fort. I'm going on a job." She smiled and nodded.

I walked around to Laxus and smiled. "Let's go." He sighed but didn't fight me as we headed out the door. I sat across from Laxus on the train and smiled sadly at the sick dragon slayer. "Not a word..."He muttered and I shook my head. We got off at our stop, Laxus refusing held as he shuffled off. Once he was better we headed to the outskirts of town. A dark guild was causing the town trouble and our job was to take them out. We stood outside their guild and Laxus grinned at me, sparks flying around him. I grinned as I turned into Saten Soul before throwing a ball of black energy through the doors.

Laxus shot in as a bolt of lightning, taking out two mage along the way. I flew in, using my tail to slam a mage into a near by wall. I flew out of the way as a fire ball was thrown at me. I threw another ball of black energy, aiming at the mage. I tried not to cry out as a blade slashed against my back. I turned, knocking the mage away with my tail. A mage grabbed my arm and before I could attack I. old feel my magic energy plummet. I cried out in agony as my Saten Soul faded and I collapsed. My body wouldn't move and my vision was spotted.

The last thing I saw was the sword wielding mage standing above me, sword raised.

Something warm was wrapped around me as I came to. "Damn it Mira wake up!" I heard a deep voice whisper. I wanted to open my eyes but they just felt so heavy. "You have to wake up... Please..." He chuckled choked out. Was Laxus crying? I had to open my eyes. "Mirajane I... I love you... Please open your eyes." If I could have I would have blushed and gasped. Damn it woman open your eyes! I mentally shouted at myself.

I managed to force my eyes open and looked up. Laxus had his arms wrapped around me while his age coat covered me.  I saw tears at the corners of his closed eyes as he clung to me. I smiled weakly and tilted my face up, only inches away from his, and planted a soft kiss to his cheek. His eyes snapped open and he looked down at me, his face tinted pink. I smiled weakly and leaned into him. "I love you too Laxus..." He chuckled softly as he held me close. " Let's go home." I nodded and he carfully lifted me, holding me like I was made of glass. I smiled softly as I closed my eyes, I finally told him.

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