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{ I had this dorky daddy Gajeel idea. Now suffer through it! Also, no more requests at the moment, I have so many! As soon as i get caught up I will be taking more.}

Gajeel P.O.V

I love my daughter, don't get me wrong. She's got her mom's smarts and she adores Pantherlily, but there are days like today that I wish I had taken up Wendys offer to babysit. Levy was on a mom's weekend mission with the other girls, and they had insisted on a daddy daycare weekend. I decided to take a nap on the couch before the guys arrived with their brats, and I told Larkin she could play with her toys there in the living room. What I WASN'T aware of, was that Levy had gotten her a set of nail polish. So when I woke up, imagine my surprise when I looked down to see my nails a bright purple. To make the horror worse, it was magic nail polish that Levy liked because it didn't chip or flake in a fight, and could only be removed with a magic remover. A magic remover that Levy carried with her, because it double in removing ink.

I was screwed.

I scrubbed my hand over my face, catching the sight of my five year olds work again as I did. "I made them pretty daddy!" She had said happily, and it was so hard to be mad at the little blue haired girl. I sighed and scooped her up, resting her on my hip. "Yeah ya did. Next time though, do it to mommy's nails ok?" I asked and she nodded happily. There was a knock on the door and I groaned quietly, The guys will never let me live this down.

I opened the door and stepped aside as six children, between three and seven, came rushing through. I set Larkin down so she could chase after the others as their dad's walked in. "Sup metal face!" Salamander grinned, his six month old carefully strapped to his chest. Gray trudged in behind him with a quiet grunt, his twins coming back to run laps around him. Jellal smiled as he came in and Elfman had to duck to come inside.

"There's beer in the fridge if anyone wants some." I grunted as I led them all into the living room, where the kids had started playing. "Yo Gajeel, what's that on your hands?" Natsu asked and I quickly tucked my hands into my pockets."Don't know what your talking about Salamander." I grunted, Damn that was quick. Natsu frowned, I should have seen it coming. His hand shot out and gripped my arm, bringing my hand out of my pocket. He burst into laughter as I yanked my hand back. "Love the nails Metal Face!" The other guys had tried to stifle their laughter as I shot them a glare.

"I will kill you Salamander!" I shouted at him. "Just don't break a nail!" He gasped through his laughter. The only thing that saved it ugly mug was the infant attached to him. This was normal for play dates oddly enough. Salamander and I would fight, Jellal would make the kids snack, we would all get pulled into a game with the kids before nap time finally rolled around.

Larkin sat in my lap, claiming not to be tired. She had brought me her brush and asked me to fix her hair, something I was more than happy to do. I didn't care what the other guys said, having long hair myself it became an art form to me. As I was in the midst of finishing off her braid, a loud snore caught my attention. I looked up to see Natsu had fallen asleep on the couch. A grin spread across my face. "Larkin, you wanna do nails again?" I asked her. She perked up at me, "Can I?!"

I grinned. "Uncle Natsu was so impressed with your work, I think he would love to have you do his nails. Don't wake him up though, it will be a nice surprise!" Larkin scurried off to her room, returning moments later with a single bottle of nail polish. "To match his hair!" She said happily, and it took all of our will power not to burst into laughter. Elfman had to make an escape to the kitchen. I watched as Larkin carefully sat next to him, touching his arm ever so gently. She mumbled something,  and the word numb appeared on his arm. I felt a swell of pride at her talent before having to surpress more laughter as she quickly painted his nails.

I love my daughter.

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