♠ - I - The Challenge - ♠

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Daisy curled her fingers under the table, staring at each member of the Royal Council with a straight face. Despite all the confidence from the outside, the sweat on her palms confirmed that she indeed was nervous. After all, soon she would hear if the people of the Mystic Kingdom would accept her as the successor of the current queen.

"Princess Daisy." That voice almost made her jump from her seat despite the calm tone.

She blinked twice as she gazed across the long rectangular table, looking for the owner of that voice. Her eyes met several beings that either looked human but with pointy ears or had animalistic features but still had a human shape. Her gaze stopped on a slim man with very short white hair. She took a deep breath as she recognized Acacio.

By Acacio's side, at the head of the table, Daisy spotted a woman in a dark green, flowing dress, with pinkish skin that showed marks of aging. Her short, wavy hair had lost its original red-brown color and was replaced with gray strands.

Her chest tightened, realizing that her grandmother couldn't even maintain her usual hair color anymore, which didn't require a lot of magical power.

"Erm... ye-yes...?" said Daisy, failing to keep her tone calm, standing up.

"You don't have to stand up, Your Highness," said Acacio with a quick laugh, "please make yourself comfortable."

"Yes, I-I'm sorry," she said, taking back her seat.

As chatter filled the room, Daisy focused her gaze on the cream-colored cloth covering the table under her eyes. She silently scolded herself for showing her nervousness around the council. As the next queen, she should have shown more confidence, especially in this situation.

Her heart sped as she felt something tapping her shoulder. She quickly turned around and saw her grandmother's smile. Seeing that her grandmother was trying to calm her down, Daisy looked back to the scene in front of her, only to see Acacio examining the papers in his hands.

"From your excellent grades to your improved control of your abilities, you've shown us that despite being half-fairy, you are worthy of being the next Queen of our kingdom."

Daisy breathed in, trying to hide her excitement. After three years of working hard to get the best grades at the magic academy, as well as trying to control her abilities, it was great to hear the council finally recognized her.

Attaining top grades at the kingdom's strictest academy was a condition the council set for her to earn the throne.

"I'm so happy, I tried my best for you to accept me." Daisy turned around to face her grandmother. "You don't have to worry about leaving the throne anymore. You can rest now, our family will always rule the kingdom."

Her grandmother's lips lifted into the cheeriest smile Daisy had ever seen, but she saw that it seemed forced as her grandmother's serious expression remained.

"Before you celebrate, you should worry about your next task," said an arrogant voice by her side.

Daisy didn't have to turn around to see the owner of that irritating voice. The innocent-looking woman who sat by her side hadn't been friendly to her ever since she stepped into this world.

"There's another task?" Daisy frowned. "I thought that if I did well at the academy, you would accept me as the heir to the throne."

Daisy's gaze fell on Acacio. Waiting for answers, she couldn't believe she had to do another task after all the troubles she had gone through at the academy. There couldn't be another task. Acacio's light blue eyes met her dark brown eyes.

"Sorry, Your Highness," he said, looking away for a second, "but since you're just a half-fairy there's another task for you to prove yourself as a true fairy."

"A true fairy?" Daisy tilted her head.

"Yes," said the voice beside her. "You have to prove that your human side won't interfere with your duty as a queen or fairy."

Daisy shifted her gaze to the being sitting by her side. It was amazing how, despite being cold at times, Lady Violet's looks made up for her behavior. Besides her stunning beauty, she looked like a kind person. Her species was like Daisy's grandmother's - looked human with pointy ears-with her usually loose, long, dark blue hair tied into one single braid.

"If you pass this exam, the throne will be guaranteed to you," said Acacio.

With a sigh, Daisy forced a smile. There was no point in complaining since it was just an exam.

"Well, if I did well in the academy, I'm sure I won't have any problem with this exam," she said, trying to cheer herself up.

"That's the spirit, Princess Daisy," said Dahlia, who was sitting beside Acacio.

Daisy smiled at her, noticing animal features in Dahlia's human-like face. Her feline ears mixed with her short, silver hair.

"So what will the exam be about?" Daisy asked, her tone curious.

"It will be the same as the one taken by senior fairies at the academy," answered Acacio quickly.

"Oh," she realized. "So I'll have to help someone from my world."

Her heart spread excitement. This would be the easiest way to finally win their acceptance. Being a fairy godmother for a few months wouldn't be a problem.

"Actually," said Dahlia, "you'll have to help a chosen family of that world."

Daisy's chin dropped as she tried to say something but nothing left her mouth. How was she supposed to help a family in two months?

"Don't worry, you'll have a time limit 'til your high school graduation in that world," said Acacio as if he read her mind. "And there's a family member who you're especially assigned to be his fairy godmother. If you succeed with him, you won't need to help the rest of the family since they're just points in case you fail with him."

It was as if a huge weight was lifted from her body. It was good to know that she would have a whole year to help her chosen family and to make things better she still had a chance of making it with her main assigned target.

"Is that so?" Daisy sat straight. "Then I won't have any problem with it. I'll pass this exam easily."

She could feel Lady Violet's eyes on her but didn't let them bother her. It would be good to see Violet's reaction once she found out Daisy passed.

"However," said Acacio, "you have to respect two important rules in this exam. If you break them you'll automatically fail."

Silence fell. Daisy stared at him with disappointment. He wasn't the kind of being who tried to make her nervous.

"What are they?" Daisy wondered.

"One," answered another member of the council, this time it was a beast-looking being, "no one must know that you're a fairy, not even your chosen family."

WHAT!? She wanted to yell, but instead, she kept calm and asked, "Then, how am I supposed to know their wish?"

"That's where the challenge comes," said Dahlia, "you'll have to find that out by yourself."

Speechless, Daisy kept quiet. The slight hope she had for this exam was now gone. Without the chosen family not knowing who she was, it wouldn't be easy to make their wish come true.

If she asked them what they needed and suddenly came out with that, they would ask a lot of questions. She sighed.

It won't be easy after all.

"The second rule isn't just a rule, but a law."

She stared at Acacio, thinking that he couldn't let her feel more down than she was right now.

"Love between a mystical creature and a human is forbidden," he continued.

For some reason, her heart started racing. She touched her chest. Was she scared?

She attempted to keep herself calm. Her mother had told her about that law before she chose this path.

It's okay. I've already decided to be part of this world.

She stared at her right side and saw that her grandmother's smile had disappeared - she looked so serious and yet sad.

Daisy understood her. After all, this was how she lost her only daughter. Although Daisy's mother wasn't doing any exams, she went to the human world out of curiosity and that's how she met her father, lost her powers, and her right to the throne.

"Don't worry, Grandmother." Daisy patted her grandmother's hand. "That won't happen to me. I aim to become the new queen, not to find some random romance."

Her grandmother attempted a smile, but the smile barely appeared. After eighteen years she still felt the pain of losing her daughter. The one who was supposed to follow the bloodline of the current royal family.

Daisy reassured her that everything would be alright. She was her daughter's child and had royal blood, so their family would continue to rule the kingdom. Despite saying that, inside she hoped her exam family would be small, with kids under her age.

"We've spoken to Her Majesty about your chosen family," said Acacio.

Daisy didn't respond and made a sign of curiosity as to who would be her ticket to the throne.

"It's the Spada family from Rome."

"Spada," she repeated.

Why does that name sound familiar?

"Everything has been planned for your trip there," Acacio continued, "by the day you arrive in Rome your exam starts."

"Alright." Daisy nodded, wondering what kind of family the Spadas were.

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