♠ - III.II - The Lonely Prince - ♠

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Out of the many available stores around the airport, a bakery shop was the one that both Daisy and Pietro chose for a quick stop. The displayed loaves of bread and cakes were enough to make anyone hungry even though Daisy had lunch on her plane not so long ago. She thought that fresh bakery scent made it even worse for those who were already hungry.

Daisy picked a chocolate croissant paired with a cup of warm milk. Even though it wasn't cold this mid-September, she thought a warm drink wasn't a bad idea. Meanwhile Pietro, the one who suggested having something to eat, only ordered a cup of coffee. Daisy wondered if that tiny cup would be enough for him.

She had a bite of her croissant, enjoying the sweet taste melting in her mouth as she gazed outside the small bakery shop. She saw a vast area of the airport full of people wandering around with their luggage, with others sitting, either waiting for their flight or for someone to pick them up.

"I was surprised when your parents asked me the favor of receiving you," said Pietro, breaking the quick silence. "I never thought that the ones who would want to come back to Italy would be one of their children."

She was glad that Pietro broke the ice. It was starting to feel awkward observing the airport in silence. A timid laugh escaped her lips. If it wasn't for her exam, she wouldn't be here.

Her father's side of the family lived in Cape Verde, though she had some relatives in Mozambique since her paternal grandmother was from there. Her mother's side of the family wasn't even from this world, so she wouldn't have any other reason to visit Italy. She would be in the Mystic Kingdom, learning how to be a queen.

"Well, as someone who was born here," she said, "I was curious to visit the country. Three years wasn't enough time to create memories."

That was true. From time to time, curiosity and the urge to know more about the country where she was born would pop into her mind. But that curiosity wasn't enough to take her to Italy. Pietro nodded.

"And, um." Nervousness spread in Daisy's veins. "I would like to thank you for receiving me. I hope it wasn't a bother for your family."

"N-no," said Pietro, looking a bit uncomfortable. "There's no need to thank me, being the daughter of those two makes you part of my family."

"Thank you." Daisy nodded.

"There you go again..." Pietro shook his head a little. "There's no need to thank me."

Daisy smiled, finding how humble Pietro was.

There's no way he didn't find his true happiness.

"Besides," he continued, "this is nothing compared to what your mother did for me. Lily helped me a lot throughout my life. This is the least I can do for her."

For a moment, Daisy thought she spotted a glimpse of sorrow in his expression.

Could it be that I was wrong? This person truly hasn't found his true happiness?

She took a sip of her warm milk, wondering how Pietro's life had been since his teen years. Her mother told her that she failed to help him find his true happiness and that there were many obstacles when she tried to help him out.

Her mother still believed that despite him being lively whenever they met, he still hadn't found his happy ending. Judging by his thoughtful eyes, she might be right. She passed the torch to Daisy and now it was her mission to help him out.

A strong man in a black suit showed up by their side. Daisy narrowed her eyes as she wondered what that man wanted. He signaled to Pietro with his hand, who replied with a nod.

"Well then, Daisy," he said, the chair screeching as he moved and stood up, "my flight is in thirty minutes."

"Yes," said Daisy, standing up as well. "Wait, what?"

"Sorry to tell you so suddenly, but your arrival coincided with my business trip."

Daisy simply stared at the man in front of her, blinking repeatedly. How was she supposed to help someone who wouldn't be there?

All hopeful she asked, "Sorry to intrude, but will you be away from Rome for long?"

"Hm." He touched his chin all thoughtful. "That will depend on the business."

Daisy nodded in disappointment. How am I supposed to help someone who won't be here, for who knows how long?

She wondered if the Royal Council knew about this situation. Knowing some of the members, they must have chosen this family on purpose to make her fail, so no half-blood could rule the kingdom.

"Don't worry, my family will take good care of you," he said with a smile.

Daisy nodded. The problem is, I won't be able to help you.

She sighed. There was no point in having this exam if one family member would be missing. She tried to cheer herself up, telling herself that at least he wasn't the main target that would make her pass a hundred percent if she succeeded. Still, she hoped that at least he would return before she graduated.

"By the way, Daisy," said Pietro, putting his hand on the man's shoulder, "this is Roberto, he's the family's driver."

"Ah, nice to meet you," said Daisy, her tone surprised.

If Pietro's family could afford a driver they must be of a high class, but then again, he could be a driver from the company Pietro worked for. At least she hoped so. It would be easier if his family wasn't economically fit.

"Roberto, this is Daisy, the guest I've talked about," said Pietro.

Roberto nodded.

"He'll take you home," continued Pietro.

"OK," said Daisy.

"I guess this is goodbye for now." Pietro gazed at his watch. "I hope you'll still be here when I return."

Daisy smiled, hoping the same. After all, he was the key for her to become a queen, one day.

"Call me if my children bother you," he added.

"Shouldn't they be the ones to do so?" Daisy teased. "Since I'm the intruder in the family?"

"I told you, you're part of the family," he patted her head.

This time she didn't feel embarrassed. She felt as if it were her father saying goodbye. A strong sense of missing someone attacked my heart.

She touched her chest. Only one day had passed since she left her family. After months of training in the Mystic Kingdom, she only had the previous day to enjoy with them before she flew straight to Italy.

The day she spent with them could be the last one according to her mother, depending on the results of this exam.

She took a deep breath in an attempt to push away the doubts that were starting to develop in her head. She then gazed at the tall man in front of her.

"Have a nice trip, Mr. Pietro."

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