♠ - V - Stubbornness & Misunderstandings - ♠

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Daisy opened her eyes, feeling a slight dizziness as she tried to have a seat. Seeing how her surroundings were dark with a dim light illuminating part of the room, she guessed that it was already nighttime.

She blinked repeatedly. It can't be.

She slept this long and she hadn't met the rest of the Spada family yet. She scratched her head, wondering what they would think of her since she wanted to give a good impression on their first meeting.

She breathed out, hoping the family would understand why she overslept. After all, her body was tired from the trip. Six hours of flight might not seem much on paper, but being stuck sitting on a plane for that long was not fun. Especially when your seat is economic class.

As she attempted to push away her worries, she spotted a door on the other side of the room. She jumped off the bed and rushed towards it, hoping that it was a bathroom. Since she had slept for most of the day, the least she could do to improve her image was to show herself in an adequate appearance.

Reaching the door, she took a deep breath, hoping with all her heart that it was the bathroom. Asking the employees where the bathroom was with her tired face worried her since she didn't want to accidentally bump into one of the family members in that state.

"Yes," she said cheerfully after she saw what was on the other side of the door.

She rushed back to her bed and opened her luggage, in search of her towel. Once she found it, she checked her clothes, looking for the perfect pair to formally introduce herself to the family. As she didn't bring many clothes since her mother told her Daisy would buy plenty of them in this country, she stuck with a red blouse and jeans.

If only Mom had told me that they were economically fit, I would have brought fancier clothes.

She could summon some using her magic, but she didn't know if that would be a good idea. She pushed away that thought and went back to the bathroom.

The first thing she did when she reached the area was to judge the dark-skinned girl with curly hair that was so messed up, that it looked like a lion's mane. The dark circles around her eyes made her skin look lighter than it usual.

Hm. I guess I'll need some makeup.

Disappointed with her looks, she washed her face, hoping that the shower would make her look better and feel better. Her dizziness was getting stronger, though.

She walked across the bathroom, sighing and preparing herself for a relaxing shower.


Daisy took a deep breath before she opened the door. For minutes she'd been debating if she should leave the room or wait for the maid to call her but decided to leave when her stomach growled. She had to eat or she would pass out.

She saw a dim light illuminating the corridor, most of it coming from a small living room not far from her spot.

"Martina?" she called timidly.

As she heard no response, she sighed and took the first step out of her room. As soon as she took another step and closed the door, strong arms wrapped around her from behind. Her forehead wrinkled.

"Found you," said a playful voice. "You can't hide from me forever."

Daisy blinked twice as she tilted her head, wondering who that creepy person was for hugging random strangers out of nowhere.

Daisy cleared her voice quietly. "I think you're mistaking me for someone else."

"Really?" he said turning Daisy around, giving her a closer look.

His hazel eyes widened. Daisy looked away as she thought his face was too close.

"You're not Martina," he said, his tone surprised. "Who are you?"

"Erm, I-"

Before she could introduce herself he suddenly lifted her. He didn't delicately carry her but carried her on one shoulder while her upper body met his strong back and her legs hit his chest. Her eyes widened, wondering how strong he was for carrying her that way.

"What are you doing?" she asked, confused.

"I have no idea how you got here," he said, walking away, "Security isn't efficient these days. You must be some smart fan of ours who was able to infiltrate our residence."

"What?" Daisy frowned.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

This guy must be full of himself to think that I was a fan who infiltrated the mansion just to check him out. Unless Mr. Pietro was a famous person and had a fanbase for his family.

Whatever it was, this was a huge misunderstanding.

She hit his back, telling him to put her down, but her fists were useless. Before she knew it, they were leaving the mansion's entrance. The employees wandering around stared at the scene as if it were a normal occurrence, even when she called them for help.

"I'm telling you, I'm not your fan," she persisted as he walked through the garden straight to the entrance of the property.

"Come on, there's no need to lie." He chuckled quickly. "I'll forgive you for trespassing for tonight."

Daisy wished he could see her glare. She had met many people full of themselves before, especially at the academy back in the Mystic Kingdom, but he took it to a whole other level.

So stubborn.

"What's going on?" asked a voice.

Daisy couldn't see who it was since her face was stuck on the stubborn guy's back. Based on their surroundings, she guessed that they had reached the gates leading outside the Spada property.

"Hey, Fafá," said the stubborn one.


Why did that name sound familiar?

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?" asked a not-so-pleased voice.

The stubborn one laughed.

"And, who's that person you're holding?" added Fafá.

"Oh, it's just one of our obsessive fans," said the stubborn one with a sigh, "that was somehow able to infiltrate our house."


Daisy rolled her eyes, giving up in telling him that she wasn't a fan. All she wanted now was to get off his shoulder. The dizzy feeling started to hit her again.

"Really?" asked Fafá a bit disappointed. "Isn't your job to keep those kinds of people away?"

It seemed those words were directed to one of the many employees of the mansion. Daisy guessed it was probably the guards.

"But Young Master," replied a nervous voice.

Young Master?

Those words floated through Daisy's mind. She couldn't believe it. Her first meeting with Pietro's son would be in this embarrassing situation. Her eyes met an elder figure running towards them. She smiled, recognizing Livio.

"Young masters she's not who you think she is."

"Young Masters?" Daisy's eyes widened.

So the stubborn one is also Mr. Pietro's son?

She refused to believe that he would also be a part of her exam.

Livio stopped to recover his breath once he reached them.

"What do you mean she isn't who we think she is?" asked Fafá confused.

Livio took his time to recover his breath. It must have been difficult for a man his age to run, all the way to the gate.

"She's the guest your father sent here," he said.

"What?" The stubborn one almost dropped Daisy.

"So she's the one Dad was talking about," said Fafá, his voice gentle.

Daisy took a deep breath, wondering what other surprises were waiting for her.

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