♠ - VII -The Medical Prince - ♠

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Daisy opened her eyes, sensing a salty taste in her mouth. As she tried to understand what happened, she felt as if her legs weren't in symmetry with her laid body.

As she rubbed her eyes, she realized that she was back in her room with the dim light illuminating her surroundings and a cool breeze ventilating the area through the open windows. Turning her head around, she saw a young woman in a maid uniform typing something on a small laptop. It didn't take long for Martina to notice her.

"Ah, you finally woke up," she said, a smile spreading across her face.

Daisy slowly had a seat on her bed and saw that her legs were lifted by a large slid pillow.

"What happened?" she asked trying to remember the long night and hoping that everything was a bad dream.

There was no way Pietro had seven children. That would be too much for a small fairy like her who had limited abilities to find their true happiness.

"You passed out during dinner," replied Martina, closing her laptop. "Master Raffaele examined you and concluded that you had low blood pressure."

"Low blood pressure?" Daisy's forehead wrinkled.

She was sure that with all the revelations she found out today, that was the obvious reason she passed out. The fact that her parents' dear friend had seven children caught her by surprise, causing a roller coaster of emotions she couldn't handle.

"He told us to give you some salt," continued Martina.

"That explains the salty taste." Daisy moved her tongue around her mouth. She still could taste the salty flavor in it.

Martina organized the many papers and textbooks that were on top of a nightstand. Daisy gazed at the scene wide-eyed. Everything on that nightstand was a mess.

Besides wondering how Martina worked with her references in a mess, Daisy was curious if she was a student. Judging by her young appearance, she had to be one. The itch to ask Martina how she was able to work and study at the same time passed through Daisy's mind.

"Well, I'm going to tell the master that you're awake." Martina stood up, fighting not to drop her materials. "He said to prepare some codfish to make sure you feel a lot better."

"But I'm fine," said Daisy quickly. "There was no need to prepare another dish."

She didn't feel comfortable disturbing the employees. She'd been in the Spada residence for only some hours and she was already giving them extra work.

"It's OK, Daisy," said Martina. "We're paid to do what we're ordered to do."

Martina's round face peeked by the side of the tower of books and papers she was holding, trying to give Daisy a calming smile. Daisy's heart leaped when Martina almost fell, trying to nod to her to excuse herself.

"Is Raffaele a doctor?" asked Daisy curiously before Martina opened the door.

Thinking about how he handled her state and ordered the employees to prepare a special dish for her case, it looked like he was one.

"Not yet." Martina shook her head. "But next year he'll become one."

The poor girl was being so held back by Daisy's unsatisfying curiosity that she left the room before Daisy could add anything else. Daisy lay herself back on her fluffy bed, losing herself in her thoughts once again.

So, one of the brothers was close to being an accomplished man.

She guessed that Pietro must be happy as a parent. At least he was going to graduate one of his sons.

Still, she couldn't believe that he had seven children. Nowadays two children are too much she couldn't imagine seven. She wondered if he and his wife volunteered doing their job as citizens since she heard Italy's fertility rate was too low and their population was aging rapidly.

Whatever the reason was, she thought that Pietro's wife must love children to get through pregnancy seven times and take care of them when they get into a troublesome age. Thinking about Mrs. Spada, she still wondered why she hadn't met the superwoman yet. She couldn't be traveling, too.

Knock, knock.

That sound brought her back to reality. She thought Martina must have secret abilities if she already was bringing Daisy's meal in those three minutes that she was trapped in her thoughts.

"Yes, come in." The mattress shook a little as Daisy tried to sit.

"Excuse me," said a not-so-tall young man, opening the door.

To Daisy's surprise, it wasn't an employee in charge of delivering her meal but the eldest sibling, Raffaele.

"Sorry to disturb you," he said, showing a device Daisy recognized was to measure blood pressure. "I just wanted to make sure you're OK."

"I'm fine," said Daisy, her tone firm. "There's no need for a checkup."

She was the one who was supposed to help him, not the opposite.

"As an aspiring doctor," said Raffaele, reaching her, "it's my job to make sure the patient is alright."

He gently pulled her hand with his and enrolled the device around Daisy's pulse. There was a brief silence after he switched on the button.

When the device made a beep sound, he read the results that were blinking on its screen.

"Your pressure is stable now," he said, removing the device, "but still a little lower than recommended. Are you a person who usually has low pressure?"

"Well," said Daisy thoughtfully, "now that you mention it, I sometimes feel dizzy for no reason, but I never passed out because of it."

She remembered her days when she was a child. She always complained about her dizziness and was always sent to rest to feel better. She did the same when she felt like that in the Mystic Kingdom but lately, those symptoms had disappeared until the previous day.

"I recommend you to bring something to eat when you go somewhere, in case you have that symptom," said Raffaele, his tone calm. "Some crackers or orange juice might help."

"Are you a medical student or a nutritionist?" teased Daisy.

She noticed that his lively face disappeared for a moment when she mentioned nutritionist.

"Sorry," she said, thinking that she must have said something she shouldn't have.


A light switched on her head. She might have found a hint of unhappiness. Now all she had to do was ask him if he had a problem with the course he had chosen. Who knew, maybe he was forced to be a doctor.

"No, you don't have to apologize." Raffaele hid his unhappiness with an awkward laugh. "I studied a bit of nutrition during my course. It's obvious that to battle low pressure besides putting the patient in a position to help the circulation, a meal with appropriate sodium can also help."

Daisy stared at him with no idea of how she should react.

"I'm sorry." his slightly tanned skin showed a glimpse of warmth around his cheeks. "I end up giving a lecture when I get nervous,"

"You're nervous?" Daisy's eyes wouldn't blink with her interest in him growing stronger.

She found his nervousness kind of cute.

"Well yeah," he said, scratching his head. "You suddenly fainted–everyone was worried."

"I'm sorry," said Daisy, looking away.

And she meant it. For her first day with them, she was giving them more trouble than help.

"It's OK." Raffaele patted her head. "The truth about us must have also been another reason that you fainted."

What's with the Spada and patting heads?

"I know nowadays it's not common to have more than two children," he continued, "but this is the first time someone has passed out after meeting our large family."

"Erm." Daisy couldn't find the right excuse for her behavior.

Of course, people would drop their chins after knowing that a family with many children still exists, at least in a developed country. But passing out as if they had something to do with them was another story. Her passing out was more of a worry than a surprise. To find happiness in a family with seven children with limited time looked tough.

"I'm sure my pressure was responsible for that," she said.

His lips curved up into that stunning smile of his father's.

"Mrs. Spada must be a superwoman," she said, ignoring her heart. "It must have been tough to give birth seven times."


A knock on the door interrupted Raffaele. Martina entered the room as soon as he told her to come in. Her hands held a silver tray that had a covered plate and a cup of juice on top.

"Your meal, miss, erm Daisy," she said, slowly approaching them.

"You guys didn't have to overwork because of me." Daisy shook her head.

Martina placed the tray on Daisy's lap.

"Once again it's our job," said Martina.

"Since you went this far," said Daisy, sighing, "I can't waste your hard work."

A warm steam filled the atmosphere as she removed the delicate glass cover. She could sense the scent of a mix of boiled fish and vegetables. Her plate revealed a colorful dish. The light yellow meat of the codfish in one part, salad mixed with beet on another side, and some rice.

"Thank you, Martina, now I'm hungry," she teased.

Martina smiled upon hearing that.

"I'll be back to retrieve the dishes, please excuse me," she said kindly as she walked away.

It didn't take long for Raffaele to join her.

"I'm leaving as well," he said, standing up. "Call me if you need anything."

"You already did so much, I don't think I'll need anything," teased Daisy.

Raffaele smiled and followed Martina towards the door.

As soon as they left, Daisy didn't waste any minute and started attacking her meal. With no one watching, she could eat peacefully and her hunger only confirmed that she didn't eat enough during dinner.

She wondered why she cared what the brothers would think about her being a glutton. She almost choked with the juice when a small ball of light with wings suddenly appeared before her.

"Greetings, Your Highness," a feminine voice echoed from the ball of light.

Daisy tried to recover her breath, still wondering where that pixie came from. It popped out of nowhere.

"Who are you?" Daisy asked, still coughing. "And what are you doing? If someone sees you–"

"Don't worry I made sure that only magical creatures can see me now," said the pixie, flying around her.

Daisy gazed at the winged light with doubt. Even though she knew pixies were one of the rare creatures that possed the ability to become invisible for both humans and magical creatures, she still was worried that someone could see or hear it.

"OK then, who are you?" Daisy tilted her head.

The light moved up and down as if it was showing an act of formality. Daisy blinked continuously. That was the first time a mystical creature showed respect towards her. Besides Kronos and Dahlia.

"Forgive my rudeness, Your Highness," it said, its echoing voice sounding kind.

Daisy's brows rose, still not believing that someone from her kingdom was being respectful.

"I'm Luz, the messenger," it said. "I've been chosen to be the Royal Council's eyes."

"The Council's eyes?" Daisy repeated confused.

"I'll be in charge of watching you and report everything to the council," said Luz.


Daisy covered her mouth as soon as she realized that she said those words out loud. She jumped off her bed and went to check if she caught the attention of someone but the corridor was dark and silent.

"I thought my wand would report everything," she said, closing the door with her back.

She still remembered when the council warned her that they would summon her wand after she went to sleep at the end of the day to see how well she was progressing. she touched her neck with an instinct in search of her necklace.

Her heart leaped.

"My, my necklace," she said, her tone alarmed.

She rushed to her luggage in search of it. That necklace was her wand, without it, she couldn't grant any wish. Her heart couldn't calm down as she thought that she might have lost it.

"Are you looking for this?" asked Luz.

Her eyes fought the irritation that the pixie's light caused. A silver pendant with a chain approached her. She grabbed the necklace, speechless.

"You had forgotten it on your desk before you left Cape Verde," continued Luz.

Daisy gazed at the pixie with serious eyes.

"So, you've been watching me ever since my return, why?" she wondered.

"As I have told you," said Luz, "I'm in charge of watching you throughout the exam."

Daisy wanted to ask if it wasn't supposed to watch her right when she arrived in Italy but left that aside for now since it prevented her failure from this exam.

"I thought my wand would do that," she said, still curious about its presence.

"Usually, the wand is used to see what kind of magic was cast so that the examiners can grade you until your exam is over," explained the pixie, its voice still echoing.

"I see," said Daisy, sighing.

She didn't like being watched. It felt as if the council wanted to find a way to fail her. She held her pendant.

"Reveal," she said, gesturing her hand.

She dropped the pendant for a quick second before she held it back after a sparkling light showed the pendant's original form. A thin silver stick glowing in a dim light.

She smiled at the sight of my weapon.

"I'll show the council that I'm serious about the throne."

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