♠ - XX - Pawn - ♠

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"We're here already?" Daisy blinked repeatedly.

When she looked at her right side, she was shocked to see that Manuele already had left the car. She touched her necklace, wondering for how long she had been spacing out. No matter what topic Manuele would talk about, she couldn't help but think about what he told her on their way to the parking lot.

A fairy helped this family before. She had been thinking about how his ancestor knew that the person who helped him was a fairy. Judging by the time that event happened, it was after the law to keep their status a secret was already approved.

She remembered pretending to play dumb, telling him that he was saying nonsense. That there weren't such things as fairies. Surprisingly, he agreed, but he wouldn't call his great-great-grandfather crazy.

He told her if his grandfather said that a miracle happened to him, then he'd respect his beliefs. Daisy was amazed when Manuele said that. It showed that arrogance wasn't all he had.

As she saw someone offering their hand when she opened the door, Daisy accepted it, not believing that she was so caught in her thoughts she didn't see him leave the car.

"You shouldn't daydream too much," said Manuele, helping her leave the vehicle. "It's not healthy."

When Daisy gazed at him, she noticed that the cool breeze had messed up his slightly wavy hair a bit.

"I'm sorry," she said with a quiet laugh. "I was so intrigued with your family's story, I couldn't help."

He displayed that smile that was the family's trademark. Daisy looked away in an attempt to calm down.

"Well then," he said, "shall we finally show up?"

She nodded. The car had left them right at the villa's entrance. As they walked forward, Daisy noticed that their surroundings were well-illuminated, but those lights were nothing compared to the lights of the building itself.

Two people in a black suit stood in front of the entrance. As soon as the men saw them, they made way for the duo to get in. Daisy imagined that since it was one of the Spada siblings, there was no need to check if he was on the list of guests.

When they set foot in the building, Daisy felt as if she was in a fairy tale. Even though the guests were dressed in modern clothes, the atmosphere was like a ball.

Chandeliers of different and sophisticated designs brightened the area. Waiters passed by, offering drinks and snacks. Daisy expected pop or house music when she entered the building, she was surprised that what filled her ears was classical music.

"Look who decided to show up," said an energetic voice.

Daisy gazed by Manuele's side in time to see a well-built young man approaching them.

"Always aiming for attention," continued the young man playfully.

"What can I do?" Manuele shrugged. " I'm like this."

Daisy stared at him, unimpressed. She should've known that he was the type that liked attention.

"And who's this beautiful lady?" asked the young man, his short black hair moving a little as tilted his head.

Daisy smiled awkwardly. She never knew how she should react when someone complimented her.

"Manuele's new pawn," said a firm voice behind the young man.

In a few seconds, a young woman holding a glass of wine appeared by the young man's side.

"Pawn?" Daisy frowned.

Daisy didn't drop her gaze from the slim young woman as she sought answers from her. Looking at her, Daisy thought the young woman looked like one of those rich spoiled girls, who loved to gossip and cause trouble.

"Ah, my dear Giula," said Manuele, approaching her and giving her a cute hug. "It's not even ten yet, and you're already drunk."

"I'm not drunk." Giulia pushed him away.

Giulia took a few seconds to fix her dark brown hair which touched her soft skin with gentle waves.

"I'm just stating facts," she said.

Daisy raised a brow.

"Facts?" she asked with an awkward chuckle. "I'm just doing him a favor, why would I be a pawn?"

"A favor?" asked the young man, his voice surprised.

He gazed at Manuele, his eyes widening. Daisy wondered why he looked so surprised. Giulia set her coffee eyes on her with her head slightly tilted. She then gazed back at Manuele.

"So you finally found someone who agreed to help you get rid of her?" she asked.

Daisy wasn't sure if she was at her limit with the high heels, or if this confusion was getting the better of her, but her body felt heavy and she couldn't wait to leave this place.

What is Manuele planning?

"Well," said Manuele, "I still have to talk to her about it. What do you think?"

Giulia gazed back at Daisy, her eyes examining every detail of her. With her eyes piercing Daisy, Daisy rubbed her arms. She felt weird being stared at like that.

"I think you should stop trying to involve anyone in your problems," she said after taking a sip of her drink. "Even if you get the world's toughest woman, she won't set you free. She will mess up your partner's life."

Daisy's eyes brightened as she heard that. Excitement flowed in her veins as she thought that accepting his invitation wasn't a bad choice after all. He could be one of the first Spada she could help out.

Who knew that the one she found to be the most annoying, could be the most helpful? Helping him out could lift her confidence in this exam.

She opened her mouth to ask more about the girl they were talking about.

"I gotta agree with Giulia," nodded the black-haired young man before Daisy could say anything. "That girl will do anything to get what she wants. She's basically an obsessed version of Giulia."

Manuele and the young man laughed as Giulia glared at them.

"Our relationship is over, Niccoló," she said calmly.

The young man quickly gazed at her. "What? But I love you."

"What kind of boyfriend compares his girlfriend to a witch?" Giulia looked away with a frown on her face.

Niccoló approached her and kissed her forehead.

"I was just joking," he said, caressing her dark head. "You know I love messing with you just to see your cute reaction."

Giulia looked away. Daisy could spot Giulia's cheeks warming up. Even though Daisy felt as if those three forgot that she was there, she found that couple's interaction cute.

Looking at them, she wondered how it felt to fall in love and have a boyfriend. She would like to experience that feeling one day.

Your beloved is someone you've met in this world.

She shook her head, trying to silence Kara's words.

"Ah, guys," said Manuele. "My guest today is Daisy. She's not just a random girl I picked at a bar."

Daisy gazed at him, her brows raised.

So the girls he invites to parties and events, are random lucky girls he meets at a bar? And I thought that nothing else about him would surprise me even more.

He put his arm on Daisy's shoulders and gently pulled her to his side. "She's the daughter of my old man's good friends. She'll be living with us for a while."

Giulia covered her mouth at the same time her chin dropped. Niccoló looked at Daisy with interest.

Daisy knew what they were probably thinking. How could a young woman live in a house full of men?

Before Giulia could open her mouth to say whatever she was thinking, Manuele continued, "Daisy, this nosy girl here is my cousin, Giulia."

Giulia stared at Daisy with calculative eyes.

"And the guy who got dumped is Niccoló," continued Manuele. "My best friend and someday cousin-in-law?"

Niccoló scratched his head. "Eh? Maybe in twenty years."

"Till then, I'll be married with kids." Giulia had another sip of her drink.

Niccoló quickly gazed at Giulia.

"Erm, nice to meet you," said Daisy.

"The pleasure is all ours, Daisy," said Niccoló with a smile. "I hope you enjoy your stay here."

Daisy smiled, wishing she could enjoy her stay. But with a deadline that could mark her fate, she couldn't even think of the word enjoy.

"Well, now that I've introduced you," said Manuele, "I'm going to let you two bond. We have some business stuff to talk about."

Daisy was so caught by surprise that words of protest wouldn't come out. She was his guest, why did she have to stay with a stranger while he wasn't around?

"See you later, Your Highness," said Niccoló, surprising Giulia with a kiss.

"Don't worry, Daisy, you'll be fine," said Manuele as he walked away with his friend.

Daisy watched as the two young men disappeared in the crowd.

She forced a smile as her eyes met Giulia's. She wondered what was Manuele's big idea. Would every girl he invited end up spending time with his cousin instead of him? Daisy examined her surroundings, trying to find a topic to talk about.

She let out a breath of relief when a group of girls recognized Giulia and lost themselves in a conversation with her. Despite feeling left out, Daisy tried her best to fit into the chat without success. She stood there for another moment before she excused herself to go to the bathroom.

But the bathroom was just an excuse to be set free from the awkwardness.

Dodging many groups of rich people bonding or gossiping and avoiding bumping into the many waiters and waitresses distributing drinks and snacks, Daisy finally found a spot to make herself comfortable.

It looked like an expanded living room with a small bar around the corner that attracted most of the people in the area. She had a seat in one of the many white sofas.

She felt lighter as she sank on the soft sofa and relaxed on it. Her feet were killing her since she wasn't used to high heels. She removed the shoes and as she did so, she felt as if her feet were breathing.

As she relaxed her back on the sofa, she examined her surroundings, sighing as she wondered where Manuele was. How could he be so selfish to force her to go out with him and randomly leave her all alone?

A cup of wine appeared in front of her. When she looked up, she spotted a slim, dark-haired young woman.

"Thanks, but I'm underaged," said Daisy.

"Humph, like any underaged kid cares," said Giulia, having a seat by her side. "Underaged kids these days want to have fun."

Daisy folded her arms. "Well, I'm not that type of underaged kid. Besides, I don't like alcohol."

Giulia laughed at Daisy's response, covering her mouth.

"You're so boring," she said. "I don't know why Manuele chose you as his pawn."

"That again." Daisy narrowed her eyes. "Your cousin already cleared up your doubts about me. I'm not some random girl he picked at a bar."

Giulia's lips formed a sly smile. "You may not be some random girl, but you're still his pawn."

Daisy gazed at her, her forehead wrinkling. She wondered if Giulia had something against her.

"Want to know why?" asked Giulia, curling her hair around her finger.

"Because you hate me?" Daisy tried to guess.

Unexpectedly she laughed at Daisy's words.

"No," she said. "It's because I feel sorry for you and I don't want my dear cousin to enter the list of the most dangerous guys to date."

"What do you mean by that?" Daisy raised a brow.

Manuele was already on Daisy's not-ideal person-to-date list. His behavior set a red flag of not risking a relationship. She wondered what else would strike another flag to not date him.

"Okay," said Giulia. "I'll tell you why."

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