♠ - XXII - Off Guard - ♠

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Chicken skin formed in Daisy's skin as a chilly breeze blew past her. She rubbed her arms to keep herself warm, admiring her surroundings.

She found herself in yet another garden, full of modeled bushes randomly scattered around the green grounds. Outdoor light illuminated the area. Still focusing on the environment, she spotted benches and statues decorating the place.

She sensed the fresh scent of foliage as she took a deep breath. After Giulia told her the sad story of her cousin, a bunch of her friends joined their conversation. She felt left out again when they started gossiping about people she didn't know.

It seemed Giulia grew annoyed with them and texted Niccoló to rescue her. He showed up a few minutes later and told the group that he wanted to spend some precious moments with the love of his life. Daisy was left behind with strangers again.

Since those people didn't care about her presence, she left them there. She wanted to find a place away from people, and luckily, she found a spot far from the crowd.

Something landed around her shoulder, embracing her with its warmth.

"If you feel cold," whispered a voice in her ear, "why don't you go back inside?"

Daisy's brows rose as she shifted her view to her left side and saw Manuele. She noticed that he was no longer wearing his white jacket, exhibiting his long-sleeved black shirt. Daisy looked around her arms and saw that the thing that was keeping her warm was his jacket.

For a second, she touched the item in disbelief. There was no way Manuele was such a gentleman to lend her his jacket.

"Nah," she teased. "I can endure it. I need some fresh air away from the party since I got tired of waiting for that drink you promised to bring."

"Oh," he said, scratching his head. "About that, sorry. I got distracted and forgot."

A quick laugh escaped Daisy's lips.

"I noticed that," she said. "It's okay, without you around, Giulia told me more about you."

He raised a brow, his eyes focusing on her. Daisy looked away for a second, still not understanding why she couldn't look at his face properly.

"And about your sympathetic fiancée," she added.

Manuele shook his head. "Giulia can't keep her mouth shut."

"I think that as your cousin, she's worried about you," said Daisy. "Or about me since your fiancée can do anything to get rid of potential rivals."

Daisy wondered how Manuele's fiancée took care of her rivals.

"If she doesn't shut up, Sara might take care of her," teased Manuele.

Daisy wondered if he was being serious or only joking.

"Wow," she said. "She doesn't sound like a good person. What is your grandmother thinking engaging her to you?"

"Business," he said.

Daisy folded her arms, wondering if business was more important than happiness in this family.

"Can't you kindly ask your grandmother to revoke the engagement?" she asked. "You don't love her anyway."

Manuele forced a laugh. "For Madame, there's no such thing as love. For her, it's just a useless feeling that ruins good business."

Daisy was so stunned by his words that she didn't know what to say.

"Besides," he continued, "I can't do anything unless Sara gives up on me. Madame already told me if I don't get married to her, I'll lose the right to be the next heir of our family's business. She even went so far as to threaten me. She told me that I wouldn't gain a cent, from the family's trust fund."

An itch to hug him grew within Daisy. The person she saw right now, wasn't the annoying overconfident Manuele, but a young man who needed someone to support him by his side.

"Does your father agree with her decision?" Daisy wondered.

"Even if he didn't, he can't do anything," said Manuele, his tone irritated. "Madame is so powerful, she's the reason he has seven children. Besides, he's too busy brooding around the world to care about his children's lives."

"Brooding?" Daisy frowned.

She might have seen him only once, but Pietro looked like such a kind and open person. She couldn't imagine him not caring about his children.

"Ever since that woman died," said Manuele, clenching his fist, "he distanced his relationship with us."

Daisy couldn't help but wonder why he said the word woman with such bitterness.

"That woman," she said curiously. "Do you mean Mrs. Elisabetta Piemonte?"

He nodded in silence, strands of his short hair getting a bit messy

"Why are you calling her that woman?" she asked. "Wasn't Mrs. Elisabetta your mother?"

Daisy felt cold as his gaze met hers. Those eyes were so cold it made her heart spread nervousness. She was so used to his not-so-serious self, that his glare gave her goosebumps. Did she say something wrong?

A forced smile spread across Manuele's face as he patted her head, messing the hairstyle he paid so much to make her elegant.

"Since we're still getting to know each other," he said. " I'll forgive you this time. But don't ever associate me with that woman."

As he stopped patting her head, Daisy exhaled. She never knew that a young man like him could be so cold. She wondered what happened between him and his mother. Was he being like Federico and not considering her his family?

Daisy took a deep breath, starting to see some cracks within this family. Her mother was right. Despite their wealth, they weren't happy.

"A-about your fiancee," she said, her voice cracking a little. "If you need any help to get rid of her, I'll be there."

Daisy looked away, still nervous about what happened a few minutes ago.

"Thanks, but I'm working on that right now," said Manuele, his voice calm.

As she gained the courage to face him, she noticed a smirk stamped on his face. He was back to his overconfident self.

"I don't think she cares if you invite different girls to parties or dates," she said a bit relieved.

"Well, this time she'll have to," he said.

Daisy gazed at him for a few seconds, wondering what he was up to.

"If you say so," she said, a little defeated.

She needed him for her exam. As she looked back at him, she noticed that his eyes were concentrating on something beyond her.

"There's something on your face," he said before she could turn around and see what caught his attention.

"Really?" Daisy touched her face. "Where?"

Manuele chuckled quickly.

"Here." His cold fingers lifted her face. "Let me remove it for you."

Her eyes widened when his face approached hers. So close that she could feel his warm breath. Her heart raced uncontrollably, her body freezing when he got so close their lips touched.

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