18th December

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December 18th
Entry 9

Dear Diary;

Today was..... I-I don't even know. I got scared, I can give you that.


I was at the guild having a conversation with one of my best friends, Levy.
"Oi, Bunny-Girl!" Gajeel yelled, walking over. "I need to talk to you."
"Give me a minute Gajee-aahhh!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me away.
"What are you doing with Luce!?" Natsu yelled.
"Why do you care if you don't like her?" Mira yelled.

"You know Shrimp very well don't you?" He asked me.
"Yes. Why?"
"I need you to find out what book she wants for Christmas." He ordered.
"Do it yourself." I huffed. He glared at me, squeezing my arm tighter.
"I beat you near to death once and I'm not afraid to do it again." He growled. "I need you to find out what book she wants for Christmas."
"A-aye sir." I stuttered.


"So Levy, which books do you like here?" I asked. We were in the book store and Levy was checking out books.
"Well, I like this one, and this one, and-" she gasped and ran across the room.
"OHMYGOD LOOK!" She yelled. "This is the new sequel to the book I just read! I really need this!"
"But Levy, it costs 1,000,000 jewels!"
"Awhh..." She whined. "I really wanted it too."

That's it!

"Levy, I have to go now! Bye!" I yelled, running away.


"Gajeel!" I called. I was back at the guild, and saw Gajeel fighting with Natsu.
"Why were you messing with Luce, screws for brains!?" Natsu yelled.
"I was asking her a favour you pyro!" Gajeel replied.
"What kind of favour?" Natsu looked very sinister as he lit up one of his fists.
"Oh, nothing too rude." He smirked, obviously trying to piss Natsu off.

"GAJEEL!" I yelled again.
"What?" He growled. I whispered in his ear the name of the book.
"Cheers, Bunny-Girl." He smirked.
"What the fuck did you say Luce?" Natsu shouted. "Why is he smirking!?"

"Natsu," I sighed, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Let's go home and have some hot chocolate."
"Hell yeah!" He smirked. Everybody cooed at us and Mira even gave me a kinky wink, which I brushed off.


Natsu: "Mmm... Luce this hot chocolate is delicious!"
Lucy: "It's good to know you've calmed do-"
Natsu: "Zzzzzzzz...."
Lucy: "How can someone fall asleep that fast?"

I helped Gajeel out today with getting Levy a present. There's this book that she really wants so I told Gajeel, but Natsu thinks I'm 'cheating' on him. By that he means in a friendship way.

I think.

I'll write again tomorrow ★彡

~ Lucy Heartfilia (≧∇≦)

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