Chocolate Is Fabulous (Shopping Is Too, But Chocolate Is Better:))

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Hey guys sorry for not updating! I was busy with my oneshots and i was not free for the past i-don't-know-how-many weeks so thanks for being patient! I know im horrible so once again, sorry :-(

By the way, thanks for voting and commenting! I now have 420 reads and 46 votes! That really is fabulous and I owe it all to you...

(insert touched face here)

Anyway, on with the story...


They ran. And ran and ran and ran. Until the annoying sound of reporters and screams from paparazzi couldn't be heard anymore. They stopped. May was panting hard, sweat pouring down her forehead. Drew, well, he was embarrassed. He had sweat so much his green hair was stuck to his forehead. He couldn't even flip it without looking like a total fool.

"Well, it seems like their gone," Drew panted. "Yeah," May agreed. "That was scary." Drew was going to say something, when he realised that they were holding hands. His eyes widened as he quickly let go, a rosy blush forming on his face. May pulled her hand away too, her face flushed red with embarrassment. Had they been holding hands the whole time as they were running? Drew wondered. Apparently May was thinking the same thing too, because she blushed even more furiously-was that even possible?

"Oh, shit!" May smacked her forehead. "We didn't take a map of Johto before we left the ship!" Drew gasped and smacked his own forehead. Darn it! How stupid could he get? "And you're supposed to be the smart one!" May glared at Drew. He couldn't think of anything to defend himself. Drew had to settle for smiling sheepishly.

"Ha!" May yelled triumphantly. "For once the mighty Drew is unable to make a good comeback!" Drew stared at May as the brunette started grinning from ear to ear and dancing around like a lunatic. "Stop it May, you look like a psycho, dancing around in public like that!" Drew smirked. "Yeah, right! You're just jealous. Admit it, Seaweed Head. You lost this one," May smirked back. Hey! Since when did she try to imitate his smirk?! "Seaweed Head?" Drew asked as he flipped his green hair. "You should be happy! It's an endearing term! I don't even have a name like that for Ash, Brock, Harley, or even Solidad, Dawn and Max!" May replied. Wow, then I must have a special place in her heart... Drew started daydreaming. WHAT?! Drew snapped out of it.

"Well," Drew started, trying to change the subject, "we ended up next to some shops, and there seem to be a lot of shopping centres here, so we must have winded up in the shopping district," Drew said. "So, we could go into some shops and get a map of Johto and there will probably be a map of the shopping district too, so we can take that as well." May suggested. Drew nodded. They walked in silence.


Just when they were about to enter one of the shops, May and Drew heard someone screaming, "May! My little gingerbread cookie! And Drew, hun! Are you two on a date?" (I nearly puked while writing this o.O)

"HARLEY!!!!" May and Drew screamed. "WHY YOU LITTLE..."

"Hey May! Hi Drew!" You guys just arrived?" A welcome voice shouted. "Hey! Solidad!" May yelled as she waved to her. "Aww, Solidad! You just ruined a first date!" Harley whined.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU PURPLE HAIRED IDIOT?!?!" May and Drew, who were now blushing furiously,  yelled in sync at Harley who was grinning. "Aww, such a cute and precious moment! They're even saying things at the same time! Quick, Solidad, darling, get me a camera!" Harley squealed. (if he can even do that :P)

May made a mental note to strangle Harley when she got the chance.

"Don't look at me like that! By the way, May, honey, I sent you a message on your phone! Why didn't you reply?" Harley retorted.

May checked her phone. Sure enough, there was a new message from an unknown number:

May, darling! Are you going to arrive in Johto yet? Tell your dear boyfriend that I said hi! Honey, I'm waiting for your arrival! Do you miss me?

"HEY! HOW DID THAT PURPLE-HAIRED FREAK GET MY NUMBER?!?!" May screamed at her phone. Drew peered over and read the message. Instantly, his face turned bright red.

"HARLEY! MAY IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!" Drew screamed at a grinning Harley. "Aww, look Solidad! Drew is blushing!" Solidad giggled.

Suddenly realising that this conversation was not going anywhere and that other passers-by would start to think they were insane if they continued talking-no-screaming at each other, May announced, "Well, I'm going shopping! Solidad, you want to come? And Drew," the brunette turned to the green-haired coordinator who was turning to slip away unnoticed, "Don't think you can get away. You are coming with me!" Drew groaned.

"I'm going to take a day off today, so I'll join you!" Solidad replied cheerfully. "Hey! And me, too!" Harley waved his arms in an exaggerated manner.

May turned pale. Drew's eyes widened. He turned to me and mouthed, "Oh, shit." Solidad must have sensed our discomfort, for she said firmly, "Harley, NO. You are NOT coming with us. Didn't you say that you were going to train Wigglytuff today?"

"Aww! But I didn't expect to meet them here!" Harley whined, gesturing to Drew and me.

"Harley. You promised Wigglytuff," Solidad said sternly. Harley pouted. However, seeing that Solidad was not going to give in, Harley sighed and said, "Alright, fine. I'll go train Wigglytuff. I'll meet you darlings back at the hotel. And May hun," Harley waggled his finger at May, "I'll make sure Solidad keeps an eye on you and your boyfriend. If she catches any of you sweetcakes doing something fishy, mark my words, Harley is going to make sure you two lovey-dovey honeycakes get grounded!" Harley grinned at May and Drew, who were staring at Harley with a horrified expression on their faces. "Isn't that right, Solidad, honey?" Solidad just rolled her eyes.



"Well, toodles, darlings!" Harley sped off, leaving a trail of dust in his wake. (A/N: Remember in The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing?)

May and Drew sighed in relief and cast grateful looks to Solidad, who was already beckoning to them. "Come on May! Don't be a slowpoke, Drew! There's a shop over there and I know it sells good clothes. Come on!"

As they were walking over to the shop, May started chatting to Solidad and Drew. "Thanks for saving us back there Solidad. By the way, I think Harley shopping is something none of us want to see. Can you imagine, Harley, in a tux?!"

Drew made gagging noises and Solidad joked, "MY EYES! THEY BURN!"

The shop sold beautiful clothes of all colours and sizes. May and Solidad squealed, "Ooh! Pretty! I want!" and grabbed their repective clothed and dashed inside the two changing rooms.


Drew sighed and shook his head as he waited outside the changing rooms. He could not understand why the girls liked shopping so much. May, he could understand, but Solidad? That was new. Just then, the door opened and Solidad emerged wearing a blue denim dress. She had also tied a brown belt as her waist. The outfit went really well with her pink hair.

"Not bad, Solidad," Drew said as he walked over to May's changing room. "May! You done yet?' Drew yelled (softly). "Wait, almost done," May said from inside the changing room. "Boys. Impatient morons," Drew heard May mutter. "What did you say?" Drew shouted. Solidad giggled.

"Ta da!" May announced as she opened the door. Drew felt his jaw drop. She was wearing a peach coloured dress with a ribbon tied around the waist. Drew let himself get lost in the wonderful dress and May's magnificent sapphire eyes.

"Hello? Is Drew at home?" May grabbed Drew's shoulders and shook him. Hard. "Yikes, Maple! Don't torture a friend like that," Drew said as he flipped his green hair. "And yes, the dress looks nice on you."

"NICE?!" May yelled. "Fine, Maple. It's beautiful." Drew smirked as he flipped his hair again.

"Yep, May, you look absolutely gorgeous!" Solidad gushed. "ABSOLutely?" May giggled. "You know what I mean," Solidad replied. Drew sighed.

"Right, now that we've got our outfits settled," May said, turning to Drew, "we've got to get this poor dirty boy here some clothes, don't we, Solidad?" May grinned at Solidad. "Yes, we sure do, May. Maybe a tux would be good..." Solidad shot Drew a sly smile. "Gosh, Solidad, you're awesome! What a great idea!" May squealed. Drew's heart nearly stopped. "NO. MAY. YOU ARE NOT, WILL NOT AND WILL NEVER GET ME A TUX!!" Drew shouted at them. "Is that so, seaweed head?" Solidad turned, a sly grin on her face. "Cause it seems that I have found the perfect outfit for you..." Solidad held up a tux, complete with a red bow tie on it.

Drew turned as white as a sheet but he recovered quickly. "DON'T YOU DARE, SOLIDAD!!" he yelled at them."Ah ha! I got you! You fell for it! Of course I would never get you a tux, Seaweed Head! You would look awful!" May burst out laughing. "Look who's embarassed now, Drew," Solidad giggled. Drew felt his cheeks turn hot. He was sure his face was as red as May's Blaziken's flames. Looking at May now, who was rolling on the floor, squealing and choking on her laughter, Drew suddenly broke into a tiny smile --May looked so cute, so relaxed, so, well, like May. At that moment, he wanted nothing better than to take her in his arms and laugh and kiss her. She was awfully cute.

"Alright," May sat up, wiping tears from her eyes, "you can go choose your own clothes, Drew, but you have to choose clothes which we think are suitable. Right, Solidad?"

"Yep," Solidad grinned at Drew who facepalmed and sweatdropped.

After a considerable amount of time after Drew chose clothes and May said that they were horrible and lots of facepalming and sweatdropping, Drew finally chose a blue shirt and black pants, which was chosen as suitable by the girls. They walked out of the store, with May lugging teo huge bags of clothes she just bought.

"Drew! Help me carry!" May tossed her bags of stuff to Drew. "What the... MAY!!" Drew yelled. "Too bad, Seaweed Head, boys always have to carry stuff for girls." May smirked. "But Solidad's carrying her own stuff by herself!" Drew protested. "Seaweed Head, I thought you were smart enough to know that I am not Solidad," said May. Drew groaned and sighed in defeat.

As May skipped off, grinning, Solidad walked up to Drew and whispered slyly in his ear, "You know, Drew, wifes always force their husbands to carry their stuff for them, and their husbands always do end up carrying their stuff..."

"SOLIDAD!!" Drew yelled as he felt himself start blushing furiously. Solidad just smirked.

"OOH LOOK!! HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE WORLD!!!" May  squealed, pointed frantically at that huge store and dashed off in the direction of the shop. Drew sweatdropped. "Well, I suppose a little chocolate couldn't hurt," Solidad grinned and ran off, calling, "May! Wait!"

Drew mentally facepalmed. What was with chocolate and girls? He sighed and followed the girls into the store.

When he got there, his jaw dropped in amazement. Solidad was taking the chocolate she wanted and putting it in her basket, while May was running around like a hurricane and grabbing Every. Single. Thing. Drew sweatdropped and facepalmed. "May! After you finish all of that chocolate you will confirm, double confrim, 100% percent plus chop become a Snorlax!" Drew shouted. "Well, if i do, i wouldn't mind you jumping on my tummy!" May called back.

Drew smiled. She doesn't mind... She must really like me then...

(time skip to after they bought the chocolate)

"Well, Drew, looks like you have a lot to carry today," May said as she dumped a ginormous bag on his shoulder. Drew groaned. "Why me..." he turned and protested until he saw May eating Hershey's kisses. Kisses. "May, can i have some kisses please?" Drew asked. "Kisses from me?" May smirked. Drew blushed. "You know what I mean," he said, although a kiss from May would be nice too. "Fine, Drew. Here," May tossed some kisses to Drew. As Drew ate them and enjoyed the fabulous taste of the chocolate, (yes, Drew likes chocolate too, but not as much as the girls) he thought of how nice a kiss would be right now, an actual kiss from a person with gorgeous blue sapphire eyes...


"Phew! What a day! I'm exhausted," May complained as she flumped onto her bed. When they got to their hotel, at first Harley wanted to separate them, but they managed to get a room to themselves in the end.Which was good, because May had a secret desire to be in the same room as that stupid, cocky, rude, idiotic, seaweed headed moron. Strangely."Maple, I carried your horrendously heavy stuff for you all day and now you are saying that you're tired?" Drew rubbed his aching shoulder. May giggled. Drew looked so cute when he was annoyed. Just then their room door was thrown open and Harley stalked in. (A/N: Aside from their own room, Harley and Solidad have the cards to May and Drew's room, and May and Drew have cards to Harley and Solidad's room too.) "HARLEY!! AT LEAST KNOCK BEFORE YOU ENTER!!" May and Drew yelled furiously. Harley grinned.

"Well, I'm going to the toilet," Drew announced as he walked to the toilet and closed the door.

As soon as Drew locked the toilet door, Harley turned to May. "So, how was your first date, May, sweetheart?" Harley asked slyly.

"HARLEY!! IT WASN'T A DATE!!" May and Drew both yelled in sync. (A/N: Drew can hear through the toilet door)

"Whatever you say, hun!" Harley grinned. "May, darling, are those Hershey's Kisses? Could you spare some kisses for poor little Harley over here?" Harley blew a kiss at May.


Finally, this chapter is done and i can finally update! Sorry for the suckish chapter, especially after not updating for so long. And yes, I would like to apologise for not updating for so long. Sorry i had no inspiration and so so sorry for keeping you guys waiting :(

I would also like to thank all my readers for being so patient and not yelling at me to update and for not giving up on me even though i was so horrible to all of you. Love you all guys :)

I know you have no reason to, but please please please check out my oneshots! Its called Get Me With Those Green Eyes. Please comment!

And for my next oneshot, i would be doing I'd Lie by Taylor Swift. (Yes, I love Taylor Swift too)
*virtually fangirls with all my followers who are Taylor Swift fans*

@Cfbear2--thanks for the inspiration for my next oneshot. You're fabulous and so are all of my followers :)

Stay fab guys and please don't kill me for this horrible chapter


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