Chapter Six

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Ash, Alain, and Nix approached the place where Emma said Lysandre's lair was. Alain and Ash landed their Charizards while Nix dropped to the ground from holding onto Crobat's feet. The quickly returned their Pokemon before walking towards the lair. Nix heard beeping and he took out his Holo Caster.

"Nix, are you in position?" Looker's face appeared before him.

"We're almost there," Nix replied. "Is everyone else in position?"

"Yes, they are all waiting for you three to enter the place," Looker replied. "We're counting on you. And don't forget that we have trackers on your Holo Casters so we will know where you are."

The three of them nodded to each other as Looker's face disappeared. 

"Ash, where's Pikachu?" Alain decided to ask, noticing that the yellow mouse was gone.

"I left him with Serena," Ash replied. "I didn't want to give our identities away."

"Smart," Nix said before the three of them stopped before the doors. "Well, here goes nothing."

"Hello?!?" Alain asked, disguising his voice with a Spanish accent. "We're here to ask if we could join Team Flare!"

Ash and Nix looked at each other, hoping that this plan would work. The silence was broken when the doors opened, making the others jump in surprise. Bryony approached them, hands on hip and smiling.

"Well, well, well," Bryony smirked at them. "Who do we have here?"

"My name is Ricardo," Alain replied, still talking in a Spanish accent. "These are my friends; Brett and Ray."

"Hello," Ash said in a Brittish accent.

"Nice to meet you," Nix nodded, talking with an Australian accent.

"Ricardo, Brett, and Ray," Bryony smiled, folding her arms and leaning in the doorway. "I have to say, Ricardo is the best looking out of you three."

Nix and Alain looked at each other while Ash let out a snort.

"Well, anyways, follow me," Bryony commanded, turning to walk back into the building. "We will be happy to have help with our plans."

"Of course," Ash forced a smile. "We would love to help you out."

Bryony chuckled and led the three into the lair, hiding the devious glint in her eyes.


"Clemont, Ash, Alain and Nix are in position," Looker spoke through the Holo Caster. "It's time for you three to get in position."

"Roger that," Clemont said, shutting it off and putting it away. 

Clemont quietly ran off to the back of the building, Bonnie and Prof. Sycamore following after him. When they reached the back of the building, Prof. Sycamore noticed a grate that led to an air vent that their robot could easily run through. Clemont let out his Magnezone who unscrewed it easily. Clemont then returned it, and took out his Holo Caster again. 

"Vent is open," Clemont reported. "Sending in the robot now to disable the security."

Bonnie set the small robot in the vent and watched as it ran through the vents. Prof. Sycamore pulled out his Holo Caster and the three of them watched as a blue dot ran through the holographic maze. The dot stopped moving for a second, and they heard the sound of electricity powering down. The dot began to move back towards them, and soon the robot appeared and jumped into Bonnie's hands. Clemont smiled to himself as he spoke into his Holo Caster.

"We're all set here. It's your turn now."

Looker soon emerged from hiding, Mairin, Emma, Serena, and Korrina following after him. They all nodded to each other, and Looker crawled into the vents first. Mairin, Emma, and Serena soon followed suit. Korrina was about to follow, but Clemont grabbed her wrist.

"Clemont?" Korrina asked.

"Return safely," Clemont whispered, tears brimming his eyes.

Korrina smiled in return, and joined the others crawling through the vents.


"There's no one here," Emma stated, peering through the vent grate. "Perfect."

She kicked the grate off its hinges, and the five of them dropped to the ground. With one nod from Looker, Mairin and Emma ran down one hallway, while Looker, Korrina, and Serena ran off to look for Lysandre.

Room after room they searched, but never found him. 

"Wait, I hear footsteps," Serena said, stopping them.

"This place is pretty...big," a Spanish accented voice floated towards them.

"Quick, hide!" Looker hissed.

The three of them hid from sight as Bryony walked by, Alain next to her talking in a Spanish accent. Nix walked a bit behind with Ash as they scanned the building around them. Looker, Korrina, and Serena sighed to themselves as the others walked out of sight.

"Any luck on finding the Two Team Flare admins?" Looker asked into his Holo Caster.

"Negative," Mairin replied. "It's empty where we are. What about you?"

"We haven't come across Lysandre at all," Serena replied. "And we've already searched this entire floor. You know, the only one this building has."

"It could be possible that they're not here," Emma suggested.

"No, not all of them," Looker began to think. "We just saw Ash, Alain, and Nix with Bryony. So we know that there is at least one person here."

Suddenly, Korrina's Holo Caster began beeping furiously and she turned it on to show a worried Clemont.

"Guys! There's something wrong!" Clemont cried out. "The power's back on and Ash, Nix, and Alain's trackers have vanished!"

"They must have known we were coming!" Serena exclaimed.

"But how?!?" Emma asked. "I'm sure that I wasn't followed when I ran back to you guys!"

"I-I'm not sure!" Looker said, beginning to panic. "But the boys are in danger!"

Looker then took off running down the hallway to where they saw Bryony lead the three of them.

"Looker, wait!" Korrina yelled, catching up to him and grabbing his arm. "We won't be able to help them if we are caught! We need to regroup and think of a plan!"

Looker sighed and turned to her. "Fine."

"Hurry everyone!" Clemont yelled into his Holo Caster. "With the security up they'll discover us in seconds!"

Everyone met back up and escaped through the vents. After a bit of crawling, they approached Clemont, Bonnie, and Prof. Sycamore. Clemont hastily screwed the vent grate back onto where it was, and everyone ran into hiding, barely missing Aliana walking towards them.

"This plan just went sour," Serena sighed.

"Please, Nix, Alain, Ash," Prof. Sycamore whispered. "Please make it out of there safely."


"We've got all of the information we need," Nix whispered to Ash and Alain, losing his Australian accent. "However, our trackers don't seem to be working."

"That's worrying," Alain muttered, losing his accent as well. "We need a way to get out of here without causing a scene."


The four of them turned to see Aliana running towards them.

"Aliana? What's wrong?" Bryony asked.

"It's them," Aliana replied. "Emma's friends. They tried to break in, but we knew that they were coming." She stared at the three friends. "Too bad they fled though. It would have been nice to tell Lysandre that we caught all of them."

The three friends backed up as Bryony smirked and joined Aliana's side.

"H-How did you know?" Ash asked, losing his accent.

"Your eyes," Bryony stated, swiping Ash's fedora off of his head. "Plus, we knew you were coming."

"Thanks to the tracker we put on Emma," Aliana snickered, removing Alain's cap and Nix's hat. 

"Why couldn't you just leave her alone?!?" Nix growled, launching himself towards the women.

The two of them stepped aside, and Aliana grabbed his arm, twisting it into an armlock. Nix cried out in pain as he fell to his knees. Ash and Alain went to go help their friend, but Bryony stepped on a loose tile, catching the two of them in a net.

"Nice try though," Bryony smirked, catching both Ash and Alain's Holo Casters. She threw them to the floor and and crushed them with her boot. "Aliana, take these three to the most secure room we have. I'll tell Lysandre about our capture."

"Here, why don't we tell their little friends what's happening?" Aliana snickered, tossing Bryony Nix's Holo Caster.

"I'd love to," Bryony said, turning it on. Emma's head soon appeared, eyes wide with fear. "Why look, it's Lysandre's little daughter."

"I am not his daughter," Emma said through clenched teeth. "And let them go!"

 "No way kid," Bryony chuckled. "Lysandre will definitely promote us if we bring these three to him. Hope to see you soon, Emma." 

With that, Bryony let the device fall to the ground, and she stomped on it, breaking it into a million pieces.

"Ash. Alain," she sneered, turning to the two friends. "Lysandre can't wait to see you two again."

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