A Little About Me/My Story

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As you all know, my pseudonym is Aurora. I am a proud born-again Christian, meaning that I have accepted: 1. that I am an imperfect sinner and I need God; 2. that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified and died, and was resurrected after three days, ascended, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, and He's coming back again; 3. that I wanted Jesus as the Lord of my life. I invited Him in when I was four, and I've tried to live that life since.

I know that I have failed, and fallen short of His glory, but I know that He forgives me and He will help me. I need only ask.

My Story: I was born into a family that lived in a country where God wasn't a very prominent figure, where Christianity was (and is) very much in the minority. For an unknown reason, my mother left me on the steps of a very important building. I was found by an orphanage. Months later, I was adopted into my "forever family." That was part of the miraculous plan that God had for me. But the best was yet to come. That family that adopted me was a Christian family. I still had a choice, but I was raised within the Christian faith and ideals. This contributed, but I did have free will (as we all do). Then, when I was four, I made the choice. I invited Christ to live in my heart and life forever. I've renewed that multiple times since, and, now that I'm old enough to understand what I committed myself to, I truly believe what I said in that prayer so many years ago.
Since then, I have attempted to live my life for Him. I try to make my life God-centric instead of "me"-centric, although it's not always easy in a "me-first" world. I try to go to church consistently even though I do need to work on my enrichment outside of regular church attendance. Believe me, I'm far from perfect, which is why I need a perfect Savior, ready and willing to accept me as I am, warts and all.

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