Chapter 20

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The couple tiptoed to their bedroom. A beautiful night didn't happen often, so they were going to make the most of it.
Haley peeked into the room Emma and Farrah were sleeping in.
"Oh my gosh, Kian! Look!" she whispered, smiling. Kian stuck his head in. Emma was sprawled out in bed, fast asleep. Farrah was snuggled up against the older girl, her arms wrapped around Emma's torso. The were deep in sleep.
"They looked so cute." Kian chuckled, closing the door softly.
"Come here." Haley smiled, pulling him closer. Kian slid his arms around her waist, leaning down to rest his forehead against hers.
"Ready to try for another one?" he asked cheekily.
"Shhhh. Just don't wake the baby." Haley replied amused, giving him a quick kiss.
"Okay." he grinned. "But just for that, you're going to have to help me take this shirt off."
She laughed and obliged. Once the shirt came off, they slipped into the bed. Haley rolled onto her back. Kian climbed up on top of her, lying his body across her, wrapping himself around her.
"How do I make love to you without waking the baby?" Kian whispered.
"I don't'll have to work for it." Haley smirked.  Kian bent down, kissing her deeply, as she ran her hands over his bare chest. He broke away, breathing heavily.
"Mmm...that feels so good." He moaned.
"That makes two of us." Haley responded. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips. He kissed her again, tasting the mint chocolate chip ice cream from earlier. Her hands found their way down his abs.
"Hmm...this seems like a bad idea." Kian murmured teasingly as he moved his hands to her sides and lifted her up slightly, laying her gently on the bed. She lay back and smiled, pulling the covers up over them. They made love quickly, as quietly as possible so not to wake the kids. Kian was the first to roll over, pulling Haley close and resting his head against her breast.
"I'm so happy to see Emma smiling and having a good time again. Have you been thinking about Jac still?"she whispered after a few minutes of silence.
"A little. I still walk into the ward and expect her to be barking orders at me."
"I know; I wish her and I could sit in the cafe and have a coffee. I would rattle on about all those craft projects I was working on, and she would sit there and try not to show that she was annoyed. She was such a good mum. You were great too. She'd never say it, but when you spoke, it seemed like she listened." Haley sighed.
"It must've been because she knew that you loved me. I think it made our friendship easier." Kian added.

Kian snuggled into the sheets, letting Haley fall asleep against him. He tried not to think about the handful of times he and Jac had slept together.

The next morning Kian awoke slowly. He stretched out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His arm touched Haley and he froze. For a moment he wasn't sure if he was dreaming or awake. Haley stirred and opened her eyes, looking at him, her expression softening.
"Hey, sleepyhead."  she smiled.
"Morning."  he said groggily. He leaned over to kiss her, but was interrupted by Jacob murmuring in his bassinet.
"Mummy, Daddy....sun up!" He said.
"Isn't it nice how he wakes up whenever it's morning?" Haley asked, giggling.
"You tell me." Kian grumbled, sitting up slowly and stretching.
"Well, we better go check on the kids. They're probably up by now." Haley yawned.
"And then we'll have breakfast. How about going into the village and taking the kids to a few shops? There's a cafe where we can grab lunch, and then we'll let them run their energy off on the beach."
"Sounds great to me." Haley nodded. Kian picked up Jacob who whimpered. "Shh, it's alright big guy." Kian cooed holding the boy close. Jacob reached for Haley and Kian handed him to her.
"Let's go see your sister!" Haley said, going to Farrah and Emma's room.
"Fah-la! Em!" Jacob mimicked.

Haley poked her head in the girl's room, seeing them doing a coloring book together.
"Morning, girls! Ready for breakfast?" Haley asked excitedly.
"Yes, Mummy." Farrah said, grinning, looking up from her page.
"Alright, breakfast it is! Come on, let's go get some breakfast and then we can go play on the beach." Haley said. Despite the fact that Emma was ten and Farrah five, they got along great.
After eating breakfast, the family started to gather up their things to leave the cottage and head to town. It wasn't hard to find a car park, parking the SUV and then taking the kids to a local museum. The gift shop was a lot of fun. Farrah got a mermaid doll, Jacob a pirate hat, and Emma a nature book. Kian and Haley took the kids to lunch, and then they went back to the beach By the end of the day, the sun was starting to set, casting the beach in gold.
When the last bit of sunlight disappeared, they headed back to the house, ready to settle for the evening. As Haley entered their bedroom, Kian came  up behind her and pressed his lips against the nape of her neck. Haley closed her eyes and sighed contently.
"Hey Kian." she said sweetly.
"Hi babe." he whispered, continuing to kiss the back of her neck.
He began nibbling his way down her spine. They snuggled  against each other in the middle of the bed, enjoying the warm glow of the fire light. After a while, both fell asleep cuddling close to the warmth.

Emma woke with a gasp, her breath coming in short gasps. Her heart pounded against her chest, sending pain radiating throughout her entire body. Her distress woke up Farrah.
"What's wrong, Emma?" The little girl asked fearfully, moving away from her friend.
"Daddy! Something's wrong with Emma!" Farrah screamed. Kian and Haley bolted into the room, worried.
"Farrah! What's wrong?! Is Emma okay?!" Haley gasped out.
"I'm okay......I just had a bad dream." Emma said  shakily, trying to calm down.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Kian asked gently.
"'s nothing important." Emma replied, shaking her head.
"Are you sure?" Haley questioned hesitantly.
"Yeah. I'll be okay."
Haley couldn't ignore her mother instinct.
"Do you want me to stay until you go back to sleep?" Haley offered.
"Mommy......" Farrah began to protest.
"No Farrah. It will be ok. Please. Let Mama stay." She pleaded.
Emma reluctantly agreed, curling up in her bed. Haley snuggled between the two girls, feeling Farrah rest her head on her shoulder like when she was a baby. Emma turned away, but soon her breathing slowed and relaxed. Haley had babysat Emma not that many years ago, but this felt different. Emma wasn't a little girl anymore, she was growing up. It made Haley so sad for her, losing her mother and abandoned by her father. When Emma started staying with them, Haley hoped so much that they could make her happy again. Now, she wondered
if she would ever make her feel safe enough to open up.
Kian lay alone in bed, listening to his little boy's gentle breathing. He loved his family. He loved Emma. And, not so many years ago, he had loved her mother.

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