Chapter 6

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Kian and Haley lucked out and happened to have an off day together. These didn't happen often, and they were looking forward to picking up the kids and spending some quality time with them. Kian heard a knock, and went to the door. Jac's ex Johnny was there with Emma.

"Hey there." Johnny greeted as he walked inside.
"Hi." Kian responded. "What are you doing here?" he asked suspiciously.
"Emma, go inside. I have to talk to Kian."Johnny said quickly. Emma went to the living room, leaving the two men alone.
"Kian.... I...I need you and your wife to look after Emma."Johnny said, looking ashamed.
"What happened? Why does this involve us?"
"Her mother passed away, as you know . Her stepmother can't get her to open up, and she hasn't taken any of it well."
"Okay. So...this is just overnight? Or a weekend?" Kian asked
"I don't know...."
"Johnny, if there's anyone Emma needs right now, it's you. You're her dad."
"Jac would drop her with me when she couldn't care for her. It's what she's used to."
"Don't say that! You should step up and be a dad!"
"You're a better man than me." Johnny said as he turned away.

Haley and Kian sat in the kitchen while Emma drew in the living room.
"He just left her with us? Should we call social services? What about Fletch or Sacha?" Haley asked nervously.
"No, no one else can take her. Besides....they're all busy working. Maybe he'll give her a couple days off before coming back for her." He suggested, taking her hand gently and squeezing it.

"We'll have to figure out how to get her to school though. Do you want to pick her up after work?"
"That works for me. Farrah and Jacob come home earlier than her, you can pick them up. Speaking of which, I have to run and get them." Kian said, grabbing his keys and getting in the car.

"Daddy!" Farrah and Jacob squealed in unison as Kian came to the daycare.
"Hey, princess. Hey Jakey!" Kian said, hugging his kids. He got them into the car, buckled into the car seats. He knew he had to tell Farrah what was going on.

"Farrah, Daddy has a surprise for you."
"What?" The little girl asked, her face lighting up.
"Emma's staying with us for a sleepover. Won't that be fun?"
"Yay! Can we watch a movie tonight, Daddy?"
"Sure, but only if there's a good chunk of time after dinner."
"Okay." Farrah replied excitedly.

Kian walked into the house with the kids trailing behind him. Emma was reading a book, and Haley had dinner cooking.
Pretty soon, the table was set and it was time to eat. Haley set an extra place for Emma to eat. It was a favorite meal; spaghetti.
"Here Emma, you'll love this spaghetti. The sauce is homemade." Haley said cheerfully.
"Mum made mine with meatballs." Emma said blankly.
"Well, this is just as good." Haley said, trying to ignore the uncomfortable silence. Emma ate,
barely speaking a word.
After dinner, they all settled down on the couches. Haley and Kian had the tv.
"Farrah, Emma; do you want to watch a movie before bed?" Haley offered.
"Can we watch Frozen?" Emma asked.
"Of course!" Haley smiled.
Farrah sang to all the songs, but Emma barely smiled. When the movie was over, it was time for bed. Haley gave Farrah a quick bath and let Kian read her a story while she got Emma situated.
Haley took her to the spare bedroom on the main floor. She noticed that Emma had a duffel bag of clothes and dug out a pair of pajamas.
"You can take your shower in the bathroom in the upstairs hallway, Emma. This is probably the first time you'll share a bathroom with another kid." Haley explained.
"Thank you," Emma mumbled quietly. After her shower, Emma tucked herself in bed, hugging Haley good night.

Haley and Kian went to bed, wondering what would unfold with Emma staying with them.
She had to be dropped off at a difficult time.

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