Old Merchandise

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When you are clearing out rooms that you have spent days in since you were a babe, you know how painful this whole process is. Selling the old family house, but along with the hurt comes the chance of cleaning. Cleaning all of the old books that need to be rid of, old movies that serve no more of a purpose, and most importantly, cleaning all of the old merchandise from the crevices of your dresser, closet, and nightstands. *mid random thought: when people saying "hey wanna go for a ride" it makes me feel like a dog being asked if it wants a treat. When leaving my room just to get gas really isn't a treat at all.*
The clearing out of an old home to me is like a big decluttering, well of junk under beds, old photographs that no one wishes to have, and old memories that only you remember. But away from that stuff it's a great way of decluttering old band tshirts that do not fit anymore, or maybe old posters that have been taken and put up so many times that they have the edges ripped. Maybe you will find your favourite book from when you were a child, and maybe so many pages will be dog-eared. Maybe decluttering all of this will make you cry and that's okay. These tears show real emotion. That's good. *pat pat*
Anyway, if you are hoping to get rid of some of this old merchandise than maybe have a yard sale, take it to goodwill, give it to an old friend who will gladly give it a good home. The whole point is just to make sure that your past is not fully forgotten.
Stay alive my friendly Turnips!

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