Real Life

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So our fangirling sides usually can mess up our real life's. Here is an example. Teen Wolf is coming back on tonight, which is effecting my science fair effort. Plus YouTube is messing up my life. So some of us deal with things like this differently. Like I watch the show, then spend about 3 hours doing work afterwards until about 4 in the morning.
But real life isn't all that terrible because no matter what we want to do, we don't live in a fictional universe (sadly) and when we want something we will have to work for it, unless your rich an something and never have to work or something, because that's amazing, but work builds effort. So I mean it's not needed but it I very recommend that as a Teen you try to work, because colleges look at things like that, and they look grades, so you can't really slack, unless you plan to fail in life!

So please comment on how you deal with real life.

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