Kaizen Region Info

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This is the fan made region I've been working on with assistance from BehindToo

He even provided a villain team for the region so I didn't have to come up with too much on it.


The Kaizen Region is an area in the world of Pokémon that's based on the southeastern states of the USA, like Unova is basically New York

The coastal parts of the region are based off the length of Texas all the way towards the Florida peninsula and eastern shore of Georgia, with maybe some small islands out in the gulf

The region would include territory not just from the three aforementioned states, but also territories in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama, as well as mountainous area in the north based off of Tennessee's Smokey Mountains.

Whether we add in Arkansas, Oklahoma and the Carolinas will have to be up for debate.

The region will also include large rivers based on Mississippi River, Tennessee River and Brazos river.

While the region has Pokémon gyms, an Elite 4 and a champion, there's two other areas one can be successful in if they aren't good at Pokémon battles: music and sports

Music is booming hard in the region and in different parts of the world due to the music studios in the northern half of Kaizen, with both humans AND Pokémon themselves getting careers singing, playing instruments and even conducting orchestras.

Arrowball, the Pokémon version of American football, is the most popular sport in the region, with several teams across the different cities making teams of Pokémon that compete by trying to score touchdowns or field goals.

There are several cities that are either along the coastline, up north in the mountains or just in the open plains of the center.

Chotano City (based on Chattanooga)

This area is where most trainers start their journey once they collect their starter.

The gym here is a Grass type gym run by former mountain ranger Rob Roots, making this a perfect test to see if you're ready to go through the Smokey Route in the mountains. (Or if you still have some grinding to do before you're strong enough to survive being ambushed on the route)

The second smallest music studio in the region, Chotano Chorus, is there too if your career start is with music, the place specializing in bluegrass and country music.

This city is also home to the arrowball team called the Chotano Cubs.

Nashita Ville City (based on Nashville)

This area is most known for being a major place to start a music career in, having the studio called Nashita Numbers that specializes in rock and roll as well as metal, hardcore, punk and other forms of rock music.

The city was the hometown of the legendary Elvin Preston and his Pokémon partner Quaquaval, the two having made hit songs like "Pokèhouse Rock", "Houndoom" and "The Promised Land".

The gym type here is Fire, which happens to be run by former rockstar Issac Inferno, who used to have his Fire Pokémon do his special effects like pyrotechnics for him.

The arrowball team for here is the Nashita Knights.

Jorsan City (based on Jackson)

This city is known for having murals across their buildings and being a good location for rock bands to have on their tour destinations.

The gym here is a fighting type run by Alessia Hunter, who has had quite the fighting experience herself outside of Pokémon battles.

Jorsan Jazz is the music studio here that specializes in artists wanting to be experienced in saxophone and other jazz instruments.

The arrowball team here is called the Jorsan Jockeys.

Huston City (based on Houston)

This city is home to the Galaria, one of the largest malls in the Pokémon world.

Despite being one of the cities close to the beach, the gym here is an ice type gym run by Fiona Flurry, a former ski athlete and ice sculptor.

Huston Harmony is a more freestyle studio where anyone is allowed to come in and play any music, as long as it sounds good or has a form of harmonic rhythm to it.

The arrowball team called Huston Hills have this city as their home.

Orlena City (based on New Orleans)

This city is at the bayou where the river meets the gulf, making some of the outer areas near the city have a big swamp.

Orlena is famous for having a massive festival that comes once a year, with a parade that comes with it: Fête des Masques

The gym here is water type run by Tina Tsunami, a former swimmer from the Kanto region.

The city here doesn't really have a music studio, having lost it when a major hurricane hit this part of the region the hardest.

The Orlena Phantoms have their stadium here.

Machamp Shoals (based on Muscle Shoals with extra territory from neighboring Florence added in too)

This location is best known for its big river being a perfect place to go fishing, as well as River Recording Studio being here too.

While there's no gym here, one or more of the Elite 4 stop by here to either get supplies or simply relax.

Diglet Dam is what keeps the area from being flooded by water.

(Note: Due to the route between Orlena City and Orla City being blocked off by a bridge being down in the main story, your OC will have to detour through Jorsan City and Machamp Shoals towards the next gym in Hunta Ville City.)

Hunta Ville City (based on Huntsville)

This city gets it's reputation for having Geodude Arsenal air base being the location of the testing of first rockets to go to space, so it's home to Pokè Space and Rocket Museum that houses a perfect replica of the rocket that took the first human and the first Pokémon to the moon.

The gym here is an electric type gym run by Dr Oscar Ohm, the current head scientist of the space center down south of Orla and the grandson of one of the scientists that created the rocket to the moon.

The Hunta Rockets have this city as their home.

(Note: After your OC defeats the villain team for the region a third time here, Dr Ohm will offer to have a Kaizen region Charizard take you back to Orlena City so you can attempt to go on the Shoreline Highway towards Orla City since the bridge is repaired at this point.)

Orla City (based on Orlando)

Orla City is the biggest hot spot vacation area in the region, with miles upon miles of beaches, an amusement park called Pika World, another swamp route nearby, a movie studio and this area also being a destination for massive water type Pokémon like Whailords and Sharpedos.

The gym type here is steel type run by Tony Titan, a well known bodybuilder athlete, actor and owner of a construction company.

This place is where the Orla Orchestra is to record film scores in a large studio and also have a large concert hall for them to play in, regardless of who is conducting them.

The Orla Suns are the Arrowball team for this city.

Alanto City (based on Atlanta)

This city has a huge art museum called the Smeargle Museum, while also having two stadiums.

The first stadium belongs to the Alanto Talonflames, the city's local Arrowball team.

The second is one of largest stadiums in the Pokémon world, Meowth Stadium, where the two teams competing in the Arrowball National Championship play.

The gym here is a psychic type run by magician and fortune teller Brianna Baba, being one of the toughest gym leaders to go against.

Alanto Allstar Studio is where the pop stars of the region get their music recorded, this being the most successful of the music.

Athenia Town

This is where (your OC) will begin their journey if they originally were born here or just moved into the region.

(Don't forget about your mom here since every avatar in the games has one.)

The local professor has her office and lab here, so that also makes it the first place for anyone wanting to start as a trainer here.

(This area is located between Chotano City and Alanto City)

Pokémon League

This place is situated on a large hill in open land between gulf to the south of it and Hunta Ville City and Machamp Shoals to the north of it.

There will be many trainers and Pokémon in the way to the top of the hill, many who've gathered the 8 badges giving up after a few tries to get up the massive hill.

Once the trainer is on top and fully prepared, the Elite 4 is what stands between them and the champion.

Hilda Scales: the Dragon type Elite 4

Spencer Specter: the Ghost type Elite 4

Rocky Quartz: the Rock/Ground type Elite 4

Pauline Pixie: the Fairy type Elite 4

When all of them are beaten, all that's left is the Kaizen Champion to complete the Kaizen League.

Natalie North, an expert in using Normal type Pokémon.

Usually most who manage to somehow defeat the Champion end their journey there and only fight in a few big tournaments or competitions before deciding to retire from Pokémon battles and possibly doing a small job to make sure they can enjoy retirement for the rest of their lives.

But for those who are aiming to be considered the best in Pokémon battles in the world......Kaizen region has two things that can help trainers get a "shortcut" to the top.

The two remaining types, Dark and Bug, have separate trials to complete if trainers want to earn two additional badges as proof of strength and skill worthy of fighting the #1 Pokémon trainer in the world.

The Void Trial

You go to an island out in the middle of the gulf called Onyx Island, a place covered in black stone and having a cave at the center of the island.

Trainers have to find the exiled Pokémon Champion Ulysses Umbra to request taking on his separate trial.

The trial consists of taking on all of his dark type Pokémon inside the lightless cave and ends once the Dark Mystical Pokémon who helps Umbra is defeated.

The trial has to completed with at least two Pokémon left on the challenger's side, or else just one Pokémon standing will be considered a sign of weakness and not worthy of the Void Badge.

The Flutter Trial

Trainers have to search back in the mountains to the north again to find the Butterfree Monastery, where this trial can be taken.

An old sensei skilled in the arts of defeating many with bug types is the one who lives here and has to be asked to do it.

The trail itself involves different rounds of one of your Pokémon facing against another one while constantly under a status condition like paralysis or poison, a brutal one on one battle. (Though in the sleep and frozen conditions part of the trial, you are allowed to bring three Pokémon to face his one Pokémon.)

The Flutter Badge can only be obtained once you've proven to the sensei that your Pokémon can overcome every obstacle.

Extra locations

Other places would include...

-The Pokè Space Center, where rockets and shuttles are launched to space

-a Day Care Center on the route between Machamp Shoals and Hunta Ville City

-a small island a mile away from the shore on the route between Orlena and Orla

-a haunted house near one of the two routes between Chotano and Nashita

-a graveyard near Orlena

-a small desert west of Huston


Regional Legendary Pokémon

(They will get a page exclusively for them whenever we get images of them)

Kaizen has 4 Legendary Pokémon that are based on the 4 seasons of the Pokémon world.

Solaria, Legendary of the Summer: Legend has it this one was born from Solgaleo focusing the sun so hard on the beach of Kaizen that a crystal absorbed enough energy and transformed into Solaria, making Solaria the child of Solgaleo.

This legendary is responsible for giving the Pokémon world beautiful skies with little to no storms at all, but with the consequence of making heat extremely unbearable.

This Pokémon also has the power to change Pokémon types matching the season like Fire for instance.

Frostus, Legendary of the Winter: Legend has it this Legendary was born from Kyurem affecting the weather in nearby Unova region several centuries ago that a massive blizzard hit in the northern part of the Kaizen region, the icy weather in the mountains eventually resulting in Frostus bursting out of a small and frozen river, making Frostus the child of Kyurem.

Frostus is responsible for giving the cold and snowy winters, often going unappreciated for what they do to keep the world in balance.

This legendary can also change Pokémon into types relating to winter like Ice and Dark types.

Solaria and Frostus would eventually meet and the two would give birth to two more legendaries that would manage the other two remaining seasons.

Augustus, Legendary of the Fall: The Legendary is the slightly older of the two siblings born from Solaria and Frostus' temporary relationship.

The legendary is responsible making fall happen so the summer can slowly transition to the winter, often creating absolutely beautiful scenery with the many colors of the leaves. Though like Frostus, Augustus often feels like their work goes unappreciated, with their sibling and other parent's seasons being beloved by all.

Augustus can change those into different types like Flying and Bug types, though the Kaizen region's version of Kalos' Gourgeist Festival also grants Augustus one night to change Pokémon into Ghost types too.

Bloomia, Legendary of the Spring: The Legendary is the slightly younger of the two siblings born from Solaria and Frostus

This Pokémon is responsible for reviving nature anew after the fall and winter withered away last year's plants, starting spring with fresh leaves and colorful, blooming flowers. Bloomia often gets the most praise next to Solaria for having the nicest weather and seasons, though Bloomia doesn't like the silence Frostus and Augustus give them, wishing the family to all get along.

Bloomia is mainly limited to turning Pokémon types into Grass types and Fairy types, though either of their parents can grant them the ability to change others into Fire or Ice if possible.


Villain Team: Team Blast

Team Blast is a local organization and terrorists that often attack random people and steal their Pokémon to experiment on.

Whereas Team Rocket steals Pokémon to profit towards taking over the world, Team Blast takes it a step further and tries to make hybrids and change types of any Pokémon they get their hands on.

In a nutshell, they see themselves as gods over the Pokémon to do what they wish with them and make them into what they want them to be.

Their leader is Kana, the granddaughter of an insane scientist who was stopped many years ago after causing "The Great Tragedy", though her looks only hide the fact she's just as much of a crazy sociopath than her family line.

The ultimate prize for the team is catching the Legendary Pokémon to control them so they can change Pokémon with ease.

In game (or likely if your roleplay doesn't have Ash Ketchum), Team Blast's outfits corresponds with the Legendary they're trying to capture.

Spring Outfit: Green with different flower colors for the secondary colors. Girls get pink or purple as their secondary color while boys get yellow or sky blue.

Summer Outfit: Blue with yellow shades

Fall Outfit: Different variations of red, brown, orange and yellow

Winter Outfit: White, with extra green and red accessories whenever it's close to the holidays


Pokémon Fusion

Due the powers of the Legendary Pokémon affecting the area often, the region has lots and lots of powerful crystals called Fusion Shards that can be used to grant temporary fusions between Pokémon during battles.

The only downside is that first fusions only last a few seconds since both bodies aren't originally used to having their molecular properties mix together, unless of course both Pokémon are mentally and emotionally stable enough that they wouldn't be conflicted.

If two Pokémon are in complete conflict with each other while they're fused, the fusion will immediately break apart a split second right after it's formed.

It's best to resolve things between both Pokémon and have them at least tolerate each other or like each other enough, or else the second time they fuse together will be permanent and both of their identities will permanently merge into a new one, never able to split apart ever again.


If I gave this fan made part of the series a name, it would probably be these based on their seasons

Pokémon Flower

Pokémon Heat

Pokémon Leaf

Pokémon Flake

Let me know what you guys think.

I appreciate BehindToo helping with this, especially creating the villain team.

Next page will include this region's starter Pokémon.

See you guys there!

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