Chapter 2

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It was Horace's dream come true, and not in a good way.

On the night prior, same could be said for any night due to the same day being repeated over and over again, Horace and the rest of the peculiars from Miss Peregrine's loop had gathered in the movie room, Horace was in his usual armchair in front of the screen.

Olive, Enoch and Fiona sat on one side of the room on an ornate sofa while Millard, Hugh and Bronwyn on the other sofa, the twins and Claire sitting on the floor at the boy's feet.
Miss Peregrine stood in the doorway, all eyes were on the blank screen.

Horace's eyepiece projected images of himself, the house, Jacob and Emma conversing, as well as the loop reset, for some bizarre reason, a bat being in Horace's hands, and a thunderstorm.
A blonde boy with bright red eyes was in the dream too, his outfit making it look like he'd come out of the famous Bram Stoker tale 'Dracula'. He possessed sharp fangs too!

Could it be that the boy on the screen was the bat in human form?

The twins hugged each other when they caught a glance of the boy's sharp teeth, his shadowed red eyes glinted in the darkness on the screen.
Claire and Bronwyn looked a little unnerved, Enoch frowned. Hugh looked interested, as did Horace.

After Miss Peregrine made Horace stop so the others could go to bed, Horace went to his room and laid down on his bed, thinking and thinking about the blonde boy.

What was his name?

What loop did he come from?

How did he get to their loop?

Question upon question flooded his brain, thwarting any chance of him getting a decent night's sleep.

As his eyes closed, he could see a vision of him conversing with the gothic male.

His was unclear....but he knew it started with an L.

Larry? Leonard? Liam?

No, no, they didn't sound right at all.



                                                                            ~ ~ ~ ~

Presently, on the night in question, it was raining heavily. Even more heavily than before if that was even possible.

Horace came back towards the group, the injured and unconscious animal still in his tender grasp, his blue eyes twinkled behind his monocle that was dotted with raindrops much like his clothes. He could feel the little thing's very slight breathing, making sure that he didn't drop the small bat that seemed to be about the length of a teaspoon. Its wings were rather impressive too; with intricate details of its anatomy, though they seemed a little longer than the common vampire bat would possess.

Come to think of it, he didn't think this type of bat was common in Wales.
Vampire bats were only common in America, weren't they?
To his knowledge, anyways.

A small crowd was around him when he entered the house with the small bat, the girls talking over each other and craning their necks to look at the animal.

"Come now, children, let's not crowd Horace; we don't want to scare the animal" Miss Peregrine said stiffly, making the crowd disband begrudgingly. The teenage girls sighed softly, herding the smaller ones upstairs -as the boys had already vacated to their rooms-, ignoring the displeased murmuring
Horace looked at the headmistress with a grateful smile.

"Thank you, Miss Peregrine. I was a tad concerned that the crowd was going to hurt or startle the small bat" Horace told her.

"What strikes me, is how it got here. Vampire bats are not common in this part of the world, are they?" he asked.

Miss Peregrine said nothing, but gave him a knowing smile back.

Carefully, Horace handed over the bat into the custody of Miss Peregrine who held it carefully as if she was cradling a small child.

The unmistakable ticking of the pocket watch in her hand broke the brief silence.

"Lazarus White, right on time." 

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