Chapter 20: Hair 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈

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'A mother is the only person in the world, who can turn daughter's worries and fears into happiness.'

- Anonymous


Jimin's POV:

"Hoseok, what if Mother Gothel is still in there?" I ask, tying the horses leg on a tree. Sorry Maximus, it's needed.

"I don't know what to do man. Throw a few rocks through the window, and see who comes up. If Mother Gothel doesn't go to the window, one of us should climb in," He plans, creating hand gestures to the tower.

Honestly, Hoseok's IQ is getting higher. I guess losing memories made space for other relevant information.

"Okay. You throw a few rocks in. We wait a couple minutes and if no one goes to the window, I try climbing the tower. If it fails, then you'll be down there to uh, lessen the impact of my fall," I add to his plan, as we search for a few stones on the ground.

With Hoseok's decent throwing skills, Mother Gothel or any other witch doesn't seem to come up. We stay down behind the bushes silently, awaiting for anyone to come up.

Once in a while I check behind me for any other people, the horse hidden fairly well too.

"It seems safe," I say, approaching the tower.

"I guess I should use the vines and the rocks sticking out to climb then. Lucky the ground has nice soft grass," I continue, stomping on the lush greenery underneath me.

Step one, find a good ledge to start on.

Step two, find vines to grab on to.

Easier said then done. Or, easier thought than done?

"Jimin, staring won't help. If you want I'll throw you like how I threw those stones," Hoseok volunteers, getting his hands ready. He talks as if he's strong enough.

"Okay okay, I'll go."

I take my first step, finding a secure stone to hold onto. Both of my feet find something nice to step on, so far feeling generally safe. Well, for now.

"You're doing well Jimin! You've already gone so far!" He exclaims.

"Jung Hoseok, I'm only half a metre above the ground," I sigh, attempting to get higher.

"Exactly! Positivity is the best remedy!"

"And honesty is the best policy," I mutter, blocking out the not so soothing ambience that's echoing in me.

I calculate my next move, continuing on my dear upward journey. It's like I'm ascending to heaven, mhm, definitely.

"Wah, Mother Gothel did her job well hiding Rapunzel like this," I sigh, my breath running thin the higher I get.

I near the window, as something gets retracted inside, an animal maybe?

I hear a shuffling of feet, as I finally go through the window, landing my feet swiftly on the wooden flooring.

"Oh, Jimin?" A feminine voice asks, as I turn around to see Y/N, blonde Y/N.

And that's something out of my nightmares.

"Ah! You scared me! Wah, you're so ugly like this you know? We should just cut your hair right now-" I rant, noticing the pan that's currently in her hands. As I make eye contact with it though, she hides it behind her back.

"When the chameleon turns red it's normally mad or there's danger, I was just prepared incase you guys took a while," She explains, putting down the pan on an oak table.

"Is Taehyung or Hoseok with you?" She asks, plopping down onto her bed.

I don't answer.

"Come on, just tell me. If they didn't want to go with you, I understand. I would do the same!" She jokes, smiling with her teeth.

"Y/N. You, me and Hoseok.

We need to talk."


Y/N's POV:

Wow. Never thought I'd tick off another wonder off my bucket list! Yep, someone climbing your hair is now checked off! So fun, I know I know.

"Ouch!" I shriek. How come I feel pain but Rapunzel has someone climbing her hair as if it's a daily thing? Oh wait, she does do it often. Ah, but still! Who would get used to someone doing such things with their hair?

I hear groaning from down below, sighing from behind me and well me? I am silently hanging my hair in pain. After this I might rant. Let out all these negative feelings.

"Is he close yet? Hey! Jung Hoseok you pervert! You better not be sniffing my hair! Hurry up!" I yell, getting a little frustrated with my childhoods best friends highschool classmate. That was a mouthful.

I'm exaggerating, but I needed to let out this pain somewhere and we'll, he happened to be the victim.

"I'm not a pervert Min Y/N! And for your information, your hair stinks! And I'm gripping on your hair because I could die so please chill," He says, as I feel harsher tugging in my hair. But it quickens the pace, as he finally makes it to the windowsill.

I honestly don't think he's a pervert. But, his reaction is priceless every time.

"Alright. Let's hurry along. While I waited for you guys I read my note, all I need to do is be taken to that thing with lights. Now, Jimin said we need to talk?" I rush, wanting to remove the weight off my head. Long hair which gets tangled everywhere isn't something I want.

"I think we should sit down," Jimin suggests, laying down on my bed.

Oh. It's serious. Like, serious serious.

Very. Very. Very serious. He's not like that normally. He's more of a clown in a carnival, not the concerned older brother.

"Okay?" Hoseok says, jumping into the other side of the bed near the pillow. I cross my legs as I sit in the middle of the bed, in-between them.

"Come on! Spill the tea," I say, trying to brighten the mood. Because right now, this? It doesn't feel comfortable.

"It's about Taehyung."

Oh no. God no. Not the best friend heartfelt break-up. It hurts. Trust me, I lived through it for the past several years.

Unless it's about another aspect of Taehyung. Did he die? No, that's impossible. We went to sleep perfectly fine in a safe story.

It can't be that bad, can it? His expression says so, and as a dancer, I know how important using face is in dance. And I know for a fact he's amazing at it, he can control it so well. So, taking an educated guess, it isn't the best news, is it?

"When we woke up, probably by the time Y/N informed the royal family how she slept, Taehyung went to my room. I sleep in one of the quarters near the palace so he visited me straight away," He starts, doing his nervous habit as he plays with his sleeves and fingers.

"We were talking for a couple minutes, laughing and smiling. Thing is at one point, when we hugged, I started feeling as if he's starting to fade away. And the thing is, he was."

He explains, as if he's reading the subtitles of a fantasy drama.

Alright. Time to not panic. No jumping to conclusions, we're not playing leap frog. Just relax. Mhm. Yep. Alright. It's fine. I'm fine.

I am not fine.

"I don't know where he is, but at one point he disappeared."

I glance at Hoseok, seeing his lip quiver at the thought that Taehyung is probably in some unknown place.

"I think he might've returned back home." He ponders, taking his eyes off the floor and finally looking at our faces.

"Returned? Are you sure he didn't just go to a different story? For all we know he could be in the same one as us right now," I say, fighting against what he said. I'm happy of course, the fact he might be home. But it's so farfetched, it's quite unbelievable.

"It's possible, but, I don't think so. We black out, not fade. And he... He faded away, his body became almost untouchable until his disappeared."

Nevermind. Most likely he went somewhere else. Great. Mhm. Nice.

I'm totally not worried at all. I'm fine. It's fine.

"Are you 100% sure, Park?" Hoseok asks, immersed in the conversation.

"Yes. I am. It wasn't a dream either, I just know it is. It felt too real. Ah, maybe I am going crazy," He tells us, his palm touching the side of his head.

"I believe you for once," I say, comforting him. Watching your best friend disappear without warning or explanation, I know the feeling well. It's as if the world is giving him a taste of what I felt.

"I believe you too."

Ah, this is why I watch romantic comedies not fantasy melodramas. Don't tear up. No, no. No crying. No sobbing. That is not allowed, illegal. Must stay in right state of mind.

But no matter what I say to myself, a few tears escape my eyes as I reminisce on the memories I shared with Taehyung in the past couple weeks.

"So, he really is somewhere else. How about this, we're not normally separated for too long, if after a few stories he's still not with us...

Then he really is gone," I conclude, rubbing the side of Jimin's arm.

"You're right. Ah, I should stop jumping to conclusions. Let's try laying off this topic and get out of here, shall we?" He says, standing up, as if the conversation didn't affect me like it did to the rest of us.



Hoseok's POV:

I didn't know it would be that deep. I was still recovering from climbing her hair, and then boom, Taehyung's disappearance.

Sometimes I wonder how detectives and policemen do their jobs with situations like this. Then again, they probably don't have to deal with multiple world's and all that.

"So, am I the only one who doesn't remember how Rapunzel here, ahem, me, gets down?" Y/N asks, clearing the air, trying to make it less well, depressing and dark.

"No. It's fine, just jump and we'll support your fall," I reply, getting ready to get down back to the ground.

"What makes you think I'll trust a perverted man and a short guy?" She says, looking at her nails for extra effect.

"You're kidding me right now."

"I'm not."

"Ah, come on. Stop being immature." I say, looking at her.

"Then stop staring."

"Am I not allowed to use my eyes anymore, madam?" I retaliate, getting a little infuriated and annoyed. Although, I think this may just be her way of fun. I'll go with it I guess, other than these moments, she seems sweet.

"You are, just don't use them on me, K?"

Did she just, K, me? Ah, I need to give her kindness lessons.

"Don't take it personally, I say K to everyone," She says, as if she read my mind, preparing her hair for the drop.

"I need a haircut, if only I could give it a five metre trim without tampering its power," She sighs, her hair securely laid down.

"Now come on kids, we don't have all day now do we? Come on, chop chop chop. Nevermind, you guys are grandparents not kids."


"You're seriously asking me to jump and pray you'll catch me?" She asks from above, contemplating her life decisions. And then she calls me childish. Then again, even I don't trust myself so, reasonable.

"Oh please, come on, we're trustable, aren't we Hoseok?" Jimin clenched his teeth, a forced smile appearing. Even a five year old won't trust him looking like that.

"Of course!" I lie, preparing my arms for her fall.

"We'll count down from five okay? Jump when we say zero," He directs, getting prepared too, as he stretches his arms.

"If I die, I'll haunt you for the rest of your lives," She threatens, doing some sort of sign language. She's probably cursing at us behind those tower walls.

"Five. Four. Three. Two. One...

Zero," We count as her body starts to fall down to us, her arms and legs laid out like a starfish. She's quiet, no sound coming from her at all. Is it a surprise?

A little, I would expect even a small scream from her, but nothing was heard at all except for the wind.

In a flash, we save her as she ends up in between us, each of our arms supporting her.

"Ah, thank you. I thought I'd die. Sorry for getting my hair in your face," She apologises, getting back on her feet.

"We need to get going. Mother Gothel can come at any time now, and it's already past noon. Let's hurry."

"Hold on Jimin, let me just, catch a breath for a second. I really thought I would get seriously injured because of you guys," She huffs, looking down at the floor. "Okay, you're right, have a minute to breath."

And in this minute, it was silent. Although her breathing was quite loud, compared to her average speaking it's quiet.

"Come on, let's go to the town. And Jimin, we need to put on the cloth masks again. You know, we are wanted," I tell him, untying Maximus from the tree.

And well, the horse doesn't seem to love me, at all. And the way it looks at Jimin, I can tell it feels the same way about him too.

"Oh Maximus! Do you mind if you take us back to the town, please? Just for a day or two, it would mean a lot to me and my friends here," She says, patting him gently on the back.

"And we'll get you food! What do you like, carrots or apples?" She asks, smiling like a kid in a candy store, or like a K-pop stan in a K-pop store, as if she's trapped in her own little fantasies.

"Apples? Alrighty then! Hold on, Jimin how are we all meant to fit on this horse?"


Y/N's POV:

So, we're currently abusing this horse right now by having three teens casually sitting on its back. Poor horse, it did not want this.

"Are we like, not suffocating him?"

"Don't worry Y/N, you haven't eaten so well so you're practically a stick."

"You're right! You're short so the horse probably doesn't know you're even on it right now!" I say, slapping him on the back, Hoseok being sandwiched between us.

"Do guys, always talk like this?" He asks.

"Yeah, pretty much. Plus, I'm still mad at you Jimin!" I say, holding a grudge against him still. That's reasonable right? He didn't mean it, I know, but I wished he tried harder for me. Come on, he could've subtly waved or something. Left a note on my porch, anything to let me know it's not because he hated me.

Soon enough, we end up in the Kingdom of Corona, yes, best Kingdom name, I know.

"It's actually really beautiful." I say, looking around the place. Most people here, they're smiling. It's like looking at flowers, but a human version reflecting what I imagined the personality of such nature would be like.

Painful faces and sorrowful eyes are rare here, as if everyone lives off rays of sunlight and solar panels powering then up. Despite the Princesses disappearance all those years ago, despite today being a day to mourn, they find ways to smile nonetheless.

"All kingdoms have their own beauty, but this one specifically really is special isn't it, Princess?" He turns around to smoulder, trying to pull it off. But fortunately, he fails, making me gag in the inside.

"If you're trying to make me throw up on your face Park, you're pretty successful," I say, walking around the market area.

"I do it because I love you!" He says, wrapping an arm around one side of me as Hoseok does the same.

"Let me join in on the love!" He beams, leaning his head on my shoulder.

They have death wishes, I swear. I hope my hair has nits so I can pass it on to them. Kindness at its finest.

"We need food. Do we even have money?"

But then, I feel a tug at my dress as I look down to see four female kids, under age ten in little dresses.

"Well hello?"

"Can we tie your hair, Miss?" One of the taller girls asked, promising smiles and jumping feet. How could I dare say no?

"Of course you can!" I reply, waving over to Jimin and Hoseok so they know where I am.

They all start lightly tugging at my hair, as one goes to grab a basket of flowers. I guess I'll get the iconic Tangled up-do, won't I?

"Miss you're so pretty! You're like a princess!" The shortest one says, fixing the front of my hair.

If only she knew, I'm the rightful heir to that throne. Unless they have another child.

"Do you have a boyfriend Miss?" The mid-height one asks, tucking strands of hair behind my hair.

"Me? A boyfriend I don-"

"It must be that guy in the red mask!" They point to Jimin. Why does everyone assume this, come on? Are they expecting me to drop my standards so low so fast? Kids these days.

"Ah, him? He's my best friend, not my boyfriend," I explain, clearing it up so there's no misunderstandings.

"Then please marry my brother! He's such a hopeless guy, how old are you Miss?" The girl with the basket asks, looking up at me.

"I'm eighteen years old," I state, hoping I guessed correctly.

"Really? My brother is nineteen! Please marry him!" She says, hugging my waste tightly. She really cares about her brother doesn't she? I feel the same too.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm not interested in a relationship right now," I tell her, rubbing her back.

"Okay! He probably doesn't deserve you anyways!" She beams, running around me in circles like the wheel of a motorcycle.

Well then, let's hope these girls do my hair well.


It's beautiful. It's actually amazing.

"Ah thank you! It'll be so much easier to get around now!" I thank, hugging each of the girls. This makes me want to actually have kids.

"Wow, the kids made you look a lot less weird," Hoseok states, swinging by. "What? You want an appointment with the young girls? You sure could use a makeover too."

"I'm good. Jimin over here found out where the lights will be tonight. North East of the castle, it'll be there. We can catch a boat and it should do the trick," He says, awkwardly smiling as he tugs Jimin closer to him.

"Huh what? Oh! Yeah I found it, it'll be over there. It's about two hours till sunset, so we have maybe three hours of free time until then?"

"I guess we should just enjoy our time here. What do you say, my dear colleagues," I say, coming in-between them like the forgotten ex in a relationship. As I hook my arms on them though, they throw me in the air as if I was a sling shot, catching me right after.

"Hey, interested in a haunting or a funeral plan?"



Evening falls upon us, a silk sheet of black with shades of blue and grey swirling in the sides and corners. Speckles of brightness light up, bringing my attention back to the brightest light of this night. The moon.

But soon, in the next couple moments new dazzling things will be floating around in the endless sky, in memory of the missing princess.

"Let's hop on a boat, the lanterns will rise soon," Hoseok says, as people prepare the warm tones, and inviting lanterns. Hues of yellow and orange will soon appear, as some are already lit and ready to lift.

"I'll go on a different one. You two enjoy the show, it's another once in a lifetime experience, a good one," Hoseok says, flashing a beautiful smile. Maybe he isn't so bad after all, just being himself.

We grab a boat, hopping on as the lanterns soar upwards in to the night, like miniature suns floating through. I reach to grab one, pushing it even higher as it reflects onto me, my eyes having a fire like glow in them.

I squint as everything blurs, like a filter is put on my eyes. But still, even if everything is like this, the beauty barely fades. It's so alluring, that I don't even want to leave this place. It pulls me in, like a million hands dragging me, but in a good way of course.

"Y/N, it's really pretty isn't it?" Jimin says, playing with the tip of my hair.

"Just like you."

I turn to him, greeting me again with that warm smile of his, as if he's emitting that soft glow like the lanterns.

"Let's just enjoy this sight, okay Park?" I say, as I look above once again, smiling the same way he smiles at me...


Word Count

➪ 3499 Words ☕︎          

A/N: It's been a long time since I updated so I'll be doing a double update! I was sick and had a lot of assignments which is why it's so late, but my schedule should be put back to normal now!

I'll try my best to stay on time. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and etc! love you all <333


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