Chapter 9: Warrior

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'A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.'

- Irina Dunn


Jimin's POV:

Well, isn't this weird. I'm in a room filled with different people... And they're Asian? Can't tell the specific ethnicity though... Hm...

I take in the new setting, as I inspect the area, seeing multiple men laying down on their beds. These beds are pretty flat, more of a thin mattress or a stack of blankets. We're all in a tent, the sounds of booming snores blast my eardrums, leaving me in pain and--

It's exaggerated, but it works.

I seem to be the only one awake, as the lighting outside seems to get brighter and brighter, the sun blazing on the exterior of the tent.

It all looks so familiar, but maybe it's because I went camping a few months ago with... My friends. Ah, where are you guys, the rest of you...

Where did you all go...

Please, I need to find you all... Please...

I shouldn't dwell on that right now though, should I? I should focus on who I have now, and that's Y/N and Taehyung. That's when I can begin to try finding the others. I'll find them, I'll find them all...

I promise you...

I notice a man finally waking up, his yawns startling the light sleepers in the room, as eventually everyone awakes, but I'm still sitting down, confused, despite me waking up minutes before everyone else.

And that's where I see...

Kim. Taehyung.


Taehyung's POV:

"JIMIN!" I cry, as I call out to him, ignoring the rest of the men around the area, because right now, they're all unnecessary atoms in my way.

Not to be harsh or anything you know.

I engulf him in a deep hug, as if I was a blanket and he's the soft little short pillow. He squeezes me back tightly like a lemon, as if he wants to suffocate me...

I... Can't... Breathe...

"Park... Jimin... Let... Me... Go..." I squeak, as he realises the strength of his actions.

"Sorry?" He apologises, as the whole room stares at us.

"Never knew you guys were so close," One of them grins, winking at us.


"Friends forever," I nonchalantly reply, as I sit down next to Jimin, to have a quick and quiet chat before we do anything else.

He looks at me and speaks, "Okay, first thing, don't tell Y/N about my name, because of personal reasons which I shall explain to you, in the following hours of this day," He informs as if he's a middle aged man with 2 daughters, a dog and was married but now divorced.

Yeah, I guess you can say I'm a little descriptive.

"What's with the formalities? You sound... Old, to be vague," I tell him, as he chuckles.

"Sorry, I got used to it after me and Y/N were in Cinderella," He explains, as I finally understand...

OH MY GOD WAS HE THE STEPMO- Ahaha, nevermind, he'd probably be given a male character...


I fangirl in my mind, or fanboy, my elbows resting on my knees with a sweet smile plastered across my face, as I daydream of all the possibilities.

"I'll explain more when I can, but just don't tell her," He asks of me, and I obey, unsure of the why though.

I love how he prioritised that instead of asking, 'Hey, how was your life without me?' or something. But hey, at least now I really know how he feels about her.

He likes her~

"Stop smiling like that Taehyung-ah... You look like a psycho who wants to... Plot murder?" He tells me, as I put on a slightly more serious face on, but my smile still seeping through.

"Okay Jimin-ah~," I call, as I extend my fingers to softly touch his shoulder and nudge him, acting all girly to confuse him.

"I think leaving you alone for a couple stories was the biggest mistake this world made," He sighs, as he gets up to his feet, lending me his hand.

"Let's figure out where we are now, shall we?"

As we follow the rest of the men outside, we here them saying 'Ooh's' and 'Ah's', our eyes still facing eye level, as we push to the front. But we finally notice they're all looking...


I slightly tilt my head...

And I see that...

She's on top of a pole...


Y/N's POV:

Okay, Y/N, it's only another life or death situation. Breathe... Breathe...

My heart races, as it starts beating faster and faster like it's running in a 100 metre sprint. Or to be more specific, it's going as fast as when I ditched detention because my best friend passed out and I was the first person she was able to call...

Although, to be fair, that girl Sohee was the one who framed me. I stole nothing but it seems like she only sees me as a rotten tomato. Well guess what, Soapy, your soap seems to be old and mouldy now.

But to the topic that actually deserves attention, how do I get down and how did I get here? It's like the fairytale world said, hm... you had bed privileges last time... SO, LETS GIVE YOU A POLE TODAY.

Look, I'm not normally scared of heights. But when I have no harness or something to protect me, I'm obviously going to freak out.

Stay calm and collected, okay. I have two weight thingies in my hands, so I guess I can... use these to.... Get down? Yeah, okay. Great plan Y/N. You totally strategically thought this through.

I heard muffled voices below me, but I ignored it, trying to keep my focus on my safety. I inhale all the cold air, as my lungs feels like it's tightening, the nerves getting to me. But the price is either, a bad, lethal injury or straight death.

And look, I'm not ready for any of them yet.

I grip onto the rope-like material firmly, as if it depended on my life... Because it kinda does.

I lean backwards, as slow as a sloth, being careful with my every move. My feet are on the wooden pole, as I slowly glide down, my feet creating friction to slower down the fall.

But then towards the bottom, it gets faster and faster, as if it's trying so hard to kill me. I land with a thump, my body slamming the ground with a huge impact, dust all over my clothes. It hurts a bit, but I'm alive, and it should be fine.

And that's when it hits me.

I connect the dots and do the math, figuring out where I'm in.

Rice puff extends his hand to me, wish his eye smile, greeting me, "Nice to see you again, Y/N," He whispers, as he lends me a hand, as if he didn't talk to me a few hours ago.

"... Or Ping... Or shall I say...

Mulan. Fa Mulan."


Rice puff ushers us both inside, as the rest of the men go and eat outside.

"Taehyung!" I call, as I jump on him like a little rabbit, or maybe a kangaroo due to my strong impact on him.

"Hey! I missed you, Y/N! Ah, I should give you cute name too since you gave J- Jinsin a nickname too... And yeah, I prefer Jinsin then whatever his real name is. Rice puff is adorable, but I want to call you...

COCO!" He exclaims, as if a light bulb turned on and it's glowing on top of his head.

I furrow my eyebrows, wondering where the name came from, as rice puff sits back to watch the scene layout in front of him.

"Coco? The only coco I remember was some sort of movie but that's it..." I recall, thinking hard about where he could've gotten the name from.

He beams as he explains the origin of this nickname.

"Well since you named him rice puff, I already know rice puffs are like cereal, and since it's pretty much general knowledge, I also remember the other cereal, coco pops! Except since I like you better," He glances at rice puff, "And since I like chocolate better, I wanna call you coco," He says cutely, his two index fingers pressing eachother, as he looks down shyly like a 14 year old boy who just confessed to his crush.

It's adorable. Hah!

"See rice puff! Your best friend likes me better than you!" I laugh in joy, as he jokingly glares at me, a smile still painted on him.

"Ah, Taehyung-ah, you're such a traitor. I thought we were friends," He says, as he goes to his knees. "Take me back, my dear friend, you know I loved you... Take me back," He begs, wiping a fake tear.

What is this? Drama Queen Part 3? Ah, I guess it's just part of his personality or something isn't it.

"I apologise, my king, for I have fallen for your lovely maiden," Taehyung too, bends down to his knees, as they now both look like long lost twins.

"I have sinned, and now I shall forever bow at your feet-"

And that's when the director cuts the scene as a man enters the tent.

"I- I'LL JUST GRAB MY STUFF PLEASE UHM CONTINUE BYE-" The man dashes out of the room swiftly, but highly awkwardly, his voice cracking after every syllable.

But like the crazy friends they are, they laugh out loud in sync, leaving my mouth hanging like how I hang up people on calls.

They really are... Special.

"Sorry... Y... N... AHAHAHA," The laughter just continues for a couple minutes, as I join in on the fun too, realising once I go outside, I have to speak in a tone lower than normal.

I look forward to this.

"Taehyung, how's your voice so deep? It's pretty," I ask, genuinely curious. Maybe I've gotten used to Jimin's high pitch that Taehyung's just sounds so much deeper than it really is. But I don't think thats necessarily the case.

He sighs, as we sit down on the mattress. "I think I was just born like that I guess, but don't worry coco pop, you'll do fine, they're meant to find out soon anyways. Oh! Let's check our notes again," He reminds us, as we look around the area to find it.

The smell of food from the outside tempts me, but I can't go yet. Not until I found out, or get an idea of what I'm meant to do.

I examined my clothing, and found it inserted in my belt, the paper peaking out only a slight bit. That's probably why it didn't fall out when I crashed into the ground earlier.

Just like how my best friend Rosie says, everything I need is on the ground.

Rice puff searches his mattress to find his, as Taehyung looks around too. But finally, I see them come over to me, but they show their hands, with no notes in it.

I hastily place it between us, as we look at the writing. I angle my head to read it. "Ice... What am I, Elsa?"

"Let it go~ Let it go~," Taehyung sings, "Can't hold it back anymore~."

"You remember that?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah, I remember... We watched it together, didn't we? Oh! I remembered something again! Before you left to go somewhere... We watched it, along with some other guys..." He recalls.

He's remembering something everyday... I feel like a proud mother... Just kidding, I'm glad to know he'll soon remember everything.

"Okay, I think I know what I'm meant to do here, and I'm honestly scared but, really happy about it," I tell them, as they smile confusedly, unsure on what I'm talking about.

"Alright, I think we need to cause an avalanche."


Jimin's POV:

I never realised, that Jungkook asking me to work out with him would help in a sort of, fictional world.

If you think about it, Mulan's story is a legend... A folk tale, but this version is just, the Disney version. So I think I've established that, this world isn't just fairytales... These stories are just, fictional, not only fairytales.

And since that seems to be true... WILL I MEET OLAF? That would be cute, meeting a snow man... Awh.

But I'm cuter.

Will I meet my favourite Korean drama characters? Like in the show Hwarang, will I finally meet Hansung? I hope so!

We started trekking up the mountain, as the climate becomes colder, the cold air touching my skin like a blanket of dry ice.

The sky was covered with fluffy cotton clouds, the sun barely shining through as our feet kept moving forward.

The wind blows, like how I blow a candle on my birthday, my teeth clenching together at this weather.

In the far distance, I saw moving figures coming towards us. We all take a halt, stopping in our tracks to see what's going on.

"It's them." A soldier scans the area with their eyes, as the figures keep getting closer and closer to us.

Yeah, I remember this... Time to, fight I guess. Put my black belt skills to use.

Someone passes me a sword, as we line up our shields, people behind us preparing to shoot.

They grab their arrows and swords, ready for a close-up battle too, but the figures in front of us stop moving...

Until they run again.

I see Y/N in the corner of my eye, preparing for battle...

I know her, she won't turn down a fight... I'm just worried, if things don't go our way. I'm taking an educated guess that she's never fought like this, especially in such harsh conditions...

But she's strong...

And today...

She is Mulan.


Y/N's POV:

Okay, just cause a simple avalanche. That's it. Then you're done. You asked for this Y/N, and the fictional world god's seem to listen to me.

It's my chance to not be the damsel in distress, I want to be the one to save them. Not to sound like a pick me or whatever, but I hate sitting down being the one protected. It's nice, but sometimes I want to be that person too.

As the gap between our side and the other closes in, that's when I strike.


One of them falls to the ground, blood seeping out of their mouth like a little stream.

Okay, well this thing is sort of... sharp...

Another one of them approaches me, weapon in hand, ready to smash my head.

But I dodge the hit, jumping into their back and slitting their throat, cutting it like a small piece of pork.

I guess being relatively small is an advantage... They're so tall and since I'm so small, they keep missing me.

Not gonna lie though, the saga of smelly characters continues, as the stench reaches my nose.

Cannons go off, as multiple beings from the other side blow up... Rest in pieces I guess.

There's people on horses, including Taehyung, who are shooting arrows at the opponent's, graphic images here and there.

In the cartoon this looked not so bad... Right now, pretty gross. One of the guys eye balls popped, as they mindlessly walk around the icy ground.

Never though I would have to witness real life gore... Thank god they animated this legend in a PG way...

Another guy tried to slice my head in half, as I slid between their legs instead, slitting their ankles. It's kinda scary that this feels pretty natural...

But that's when the big guy... Shin... I mean Shan You... Or Shan Yu, Yung? Nevermind, Shan Yu. That's when I see him.

Alright, time to save the world Y/N... Yeah... Or save China, or whatever country this is set in...


I run through the ice, the freezing texture underneath me, chilling up my whole body with just one touch.

As everyone keeps fighting, I head my way over to the top, but that Shan guy continues to follow me, as I hold my material in my arms, making sure I don't drop it.

But I finally reach the right area, as I slam the cannon like item onto the ground, as it goes off and shoots onto the cliff of ice, located a couple hundred metres away.

I see an explosion, as the Shan dude averts his gaze to the cliff, the ice exploding into a hundred chunks, splattering across the ground, crushing his little army.

Well, wasn't that a nice ice show.

I run away from him, as his eyes are fixed on the ice, his body coming in to contact with ground, crashing hard like a meteor from space.

The opposition is now covered in a blanket of ice... Although it's temporary...


Oh god... Rice puff is falling into the ice...

"RICE PUFF!" I call, as I make my way to the nearest horse, hoping I still remember how to ride it.

And to my luck, I do, as I hop on its back, positioning myself correctly, trying to make my way to him.

In the corner of my eye, I see the rest of the soldiers safe, on the other side of the land, as I near Rice puffs side.
Half of his body is stuck in the ice, his head peeping up at the top, and his arms flailing around.

If he doesn't die from losing breath, he'll die from hyperthermia.

I lean to my left side, extending my arm as far as it can reach, as he grips my hand, as I try to pull him up, tugging his arm as hard as I can.

He's safe...

He's finally safe...

I keep riding towards the rest of them, where Taehyung awaits us both.

"Are you okay...?" I ask curiously

"Yes, thanks to my warrior..."


Word Count:

➪ 2959 Words ☕︎

A/N: I know this isn't a fairytale, but this word doesn't necessarily stay at that. It includes every fictional story, or adaption.

Also, we're at our 10th chapter! Thank you so much to those who continued to read until this point.

Once again, thanks a lot to all my Wattpad friends and readers, I love you!


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