Epilogue: Questions

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'Like autumn leaves, you could blow away and leave me in seconds. I'm scared to lose you, so I'll hold you tight, no matter what.'

- The Author


Y/N's POV:

And I find myself again, in the bright white room, smothered in the chains that attach me to the black leather chair.

My mouth though, isn't caught up in some barrier. Instead, it's perfectly free. It allows me to now, scream my head off.

"Get me out of here! Get us out of here! Are you even human!?" I shriek, waking Jimin with my disturbing voice.

I wriggle around in my seat, the chains and straps holding me down firmly. "Don't."

Excuse me?

"Don't do that. No matter how hard you try, you won't escape. Plus it's a dream, it should be fine," He calmly says, as I wake up.

Thing is, it's as if I was dreaming about a dream. "What?"

"Ah, you're finally awake. Do you know where we are?" He asks, turning his head to me. I hesitate to answer, as I feel someone watching me. And not just me necessarily, but Jimin too.

Both of us. What that person wants with us though? I don't know.

"I've seen this place about twice before..."

He furrows his eyebrows. "You too? Ah right, I remember. I've seen this place a couple times as well, and all I remember was getting injected and falling asleep."

Injections... "Are we part of some experiment?"

He nods, but at the same time shrugging his shoulders. "It seems highly likely but I'm not completely sure." He too tries to get out of the chains, but it's as if the chains pressed harder the more he kept going, unable to move. "Yep. Highly likely."

Soon enough though, the door opens up. And in front of that white door, is the tall man. "Hello children," He greets, putting away the two needles into a shiny cart which lies in the corner. "Why are we here? Who are you? Is all this your doing? Tell us!" I demand, my eyes filled with fury.

But in return, I get a sympathetic look. Although he's still in a black face mask, his eyes says it all. After all, eyes are the window to your soul or something, right? And in those dark coloured eyes, was guilt and pity.

With his eyes alone, it was the only confession I needed to know. To know he has something to do with the fact that me and Jimin, plus Taehyung and who knows how many more are stuck in that crazy world.

"I apologise to you both, but I needed you. If you're worrying about your acquaintances Taehyung and Hoseok, they're both safe in their bodies," The looming man informs, fixing his simple sangria red tie. Tugging down the hem of his suit, he gets a thermometer and checks our temperature.

As he touches my ear, tucking a strand of hair behind to measure my temperature, I flinch. That touch, there was something odd about it. But I couldn't pin point exactly what it was.

Jimin is eerily quiet, instead of talking, he just examines everything. Silence. Something he wasn't all so good at, but now just like magic, he's become quite the expert.

"Before I explain anything, I'll start with the first basic information you need to know. I realised I should've told you first, but someone in the higher up told me not to," He starts, grabbing a brown leather notebook. Removing the elastic that keeps it closed, he continues.

"I don't make the rules. And it isn't necessarily my fault why you're both here. Ah, how am I meant to explain this and not confuse two teenagers? You're both in your teens right, freshman year of college?" I nod, glancing at Jimin for a moment. He nodded too, refusing to open his mouth.

"Ah, alright. Well I'll have to tell you, I am not the reason you guys are here. So don't nag me about everything and bombard me with questions, because I myself don't understand some things."

What? He doesn't know yet he's the one handling us?

"Huh? Then who did it?" Jimin asks, finally speaking up. "I apologize for I can't disclose that information. The person who had this position I have now, that guy is the reason why you have to be here. The reason why your friends were brought here in the first place."

Every word, statement, phrase. I tried piecing the information together, forming the big picture. All these etches and details matter, but there's so many blank holes in the middle remaining.

"Again, I'm terribly sorry this had to happen. Especially to such young men and you, a promising young woman. I also have to tell you another thing," Taking off his mask, he speaks again.

"I'm not completely human. Well, I was. It's why I am now given the ability to change in forms. In my own ways, yes, I am human. But I have already died, and I was taken from the afterlife to work here. That's all I can tell you about myself mostly."

Oh great. Another bombshell. It just hits like a missile in my mind, blowing up whatever left of a brain I have. If he's dead, how are we able to talk to him? "Like I said, as someone chosen to work here I'm given abilities. Including talking to living humans if needed."

"Where are we right now, are we still in that fairytale world?" Jimin interrogates, eyeing his straps. "Oh? Right now, we're in an invisible satellite. A large one may I say, it's more of a house in my opinion. I get to spectate the planets, and report back and take care of all these things."

So, he's working for what? God? That would be pretty cool not going to lie.

"And onto the next topic. The Fairytale World so we call it. I can tell you all about that. All though, it is weirder than the others. Probably the most special one of all."

Grabbing a chair, he sits down comfortably. Me and Jimin intently listen. "It's special because, unlike other parallel universes, these characters actually are fictional."

Pretty straightforward, right?

"In other parallel universes, those people are real. They look like others from other universes, and thats true. But their personality, life and experience are completely different. They live normally, not in a loop like those who live in the Fairytale world."

Alright. Other parallel universes? What? There's more? You've got to be kidding me.

"Fairytale people, they're created by people who live on Earth, or by someone who lives on a different world. Every word you write which is fictional, it creates it's own mini world inside that universe. Whether you write one sentence or a novel, it works both ways. That's until all traces of that world's writing is deleted."

Is that what happened with...

The last story?

"Yes. That 'fanfiction' of yours was deleted by somebody, I assume you saw that woman who was somehow visible when you travelled back here?" He asks, as I picture Rosie's face in my head. "Yeah."

"Wait so, we're here because that story got deleted?" Jimin cuts in, despite his silence he seemed to examine everything more than me.

"Yes, that's quite true. But, there's one thing I know I can't tell you. Why you're here. I can tell you vaguely. You have to continue on, and enter the other parallel universes."

What? More? Is that where the rest of them are?

"More universes? Excuse me? More? Did I hear that correctly?" Jimin voices out, clenching his jaw. Ah, sick of my presence already? Come on, it's only been over a month with me in your sight.

"I know you may think you'll miss out a lot on Earth, but like you should know by learning about such things in high school, time flows differently in different planets. The same thing goes for parallel universes."

As I continue listening, I understand more and more why and how we're here.

Let's piece this together, weird gatekeeper guy messed up so they hired new gatekeeper. Then we got sucked in. Alright, I'm hanging onto this information by a thread.

"Oh! And by tune flows differently, I mean slower. You'll miss out on a few months at most, depending on how long it'll take. I know it sounds like a lot, but they probably think you're in a coma. Nothing to worry about."

Immediately, I think of Mrs. Park, my guardian and Jimin's aunt. "How about the one who's taken care of me, Mrs. Park?"

"Ah, her? Don't worry, after your fell she returned to the flat and reported your incident. She's worried, but she's okay overall. She assumes you ran off with your brother," The man smiles, looking a lot less intimidating.

"I know it's a lot to take in, before I say anything else, you should have time by yourselves. I'll unlock your arms, so you can eat."

And at that, he rolls in two carts filled with treats. From soup to white chocolate, it was quite the assortment.

As I was about to take a piece of it, Jimin's voice is heard. "Y/N are you sure we can trust him?"


Jimin's POV:

I think over all that was said. How can we be so sure that all of its true?

"I don't want to blindly trust someone who's first impression was a mad scientist injecting odd sticky substances into my system," I admit, knowing very well he may be watching as at this very moment.

"Jimin. Since when has anyone told us any solid evidence? Any truths? We may not be sure, but it makes so much sense. It's the first thing that seemed real after so long," She argues, taking another grape from the plate. I grab her wrist and stop her.

"How do we know that isn't drugged? For all we know there's an illegal substance in that," I retaliate, raising my voice slightly. "Jimin, I understand. But please let go, it hurts."

Hurt. Pain. I shouldn't do that to her again. I don't want to make her feel like that. "I'm sorry, I'm just being careful. But, thanks for forgiving me. It was only a month but even if I gave you a seven year heartache, you forgave me."

She smiles, as wide as the distance between my thumb and pinkie. "Well you could say a little bit of fiction inspired me."

With her signature wink, she took the risk and continued eating. I tried not to give into the temptation of sweet treats and savoury meat, the drool trickling down my lip with just a glance of it. So tempting. But I didn't give in, refusing to take a sip.

And at that, the man enters again. "Ah, this'll sound creepy but, if you don't want to eat it, I'll eat half of all that and if you still don't trust me then I don't know what to do."

Agreeing, I allow him to take a few bites out of it. Surprisingly, for a dead person he digested and swallowed it pretty well. "I guess it's safe then."

"Told you so partner! He's dodgy I admit, no offence but I know behind the cold CEO Wattpad main character vibes, I know there's a softie lingering in you!"

She reads too much from that app. And definitely watches too many movies.

"You know, for a weird scientist sort of guy whatever 'form' you chose, it's cute. Look at those chubby cheeks!"

Oh. Don't I have chubby cute cheeks too?

The man looks flustered, sitting in front of us once again. He lets out a small laugh, something he seemed to be holding in. He lets it out slowly like a balloon, but soon that balloon pops and he practically explodes.

"What's your name? Your Earth name, when you were alive?" She questions, cupping her cheeks with her hands. "For one, I'm forty years old. Two, I'd rather not disclose any further information about myself."

"Oh come on! Please?" She asks, pouting her mouth like an abandoned puppy. How pitiful.

"I'll give you a different name I'd like to be called by," He surrenders, leaning back on the chair. "Call me Youngjae."

"See, not so hard was it?"

She giggles, becoming hyper from the mass chocolate intake. I take a bite from my, listening in closer. "Now, let us ask the questions."

"Alright, if you insist. Shoot," He allows, crossing his arms like an arrow on a crossbow. "What do we do now?"

"I'll explain that later," He dodges, closing in the gap between his legs, leaning in. "Hm, how about our other friends?"

"Like I said, they're in the other parallel universes. And I need you two, to go in there. Oh! I almost forgot, drink this," He says, taking out two small vials of cadmium green liquid.

"Alright. I'll bend the rules a little. You need to restore their memories but at the same time, continue on with the role you're given. I can't tell you about it because I don't know why," He spits out, speaking very briskly as if he had a ten second time limit.

"Restore memories? Is that how we return?"

"I assume so. But, you can't be suspicious. Two, I can't tell you about where you're going and what sort of place it'll be for you."

Noted. Watch me forget half of these things in the next few minutes. Because I know Y/N will probably do the same.

"Three, you have to go along and act in that world as if you really belong there, really living there and not just for show. You have to think as if you're part of it, because you two? You're the two missing pieces to this puzzle."

Too much information. Computer Jimin 3.3 is failing to load. We're puzzle pieces now. Okay. Nice to know.

"That's it? So we go through another world just like how we did in the fairytale world? It's almost a piece of cake. Even restoring memories were easy," She claps. If she wasn't restrained, she'd be jumping as if she was on a trampoline.

"Not necessarily Ms. Min. In that other world, the one I'll get you two to go in? The stakes will rise," He fills us in, finally realising we trust him enough to not run away.

Unbuckling the chains and straps, we're let free. It was hard to not even nudge his shoulder but then again, apparently it isn't his fault. Poor guy is just paying for someone else's mistakes.

"By the 'stakes will rise' you mean?"

Youngjae clears up his throat, "It's not just a fictional story anymore. You can't predict what'll happen. Plus, the ones there have been there even longer. It'll be harder to evoke back memories so for now, you'll both have to act as if you've just met them."

Y/N sighs, slumping back into the uncomfortable chains. "Do we get paid after this? I still need to pay off my student loans. Ah, my part time job boss will fire me too," She whines as if that's all at the top of her priorities. "You'll get compensation, I promise."

"So, what now?" I ask impatiently, wanting to hurry up with all this informing. "I'll show you around the place and you'll stay here for a couple days to rest, you've barely had a proper sleeping schedule. Come out here," He ushers us to the door, dragging us out of the bare room.

Exiting, I am welcomed to a luxurious ensuite. It looks like a mansion. High end couches, large doorways and lavish cushions. Y/N looks like she witnessed the impossible, her mouth larger than me. And ahem, I'm quite tall thank you very much.

"Told you it wasn't like a normal satellite. It's basically a floating house in the middle of the sky, inaccessible to any normal being," He grins, leading us to the living room. "Can we stay here for a few days instead?"

"I'll check my schedule but I think the higher up wouldn't mind. You've already helped two of them within two months Fictional World Time. Few days should be quite doable."

Yes! A long needed rest, and a proper sleep. No interruptions.

"I'll tell you anything else I might've missed tomorrow, and you're quite a beautiful young woman and fine young man. Apologies again that you've been dragged here," He opined, fixing the candles placement on the table.

"It's alright. We're doing it for our friends after all, aren't we? We'll think of it as a once in a lifetime opportunity," I insist, clasping my hands together like a cup stacking on one another.

"So, are we allowed to like, know what kind of place we're going to or not?"

"Ah, I may as well tell you that now too. The planet is called Arevria, Earth's parallel futuristic universe...

So kids, are you ready to start your next story?"


Word Count

➪ 2845 Words ☕︎

A/N: guys you've reached the end. Thank you so much, please read the authors note I'll be posting to explain some things.


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