Chapter seven

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Rosie took great care in sorting the possible snake monsters in her head. Gorgon was unlikely but still a possibility, then there was the cockatrice. Half snake with the head of a chicken, infamous for turning people to stone with stare. Another possible explanation but not the best one. Then something like a memory flickered inside her head. She saw an unsightly woman holding a bottle of green stuff. Half a woman with glancing eyes and fair cheeks, and half again a huge snake, great and awful, with speckled skin.
"Daddy I think the monster that did this is Echidna." She finally spoke up.
There was an awkward silence while Sam blinked and Dean questioned how that was possible.

"There's no way it can be Echidna the actual mother of monsters." Dean said.
"Well I don't know Dean remember those dragons Bobby said they were trying to let something in, it could be Echidna." Sam responded. The mention of dragons made Rosie jump into the air and make a warrior stance.
"You fought dragons? I will fight them to the bone." She declared.
"Awhile back yes but hopefully we never have to do it again because most of them got away." Sam responded and picked her up. This made her giggle and tug on her long hair.

"Okay so what the dragons get a girl they need and open the door, so Echidna can just walk through the door?" Dean asked.
"Maybe but this means that the headmaster might be Echidna, so we need to find a way to kill her." Sam responded. "If theres anything even reliable since most lore about Echidna was told oraly."
" wonderful that just what I like a hundred thousand year old mother of monsters with no way to kill her running around this town like she owns the place." Dean said. Sam glared at him for the snarky comment while Rosie clung to him. She looked over his shoulder and saw something in the distance. At first it seemed like a normal snake but than it grew ten feet tall and hissed.

"Drink....the...tea!" The snake exclaimed. Rosie screamed at the unexpected reaction yet neither Sam or Dean saw anything.
"Rosie what's wrong?" Dean asked.
"There was a large snake outside, I saw it." Rosie responded. She pointed out the window but the snake was no longer there. "Or it was there." She said in confusion.
"Don't worry sweetie I'm sure you were just imagining things, can you let me take a look at the tea?" Sam asked. Rosie nodded and uncurled herself from his arms, then reached into her pocket.
"Here the bottle spilled a little bit." Rosie said.
"Its alright I'll clean your jacket later." Sam responded.

"Okay daddy." She said.
"Go wash up I've got to see what's in the tea." Sam responded.
He kissed her on the forehead once he grabbed the tea. Rosie like any kid decided head off to the bathroom to wash her hands. The green tea smelled like old eggs but something was wrong as it wouldn't come off.
"So sticky." She grumbled. As Rosie went on scrubbing she suddenly felt a lump in her throat. She placed her hand to it and started coughing. At first she thought it was normal yet then she coughed again and felt like she might hurl. After a few dizzy spells she called out for Sam.


Sam checked the tea for any signs of poison and everything seemed normal. Until he realized that the tea smelled like rotten eggs if he shook it for too long.
"Ugh my eyes are burning what kind of tea smells like that?" Dean gagged. He coughed a bit and Sam held his breath to avoid feeling nauseous.
"Not normal tea snake musk, the tea must be infected with venom and musk which most people can't smell, unless its sprayed." Sam explained then choked due to the smell.
"Okay that's it get rid of that thing I'm going to be sick." Dean demanded holding his nose. Sam wished he could throw out the tea but they couldn't throw out the evidence.

"Not yet Dean we have to use this as proof for the hospital that way they can make an antidote." Sam responded. "Although we need to get this smell out of here I can't breath."
Before Dean could respond the two heard a crash from the bathroom.
"Daddy!" Rosie screamed.
"Rosie?!" Sam yelled back.
Sam's heart speed up and he dropped the tea bottle on the floor. He raced inside to see Rosie sick on the floor.
"Daddy I'm sick." She whimpered then proceeded to vomit all over her clothes which made her cry. Sam froze from a brief minute before his brain worked again and ran to her. 

"Rosie honey what happened did you drink the Tea?!" Sam exclaimed. She shock her head tearfully then clung to him.
"No I didn't I swear it just wouldn't come off then it smelled bad and no I'm sicky..." She trailed off to cough. Sam felt her forehead as just like the kids in the hospital her temperature was over 100°. Along with being all clammy and sweaty with some gray patches. She coughed harshly again and started gasping for air.
"Oh my God just stay calm Rosie it's going to be alright." Sam said. His brain went into full panic mode and he felt he was going to have a heart attack. He didn't even hear himself screaming at Dean to take her to the hospital. His own self hate was clouding all his senses.

"Hang in there kid we are almost there." Dean said as he drove. Even could see that nothing looked good and if Rosie was poisoned. Just like those other kids she needed an antidote before her small body gave out from it.
"Dean drive faster please." Sam cried.

Rosie kept gasping for breath as Sam held onto her in the backseat of the impala. In all of his traumatic life as a hunter he had never been so scared. What was he supposed to do don't even go there she will make it. He told himself before the negative thoughts could consume him any further.
"Daddy...I'm scared..." She coughed harshly in between her words.
"I know but you'll be alright I promise you." Sam responded even though he wasn't sure she would be. She kept gasping as and Sam urged Dean to drive faster again when Rosie suddenly stops breathing.

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