character info - Lilly Winchester

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Just you guys can get a general idea of what she looks like, and I have more actresses to play Lilly than I do for Rosie but for Rosie she's a shapeshifter so of course she changes how she looks.

Name: Lillian "Lilly" Kore  Winchester
Family: Adopted by Sam Winchester
Species: Siren, human (formerly), Olympian deity
Age: book 1 (two at the end) book 2 (3-4) book 3 (13-15)
Status: Alive
Hair: Wavy long  golden curls that has some a dye of purple in it.
Eye color: Emerald green colored eyes
Attire: Persephone is a very beautiful woman with wavy golden hair, green emerald eyes and a heart shaped face, with a curvy figure. In the underworld her hair seems to darken a bit. wears a pink and blue flannel over a green shirt and black jeans with brown boots.Very attractive, usually smiles.

Personality: Lilly is a lot like her sister Rosie as  is very outgoing and kind, she cares deeply about animals small or large and wants to help others. She loves Sam very much and often clings to him even when she's older.  The two first meet after she was left in the rain after a car accident and Sam is grieving the loss of Dean. Who is stuck purgatory, and unlike Rosie who didn't have any of her memories Lilly actually had all of them. She often talks about Her old memories with Hades or her mom though she plays it of as if  childhood pretend. This is due to her fear of being rejected by her adopted family. She also has a stuffed dog that is actually Cerberus and she uses him to help Sam get Dean and Cass out of purgatory.

Because a goddess she aged very fast and turned out to be a siren and later  Persephone though has no desire to be evil as she does not want to hurt anyone just like her mother. She is very pretty and loves to sing,  is a little shy but sweet. She also has a temper as turned Becky who was in love with Sam into a mint plant when she refused to take no as an answer. She loves her adopted family and follows in Rosie's example and decides to leave her goddess nature behind. She also has her own young daughter Maggie and another son Zagerus due to Zeus. This makes her terrified of Zeus, As she believes if he ever returned he is going to lock her back up. So that she can she can never find true love.

childhood years

Teen years

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