Mixed Tag Match

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Ethan's POV
Right now I'm looking at the card and I'm in a mixed tag match with Billie Kay? Huh I wonder how that's going to work.
Time skip to match
Announcer- the following contest is mixed tag match scheduled for one fall
Announcer- introducing first the challengers

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And their opponents

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Narrator POV
Ethan and Jimmy start out with a collar elbow tie up. Jimmy pushes Ethan into the corner and starts hammering away with rights and lefts. Then Jimmy hits a

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Jimmy goes for the cover but only gets a one count. Jimmy gets Ethan up but Ethan reverses and hits a

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Ethan follows it up with a

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Ethan goes for the cover but Jimmy kicked out at two. Ethan picks Jimmy up but he hits a

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Both Ethan and jimmy tag out.
Ethan and Jimmy are back in the ring when Jimmy got sent out along with Naomi. Then Ethan and Billie hit a

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Kofi- Billie
Evan- Ethan
Naomi- Ted
Jimmy- Cody
Ethan's POV
I got Jimmy back in the ring but he hit me with a tequila sunrise. He went up to the top rope and hit the

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but I kicked out at two. Jimmy went for another uso splash but I got the knees up. Then I hit the blackout for the two count. Jimmy then rolled out the ring but I didn't let him get any rest and I hit a

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Then Naomi hit Billie off the apron but I caught her

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The crowd was chanting for us to kiss.
Billie- pucker up.
Then she planted a passionate kiss on me. I was honestly shocked and she was blushing but I regained my composure and got Jimmy back in the ring and hit blackout for the three count.
Hey guys let me know what was your favorite part of the chapter. Till next time peace out.

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