Chapter 1: The Arrival & Big Plans...

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(BTW I forgot to mention that this story will start just after Extreme Rules 2019, so there's no baby and Becky never left, but I will be changing somethings)


Logan and Riley are inside Hunter's office as their about to sign their WWE contracts... how did they get here, well... it all started when Logan and Riley went to collage after school for football, unfortunately Rebecca and Logan split up as she started to travel for her wrestling, he knows she's here but well deal with that later...

But during a season friendly Logan got a nasty injury which put him out for a few months and Riley being a Goal keeper, well lets just say they don't get rotated a lot in football, so he wasn't playing either... and during this time, Riley thought it would be fun to try wrestling as both of them loved it as kids... like watching 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, Riley managed to convince Logan to try it as well and they both loved it and put all of their time and effort into it, then they started to travel around wrestling as well and when they were 23 NJPW offered them a try out which they crushed and NJPW offered them a full time contract where they became a force to be reckoned with... Riley now stood 7 foot tall and was 350 pounds of pure muscle, and Logan was only 6 foot and 200 pounds of muscle but with his high lying and Riley's pure power... the two were practically unbeatable.

Right now though, Logan is sat in one of the chairs as Riley stands as the big guy is nervous.

Logan: Will you relax... Jesus your getting on my nervous

Riley: Sorry mate, I'm just nervous...

Logan: About what... If they don't offer us a great deal, then we can always go back to NJPW or even AEW wants us...

Logan said pretty coldly... he hasn't been the same since... that day, Riley understands whys he's like this now, and he knows it's not aimed at him, but he does worry about his friend, Logan hasn't let anyone close to him since then... the only people he doesn't push away are Riley, and his parents and sister, Riley then sat next to Logan and before anyone can say anything  Hunter enters the room with two pieces of paper in his hands.

Hunter: Gentleman, I appreciate you both coming in tonight...

Logan: Cut the BS... what you got for us?

Hunter knew about Logan's attitude and he actually kinda liked him for talking up to the authority... which is one of the reasons he's here...

Hunter: Straight to action... fair enough... these are your contracts.... you sign them tonight and you start tonight...

Hunter gave them both a piece of paper and they are practically the same and the money is double what they are on with NJPW and how much AEW offered, now it's not all about the money for them but it is a nice part of the life, they both agreed and signed the deals and shook hands with Hunter as he pressed a button of his phone.

Hunter: Send him in...

The boys were about to ask what's going on but the door opened and the two turned around to see a true Icon...

Hunter: You two will be this mans henchmen... you'll travel together and you two will share a hotel room next door to his, also you will share a locker room and he will show you were it is and your new gear is waiting for you... 

Logan and Riley are still in shock at who there working really closely with but their team leader laughed and led them out the room after being dismissed by Hunter...

Meanwhile, Becky was sat in catering with Alexa Bliss and Mandy Rose, she had her RAW women's title on her lap as she ate a salad and spoke to the two girls, till Alexa brought up a very interesting fact.

Alexa: Two new guys are starting tonight... 

This caught Becky's interest as well as Mandy's every one get's hyped when new people get called up.

Mandy: Who are they?

Alexa: Don't know, but Hunter doesn't want them in NXT he's brought them straight to RAW

Becky: So like AJ?

AJ: What's like me?

The girls turned to see the WWE Champion AJ Style and the RAW Tag Champs Gallows and Anderson walking up to them.

Alexa: Two new guys start tonight and Hunter's brought them straight to the main card...

Karl: Oh yeah, we know.

Mandy: How do you know?

Luke: We worked with them in NJPW...

Becky went back to thinking about random shit till AJ said.

AJ: Oh yeah... a Riley O'Donnell and Logan... I forgot his last name.

Becky shot up hearing their names again... she knew that they went into wrestling after Logan's injury in collage as they still talked to each other, but she never expected to meet the guy she loved again... yeah, she loved him, she realised that when she first started to date Seth, but she never thought she will see Logan again so she settled, but now he's here... what is she going to do?

Becky: Kenway...

AJ: Yeah... how did you know?

Everyone looked at her strangle as they didn't expect her to know his name.

Becky: I went to school with them.

Alexa: Wait, is it the same Logan Kenway you told us about?

Becky just nodded as her friends didn't envy the position she is in right now, but Becky's there friend and they will be there for her every step of her journey, weather that ends with Seth... or Logan...

Karl: Anyway, we got a promo to shoot...

Mandy: See you later guys...

The OC then left to the gorilla as the girls started to talk about what Becky's going to do, but their attention is drawn away from their conversation, by the OC standing in the middle of the ring with all the gold...

AJ: Ha ha... didn't we tell you we would come out of Extreme Rules the champs... 

They didn't get to continue as the lights went off making the crowd cheer, The OC then heard someone say.

Riley: Get on the mat.

Thinking it was their new story, the OC dropped to the mat as the lights came back on showing two guys wearing all black with the their faces covered with an attachment of the hoodies covering their mouth and noses, the crowed cheered at the new arrivals, but what really got the crowed and backstage cheering was hearing an all to familiar sound...

The lights then went out again as the crowed lost it and cheered the roof off the place, but then it went again but this time the two guys were still there as The Undertaker was in the middle of them doing his thing...

(Picture Logan and Riley in their gear either side of him and the World Heavyweight title as the WWE championship)

As the Undertaker held his pose for a few moments Logan looked to see the Raw tag titles... he picked them both up and gave one to Riley, Riley took it as they both held them high as the Undertaker looked at his next victim... but then the gong went again as the lights went off, but then a few seconds later they came back on, but this time the two unknown beings and the Undertaker were gone... 

Graves: Cole, what did we just see?

Cole: I'm not sure Corey, but I think the Deadman has brought some help...

Graves: No kidding, did you see the size of the big guy... he had to be at least 7 foot tall...

Cole: But the real question is... who were the two standing with The Phenom...

Becky, Alexa and Mandy watched the show from backstage as they were all shocked to see The Undertaker return... but she could tell that Logan was there, she can tell by the way he acts, but Becky was snapped out of her thoughts by Alexa dragging her and Mandy.

Alexa: Come on, let's go meet the new guys...

They then made their way to the gorilla as Becky was excited and nervous about seeing Logan again, but when they got there they only saw Taker and Riley with is face covering off and hood pulled down, Becky looked around for Logan but couldn't see him anywhere...

Alexa: Hi... Riley?

Riley: Yeah...

Riley and Taker turned to see the three girls, but he was even happier to see his friend again.

Riley: Rebecca, it's so good to see you again...

He said picking her up in a hug and spinning her around making Taker, Alexa and Mandy laugh, but then Riley put her down and looked at Mandy... so he turned on the charm.

Riley: Hey, beautiful... I'm Riley...

He said holding his hand out for her to shake as her shot her a cheeky grin, Mandy smiled and shook his hand.

Mandy: Amanda, but everyone calls me Mandy...

Riley stunned her into silence when her kissed the back of her hand, Alexa and Becky noticed Mandy's face going red, but before they could tease her about it Taker patted Riley on the shoulders.

Taker: Listen kid, get the other one and meet me at the car.

Riley: Yes Mr. Boss man sir.

He said with a soldiers voice and saluting the Undertaker, making the girls chuckle at him and Taker to shake his head with a smile as he walked off...

Becky: Speaking of which... where is Logan?

Riley looked at her and his happy face disappeared.

Riley: He's in our locker room...

Becky: Ok great, I'll just go...

Becky was about to walk away but Riley gently held her arm, Becky looked back at Riley to see he was worried about something... Becky only had one question going through her mind... is Logan Ok.

Riley: Logan's changed, Becca... he isn't the boy you once loved...

Becky: Why? What happened? Is he going to be alright?

Becky really started to worry about Logan, and her friends noticed this as Riley gently placed both his hands on Becky's shoulders making her calm down a bit.

Riley: You need to leave Logan alone for a little while...

Becky: What? Why?

Riley: That's for him to tell you, but I gotta go... Ok... gimme your phone.

Becky did and Riley put his number in her phone as Riley kissed her forehead.

Riley: It's good to see you again Becca... please save him...

Riley then walked off without saying another word, leaving a upset Becky and a love struck Mandy and a really confused Alexa.

Alexa: What just happened?

Logan however wasn't having such a great time as the event's of that night are replaying through his mind...

???: Logan slow down... your gonna crash.

Someone said with a chuckle.

Logan: We'll be fine

The two bright lights came at him and Logan fell to the floor in a panic as Riley entered the room.

Riley: Shit, Logan you good?

Logan: No!... What a stupid question... I'm a grown ass man who can't let go off the past...

Logan got up and grabbed his bag and left the room, Riley quickly packed his bag and ran after him and caught him at the entrance to the car park... what they didn't know was Becky, Alexa and Mandy were in there area and heard and saw the conversation.

Riley: It's wasn't your fault Logan... I know...

Logan: You don't know anything!

Becky was a little taken back by this as all the years she's known Logan, he's barely even raised his voice, let alone shout at Riley.

Logan didn't say anything as he made his way to the car that he, Riley and Taker have been given to get from the arena to the hotel... Becky watched as Logan left, she couldn't help but feel sad for him... she doesn't know why but she now has a new found determination to help him, and bring back the man she once loved... and probably still loves...


(To Be Continued)

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