Chapter 10: Christmas & Becky's Birthday.

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(4 weeks later)

Today is Christmas day, and it's a day for Becky and Logan to remember as it's their first christmas as parents, but right now Becky is sat on the bed feeding Aoife as Logan is leaning on his elbow whilst they made their plans of going back home, Logan is also planning Becky's birthday which is in a little more than a month.

Logan: Okay, so we'll go home after your birthday?

Becky: Yeah...

Becky gently passed Aoife over to Logan as he sat up and held his Daughter in his arms.

Becky: It's your turn to get puked on

Logan: It's always my turn.

He said taking the baby towel and putting it over his shoulder, Becky kissed his cheek and then her Daughters head and went into the shower, Logan doesn't mind doing this as he doesn't really mind sick, but Becky hates it, so it only fair that he doesn't get her to do it, so Logan spent the next few minutes gently but firmly tapping Aoife's back as she rest her chin on his shoulder, Logan spoke softly to her just about how amazing her Mommy is and all kinds of nice things, till Aoife let out a burp, and lucky for them both there was no sick.

Logan: Well done, sweetheart, that was a big burp...

He said holding his Daughter and making her giggle by tickling her with his index finger, Logan then sat her on his lap as he waited for Becky to finish her shower.

Logan: Are you excited for your first Christmas... 

She didn't answer him so he continued.

Logan: Well I'm excited for you, you get to spend the day with Grandma Martha, and Grandma Grace, then you got Grandpa Chris and Auntie Dionne and Courtney as well as Uncle Richy... then leter Uncle Riley and his family is coming for dinner, yes they are.

Logan started to play with his Daughter again as Becky came out the shower without them knowing, Becky then spotted her phone to her left and she took a picture as well as started to film them, Becky smiled at the scene till Logan looked at her and smiled a goofy grin.

Logan: Happy Holidays!

Becky finished filming and sat next to him, all she had was a towel on allow Logan thoughts to take over him, but not for long as he was brought out of his naughty thoughts.

Becky: Why 'Happy Holidays'?

Logan then passed Aoife to her Mother and started to make his way to the shower.

Logan: I didn't know if you are going to post it, and I couldn't be bothered with the backlash I'll get from saying the same thing just with different words, so I went with the safe option.

Becky shrugged as Logan went into the shower and she got up with her Daughter in her arms.

Becky: Daddy's a silly billy.

Aoife made baby noises in response, making Becky smile, she then gently laid her Daughter down in her baby crib so Becky can get dressed for the day ahead...


The day went by pretty quickly as the two families had a lot of fun together, especially exchanging gifts, the most memorable was when Logan got Becky and himself matching rings.

Becky loved them as she gave him the bigger one and she slide the smaller one just above her engagement ring, but Becky was curious.

Becky: I love them babe, but why a puzzle piece.

It was like Logan expected her to ask as he answered her instantly.

Logan: Because you complete me.

Becky smiled and kissed him as their families aww'ed, making Logan flip them off during the kiss, they pulled away and then Riley came through the door dressed as Santa for some reason.

Logan: Why are you dressed as Santa?

He asked laughing as he slowly bounced Aoife on his lap as Becky giggled next to him.

Riley: For the little one of course, it's never too early to start believing in Santa...

The rest of the day went by with laughs and joy, they all sat down to have christmas dinner and all round enjoyed the day with family and friends, Logan did take the time to think about the past year... it started of so badly for him as he still blamed himself for Mitsue and Komi's deaths, but then Rebecca came back into his life and gave him back everything he lost on that day... love, family... and himself, they all sat at the table and laughed and joked till Riley asked Becky a question.

Riley: So, Bex... when you thinking about getting back in the ring?

Everyone's attention ws put on her as most of the people around the table thought that Logan got released for real, so Becky is basically answering for them both.

Becky: I was thinking Elimination Chamber, that sort of time.

Riley: A few weeks from Wrestlemania, I like it... that's on your Birthday this year, right Logan?

Logan: Yeah, June 8th... and I will be cheering her on all day.

Logan said kissing Becky's cheek, then the topic got changed and they all went back to enjoying Christmas as a family once again.


(January 30th)

Today is Becky's 35th birthday, Logan wouldn't dare tell her that but he still knows her age, Logan had the whole day planned, he is going to take her to the movies, then to bowling and to top it off a very nice dinner at a high class restaurant, Logan pulled out all the stops today, he got her a gift he hopes she'll like and even asked his parents to watch Aoife for tonight, they obviously agreed as it will help Logan with his plans.

Logan woke up early to get things started for her with breakfast in bed, so Logan did ecstatically that, he made her favorite breakfast and made her a cup of coffee and took it upstairs to their bedroom, Logan opened the door to see Becky still asleep with Aoife on her chest, Logan smile at her as she must have been woken up by her and held her in her arms then fell back asleep, Logan put her breakfast on the bedside table and took a picture of both his girls, he then gently took Aoife from Becky's arms, waking the both up in the process.

Logan: Morning Birthday girl.

He said giving Becky a kiss, she smiled at him and noticed the breakfast to her left as Logan went around the bed to sit on her right, Becky said the cliche stuff like he didn't have to do this and all that jazz, but she ate the food anyway, Logan then pulled out her gift he got her as he layed Aoife between them on the pillow, Becky put the plate on her bedside table and turned to see Logan holding a box with her name on it.

Becky gasped as she hugged Logan being careful not to squash Aoife, she took the box and opened it, Becky gasped as she saw the contents.

Becky shed a couple of tears as she kissed Logan.

Becky: It's beautiful...

Logan: Well, so are you, so I thought that you two would make a good match.

Becky smiled at him as he grinned back, they shared another kiss but pulled away when they heard Aoife making noise, they both looked at their Daughter to see her playing with her toes and smiling at them, and that was Becky's best birthday moment to date...


Becky is upstairs getting ready as Logan already is and is making sure that he has all his bits and bobs, like wallet and watch and all that cool stuff, Becky did ask what they are doing and he told her, so she didn't over dress, as they are going to a nice restaurant but it's not a suit and tie kinda place.

Logan: You sure you two can handle this?

Logan asked his parents a little worried about them looking after Aoife, it's not that he doesn't trust his parents it's just that Logan and Becky haven't spent this much time away from her and their kinda worried that something will go wrong.

Chris: Don't worry, Son... you two have fun tonight... just not to much fun alright... she wants to go back to the WWE, so don't you go rowing her dreams okay...

He said to his son with a chuckle.

Logan: Oh that's funny, that's real funny... how about if I come over there and beat...

Martha: Rebecca, you look beautiful.

Martha cut off her Son and Husbands banter as Becky came downstairs in some really nice casual clothes...

Logan smiled at her as she was beautiful in his eyes no matter what.

Becky: You ready?

She asked excited about tonight, understandably so, Logan and Becky haven't spent any alone time since Aoife was born, not that their complaining they both love their Daughter to the moon and back, but it's nice to get a break, Logan agreed and held her hand as they both left to go to the movies.


Becky and Logan are holding hands as they make their way to the 3rd and final destination for the night... Chapter One is a nice restaurant in the heart of Dublin Ireland, Becky was excited when she saw the sign as she's wanted to eat here since she came here for University back in the day, but she never had time, with her studies and wrestling, but now she does cause Logan remembered her telling him about this place a few weeks ago.

The two went inside and were greeted at the door, they were then taken to a private booth in the perfect spot in the restaurant, so they can have a private meal, just the two of them.

Becky: I miss, Aoife...

Logan: So do I, but look at it this way?

Becky looked at him puzzled.

Logan: They raised me and done one hell of a job, so it can't be that bad.

He said in an attempt to cheer her up, it worked as Becky let out a chuckle and the two looked at the menu, Becky looked at it in disappointment and Logan noticed.

Logan: Ask for it.

Becky looked form the menu to him.

Becky: What?

Logan: Ask them for it... trust me.

Becky decided to put her faith in him so when the waiter came over to take their orders, they told the waiter everything but Becky asked.

Becky: Can I get a side of Quinoa, please?

Waiter: Of course, it will be ready for you soon.

The waiter then took off and left Becky to wonder what Logan did to make them serve them something that isn't on the menu, Logan noticed and smiled at her.

Logan: Okay, well basically I know how much you wanted to eat here, so I did some research and found out that they didn't do Quinoa so I may or may not have bought the place...

Becky laughed at him as Logan smiled at hearing her laugh, he loved her laugh and would listen to her all day if he could, but then she started to calm down, and looked to see that Logan was serious.

Becky: Wait, so you actually bought this place just so I can have my favourite food?

Logan just nodded at her as this time she believed him.

Becky: How are you going to keep this place running, form Orlando.

Logan: I'm not, my Parents are... this place is going to be in the Kenway family for generations, it's kind of a retirement present for them, they've worked hard, now they can retire and kick back with this place...

Becky agreed with him as the Kenway's did work hard, well so did her Mum and Brother, the two then engaged in random conversation till Becky asked.

Becky: So how do you plan on your return?

Logan: Well, first of, I need to hit the gym again, then get this changed...

He said holding up his right arm to show his tattoo.

Becky: Why, I like it.

Logan: I know, but I'm not getting rid of it, just changed... it won't fit my character when WE return.

They went back to a random topic, manly about how happy they are that both Riley and Mandy are getting a push in the WWE, but then their food arrived and the two ate with smiles and laughs as Becky's first birthday in Logan's arms came to a close...


(To Be Continued)

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