Chapter 12: Life Back on The Road

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Logan and Becky went backstage to a small cheer from their friends and peers, Hunter gave Logan a hug as Becky held Aoife in her arms and she cheered for her parents, the celebrations were cut short when Seth approached Logan.

Seth: Look, things don't have to be bad between us... I made a mistake, I do not regret it, but Bex and I, we aren't compatible... I know I should have just told her but it wasn't so easy... but by the looks of it, we all had a happy ending right.

Logan looked at Becky as she smiled at him while holding their Daughter in her arms.

Logan: Yeah, we did... as long as she forgives you, I'm man enough to put the past behind me...

Logan said holding his hand out for Seth to shake and end the pointless feud they had going on, Seth smiled and excepted as the two shook hands, Becky and Charlotte stood side by side as the two men in their lives put the troubles in the past, but then Logan seemed to tense up and Seth dropped to a knee quietly crying out in pain.

Logan: But if you ever raise a hand to Becky or anyone again... I will not be so merciful... got it?

Seth nodded as Logan let go and the celebrations continued as Logan and Becky made their way back to their locker room, as they got their Becky set aoife down in her carrier as Logan took his hoodie off, Becky was about to get Aoife's and her stuff ready to leave till she got a facetime call from Riley, she called Logan over as she answered the phone, but they only spotted Mandy in the screen, but before they could ask where Riley is, the 7ft man ran across the back ground screaming...

Riley: I knew he wasn't leaving!...

Riley then jumped on his bed next to Mandy.

Riley: I knew that whole talk about you being a house husband was bull.

Logan: No you didn't, we had you all fooled...

The two then argued for a few moments till they finally agreed to disagree and let it be forgotten, the four then talked about random topics, mainly the facts that Riley and Mandy are now getting married and Riley want's Logan to be his best man and Mandy wants to do the same thing with Becky and Alexa, so Becky plan the Hen night and Alexa stand with her, Becky and Logan both agreed as they congratulated their friends, but they had to get ready to leave now as they need to get home so they can get Aoife to bed as it is already getting late.


It is now next Monday as Becky and Logan have got used to the travel plans of the WWE again, Aoife doesn't seem to mind it either as Logan keeps on doing that thing with his ear buds and quiet music that just makes her fall asleep for pretty much the whole flight, but right now Logan and Becky are walking into the arena for RAW as Logan carries the bags and Becky has everything they need for Aoife.

Becky: Our lockers this way, I think...

Logan watches as she has a weird conversation with Aoife about the location of the lockers. Logan couldn't help but smile at his girls as Aoife laughed at her Mum... 

Becky and Logan made it to their locker room as Vince, Steph and Hunter came in the room.

Hunter: You two know what you got to do?

Logan: Ugh, come out once called out and Seth and I get into a heated vocal war.

Steph: Pretty much...

Vince: Great, were all on the same page... let's get to work

Vince, Hunter and Steph left with Aoife as they are opening the show, so Hunter got ready with Seth and Charlotte as Becky and Logan got changed, they are going to be wearing all black gear tonight as the promos going to end up in a One-on-one between Logan and Seth for the main event, not for the title but Logan is scheduled to win...


Logan is dressed in his sleeveless hoodie, black cargo pants and black boots. he isn't wearing his gloves yet as he doesn't need to, this is only going to be a promo, but for the main event Logan will put them on, Becky however is where a black leather jacket with black tight trouser and a pair of trainers Logan bought her the other day, the only difference is her shirt says 'The Mum' instead of 'The Man'...

Seth and Charlotte came to the gorilla and the four actually had a decent conversation that didn't end in an argument, but now Hunter na Vince turned up and that mean show time, Logan and Becky turned to the Tv monitor to watch as the show started and the crowed roared loudly.

Cole: Welcome to Monday Night RAW Ladies and Gentlemen...

Hunters music then started...

Hunter came out in a really nice suit followed by the WWE Champion and Raw Women's Champion, the trio made their way to the ring with a wave of boo's coming from the crowd, they smiled as they went to the ring not caring about what the WWE universe thinks of them.

Graves: And what a way to start it Cole... with the sellouts...

Hunter then grabbed a mic and was about to speak till, Seth grabbed it from him and started to talk instead.

Seth: Okay, everyone shut up and listen...

The crowd booed again but stopped after a second as Seth continued to talk.

Seth: Last week, myself and the Raw Women's champion were just peacefully minding our own business when we were attacked by some one who was even supposed to be here...

Seth then looked at Hunter a Hunter grabbed himself another mic.

Seth: You told me you got rid of him, so why is he still here...

Hunter: You and everyone here knows that if he steps foot inside a WWE arena again he will be arrested on the spot...

Hunter was cut off by someone's music that the WWE wasn't expecting...

Cole: Oh my god!...

Graves: It's the CEO of the WWE, the boss himself...

Vince came out to a mixed reception from the WWE, some fans cheered, some booed and some even bowed, but Vince stayed on top of the ramp with a mic as Hunter, Seth and Charlotte tried kicking up a fuss in the ring.

Vince: I have to stop you right there Hunter... you see I don't like what your doing with my Father's company...

Hunter: I'm making it better... there has never been so much order in the locker room's before, they now know who the boss is...

Vince: And it's not you... you've made the WWE into your little play thing and I don't like it one bit...

The WWE universe cheered for Vince as he said what the people were thinking, Hunter, Seth and Charlotte have been walking around the WWE for the past few months as if they own it, but now the tables are turning...

Vince: I don't like it so much that I have brought some help...

Vince then stepped aside as Becky's them hit.

Becky gave Logan quick kiss as she did her entrance for the first time in over a year, she loved what she did and she does what she loves as she took in the loud reaction she got from the WWE universe, she then stepped aside as a new song started to play...

When the beat hit Logan came out the curtain as the lights came back on, the cored loved him as he loved the hug pop he got from them, Logan then stood dead centre of the ramp as Becky stood to his left and Vince to his right, Becky and Logan looked at Vince as he nodded and Logan and Becky shrugged at each other and charged to the ring and slide in as Hunter slipped out the back, Vince walked down to the ring as Logan went after Seth and Becky took out Charlotte, Becky just through Charlotte over the top rope as she rolled to Hunters feet, Vince stood on the apron as Logan got Seth in a head lock and ran at the ropes...

Once Logan had spiked Seth into the mat, Logan rolled him out the ring as Seth fell limp at Hunters and Charlotte's feet, Vince then got in the ring and stared at Hunter as Logan stood to his left and stared at Seth and becky to Vince's right and stared daggers at Charlotte, they started to bad mouth each other as the show went to a commercial break and Hunter, Seth and Charlotte slowly made their way backstage...


(To Be Continued)

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